All of You (1)

After enjoying a delicious lunch with their friend Priscilla, Penelope and Raven decided to visit a nearby shopping mall to buy some books. Penelope had been meaning to read more, but she hadn't expected Raven to enjoy browsing through bookstores. As they entered the brightly lit bookstore, Penelope couldn't help but notice the curious looks they were receiving from other customers, especially women who seemed taken with Raven's striking appearance. Raven was tall, with piercing dark eyes and a rugged, mysterious air about him that drew people in.

As they walked through the aisles of the bookstore, Penelope couldn't help but notice the whispers and furtive glances directed towards Raven. It made her feel both proud and protective of her husband. She reached out for his hand, bringing him closer to her side as they perused the shelves of books together.