Cynthia Goodsky, Eleanor's awakening, Auction, Departure

I'm going to start this chapter with a thank you, this thank you goes to r3tired_Villain because he has been supporting me with power stones every day since I started the series, which is about 10 days, and this made me want to thank him.

r3tired_Villain, Fkhri_Maulana, 4bdu1, Binnnz_1, Silver25_, multiverses_sage, GARVITMEENA, Shadowlord96, Care_Tablet_6802, Shadow90963, DaoistdIZELV, koiex, FES_DaoistReese thanks for power stones.

Give me power stones.

Chapter lenght : 1342 Words


I woke up in the morning with Nocturne licking my face.

I noticed Nocturne smelled disgusting so I locked him in the bathroom.

After she came out of the bathroom, I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

When I got dressed and left the room, I saw Eleanor in front of the door.

"Brother, my mother told me to wake you up." She said she was so cute right now.

I picked her up and held her in my arms, and Arthur followed us out of his room.

After breakfast we went shopping and Arthur continued to cause trouble there.

When we got home we saw Cynthia Goodsky.

This is Cynithia Goodsky, principal and founder of Xyrus Academy, the best academy in Dicathen.

She's not that good, I'm sure I can beat her.

After a brief greeting, they went into the backyard to test Arthur.

On the way she asked Arthur about Slyvie and Arthur told him a story.

When she asked me, I told him that Nocturne was just an evolved snake.

Arthur and Cynthia had a match and my family learned about Arthur's ability with the 4 elements.

Cynthia then cast a sonic spell and isolated herself and Arthur from the area. Of course I got in without any effort.

Seeing this, Cynthia was surprised and asked how I did this.

I told him that I was a greater genius than my brother.

"Keep talking, don't pay any attention to me, I just don't like being restricted." I told.

Arthur and Cynthia talked and Arthur told her that he wanted to be an adventurer and join the academy at a normal age.

I approved this because it was frustrating that it was difficult to participate at such a young age.

"Do you also want to join the academy, Apostolos, I am happy to invite you to the academy." she said smiling at me.

"As a student, I have nothing to learn there Cynthia, I already know everything, even your restrictions." I said and she froze when he heard my words.

"We'll talk about this later, Apostolos Leywin, but since you have nothing to learn, how about becoming a teacher?" said Cynthia as she quickly recovered.

"We can talk about it when the time comes." I said smiling.

Then we started talking about being adventurous for our family. Alice objected again, but Arthur began to persuade her. I thought to myself that it really works in times like these.

After that was done we started eating and Vincent and my father started chatting and decided to choose one of the twin horns as protection for us, or rather for Arthur.

"Osto, don't you really need protection?" My mother asked and I answered her.

"Mom, I don't think you'll find anyone in this world to protect a White core person, and they're just a hindrance." I said smiling at my mother.

Then we parted and I started talking to Arthur.

"Ask Vincent for a sword, I'll take care of everything else, don't worry about the mask and clothes, and tell him I'll pay." I said to Arthur.

Hearing my words, Arthur was surprised and began to speak: "How will you pay, Osto, and how will you do all this?" he said, looking at me with surprise.

"Don't think too much Arthur, I'll handle it. Just tell him what you want." I said, looking at Arthur.

Afterwards, everyone returned home and I took Lilia and Eleanor, sat them in the living room, and started awakening the mana cores.

Eleanor was very talented because she was my sister, I felt that the moment I started transferring Mana to her.

"Eleanor, you will feel a little pain now, but trust me and endure the pain." I said, smiling at him and he nodded in agreement.

I started transferring mana to him and forcibly created his mana core. Of course, this core was special.

I examined the mana core creation method in the guide God gave me, changed it and made it more special. Currently, I am awakening Eleanor as both an Augmenting and a Conjuring.

Over the past years I've streamlined the core creation process and figured out how to combine it all into one core so I can easily wake up Eleanor.

Then I woke up Lilia, but I only woke her up with Augmenting. (I don't remember which one it was, so I wrote Augmenting.)

My next days were spent watching Arthur train and meditating because I have to try harder to awaken my Aether core. Aether is really scarce on this continent and it's frustrating.



We are currently waiting for the twin horns to arrive.

The twin horns soon arrived and we welcomed them with tears in our eyes.

We are currently preparing for the auction and going to the place where everyone is waiting. I have Arthur, Vincent and my father with me.

We went down and saw that everyone was waiting for us. They complained a little, but we set off and went to the auction house.

We soon arrived at the Auction house and I noticed that the place was really big and stylish and looked really nice.

We went inside and went to the place reserved for us.

Soon the royal family arrived and greeted them, of course I didn't kneel before them, who do they think they are, I will never bow down.

After a short discussion they let it go.

Sebastian tried to touch Slyvie. Before the King could stop him, I threw him against the wall with a wind spell.

"It is rude to touch other people's things without permission, King Glayder, please teach your employees this." I said coldly to the king.

After these were over, the auction continued and I suddenly felt the intent to kill, I knew it belonged to Arthur, I thought it was finally time.

They said that this was caused by a thief, and this case was closed. Then the king bought the last auction item, the baby earth lion.

Sebastian came and whispered something into the king's ear, and the king offered to buy Slyvie from Arthur, and a conflict arose between him and Arthur.

One of the guards started running towards Arthur, yelling nonsense, but before he could raise his sword, I crushed him. Sebastian was preparing a spell, but before he could finish the spell, I crushed his hands and his staff turned into a pile of scrap. This was gravity, an earth anomaly.

"Take care of your employees, King. If they are so ignorant that they do not know how to behave, they cannot protect you." I said and everyone looked at me in surprise. They seem surprised at how I can kill people so easily.

"Do you know what it means to kill the royal guard, boy?" said the king.

"Do you really know what it means to offend me, King Glayder?" I said, releasing my killing intent. During the time I spent in limbo for nearly 100,000 years, madness had descended on me, and the memories I spent there coming back to my mind as I grew older made me worse. Now I look like a bloodthirsty monster.

Looking into my eyes, the king fell to the ground in fear and began to speak.

"I'm sorry, I'll train them better." he said, looking at me like a dog looks at its owner.

We then returned home and the king sent gold as compensation. I threw the gold at the ambassador's head and threw him out. It is unacceptable for them to use gold as compensation.

After these events were over, we started discussing who would accompany Arthur to dinner, and unexpectedly, Jasmine volunteered.

Arthur selected a sword from the auction house's warehouse and returned.

Then we celebrated our birthday and I gave Arthur the things he needed for his adventure.

We stayed home for a few more days, then said goodbye to everyone and Jasmine, Arthur, and I set off for the Adventurers' guild.