Adventurers' guild, Caera Denoir

This chapter is longer than what I normally write, so don't forget to send power stones.

Binnnz_1, samiir67, Mortis01, Shadowlord96, Shadow90963, SleepDao, r3tired_Villain, YellowBoy thanks for power stones.

Please write a reviews

Chapter Lenght : 1523 Words


We entered the adventurers' guild and lined up to talk to the attendant.

When it was our turn, Jasmine spoke: "I want to sponsor them in the placement exam." she said.

The attendant stammered and led him to Kaspian's room.

"I know Miss Flamesworth, you can come out, Mary." said the attendant, whose name was Mary.

"How are you these days, Miss Flamesworth, it's been a long time since I talked to your father." she said. At this time, I saw Jasmine clenching her hands into fists.

Kaspian introduced himself "I am Kaspian Bladeheart. Nice to meet you. I am the head of this branch of the guild." said.

"Normally you have to go through many checks before taking the exam, but since Miss Flamesworth is sponsoring you, all you have to do is duel one of the examiners." said Hazar.

Kaspian "Can you give me a name by which I can call you?" he said, looking at the two of us.

"Note," said Arthur and shook Kaspian's hand.

"Gray Rose" I said coldly when Kaspian looked at me.

"Nice to meet you again." said Kaspian.

"Take them to the exam area, Mary." said Kaspian to Mary.

When we entered the exam area, I saw a bald man shouting and attacking. They're really all a bunch of idiots.

The examiner put him in class D, and the second person was a girl who fell to the ground while taking the exam.

A blonde haired boy insulted him in an annoying voice.

The girl was placed in class C by the examiner.

They then placed Elijah in class B without taking the exam.

It was Lucas' turn, the annoying blonde haired boy cast fire spells at the examiner and attacked the examiner even though the examiner had finished the exam but was stopped by the swordsman.

The examiner placed Lucas in class B.

It's Arthur's turn. Just as the examiner swordsman was about to begin the exam, Kaspian arrived and took over the exam.

While fighting Arthur Kaspian, I realized that Kaspian was really experienced.

After Arthur finished the battle with Kaspian, Kaspian gave Arthur the B rank because Arthur did not want to attract too much attention.

"Grey Rose, please come to the stage." said Kaspian.

I came in front of him with a slight jump.

The battle started immediately and advanced towards me. I easily blocked him and threw him back with the sword I took from Vincent.

"It seems I underestimated you, Mr. Grey." said Kaspian.

"Just fight, Kaspian." I told.

He attacked me again, but this time the wind wrapped around his sword.

I lunged towards Kaspian and attacked him, all of my attacks were very heavy and he seemed to have difficulty blocking my attacks.

I used one of my attacks with my pure power, without using any mana. (Osto is very strong right now, if he swings his hand with a little force, he can create air pockets.)

Void Sword Arts Stage 1: Sword of destruction

The destruction brought by this attack caused Kaspian to crash into the wall of the arena and fall to the ground.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and announced the result.

"Gray Rose rank AA." he said as he stood up.

I heard Dumb Blonde Lucas' voice from behind.

"How did he become AA level when I wasn't even A level?" shouted Lucas.

"Shut up, idiot, or I'll cut off your head and hang it on the door of the Adventurer's Guild." I said, revealing my bloodthirsty aura.

A heavy pressure fell on the entire arena.

I could see people around me having trouble breathing, but I didn't care.

Lucas fell to his knees and began to beg.


"Next time, be careful who you talk about, or death will come knocking on your door." I said coldly, looking at Lucas.

We left there and went to get our Adventurer license.

After getting our license, we passed through the teleportation gate and arrived at Beast Glades.

"We are parting ways here, see you in 2 months." I said, looking at Jasmine and Arthur.

I leave Jasmine and Arthur and begin my adventure on my own. I guess I'm back in this disgusting forest again, but it's a lot of fun.

I think I'm really going crazy, killing shouldn't be fun, I need to fix myself.



I'm currently sitting on a rank S monster.

I just think I should sleep, I'm really tired, I'm sick of seeing monsters.

I'm about to form my Aether core, I need to go focus on my core.

There isn't even a monster here that can force me to use Nocturne's will, so I have to go to other continents.

Nocturne's will is very strong indeed.

I can use all 3 types of Aether.

There are 3 types of Aether:

Spatium, controlling space.

Aevum, control the time.

Vivium, controlling Existence.

Nocturne's will allows me to control all of this, and because my bond with her is so strong, I can undergo a complete transformation.

While I was sitting, I heard a voice, it sounded like a girl's voice, and I wondered what it was that had escaped my perception, so I went there.

I saw a girl the same age as me. She had midnight blue hair and ruby ​​red eyes.(When I researched Caera's age, I found out that she was the same age as Arthur and decided to write her at the same age.)

I realized that my heart was pounding when I saw her. I realized that this was love, a feeling I had never felt since I came to this world.

Memories from my previous life came to my mind. I realized that the person in front of me was Caera Denoir. I have no idea what she's doing here.

Shouldn't it be in Alacryan? The more I looked at her, the more I wanted to look at her, but his current state is really miserable, as if someone took him, dragged her by force and left her here.

I took my robe and threw it over her and held him up.

Void Step Arts Stage 3 : Space Steps

I took Nocturne and Caera and teleported to the cave I made.

Before I put Caera to bed, I washed her with water magic, then dried her, combed her hair with wind magic, and, closing my eyes, dressed her in an outfit made of Aether. (Even if he doesn't have an Aether core, he can still manipulate Aether and integrate it into reality, because why not.)

I picked him up, put him on the bed and covered him.



I've been resting my eyes for 8 hours. It really wouldn't be a problem to be like this forever.

"A-Ah" I heard a grunt and when I opened my eyes and looked to the side I saw that the voice was coming from Caera.

I immediately went to her and said, "Are you okay, do you need anything?" I asked.

When she saw me, he immediately got on the bed and took his guard.

"Oh you must be surprised, calm down." I said smiling at him. I don't know why I feel this way, but it's like there's something that draws me to her.

"Who are you, what do you want from me?" Caera shouted and scanned the cave carefully.

"My name is Caera Denoir. I don't know what I was doing in that dungeon. I was sleeping in my palace and suddenly a group kidnapped me and threw me there and I could neither fight nor run away. That monster was very strong. So I decided to dig a small place for myself and hide there and after a while there was an explosion and you You came and started chopping up monsters like they were nothing." she said, looking at me warily.

"Now tell me your identity or I will continue to attack you and commit suicide." she said, looking bravely into my eyes.

I was amused by this, to be honest, I wanted to challenge her and I did.

"I challenge you to do it, Caera Denoir, come on, commit suicide by looking into my eyes." I challenged, looking at her.

Just as she was about to bite his tongue, I held her tongue with my thumb and index finger and inserted my fingers between his teeth.

She took the opportunity and started punching me. If a kid my age had taken those punches, there probably wouldn't be a single piece of him left, but that didn't matter to me.

When he realized that what she was doing was not working, hse stopped and tried to speak by holding his tongue.

"Levt me go avnd I'll dow whatever you want." He said he gave up when he realized that nothing she did would work.

"Then allow me to introduce myself. I'm Apostolos Leywin. Nice to meet you." I said and released her tongue.

When I looked at the saliva on my fingers, I wanted to lick them, but I realized that would make Caera disgusted with me, so I didn't.

I think I'm getting off track.