Aether core, Calm life, Caera the Adventurer

This chapter is 500 words more than what I said in chapter 2, that is, between 800-1200 words than I planned, so do not spare your power stones from me and share the book so that I can reach more users and people. Feel free to criticize me.

Binnnz_1, DaoistdIZELV, yagami_void, Samuel_Diego, Bege_Gaming, 4bdu1, Shadow90963, Kaan_ZEYREK, sleepinghead, DaoistNDDZHu, r3tired_Villain, GARVITMEENA Thanks for Power Stones.

Chapter Lenght : 1764 Words


"Hey, how long can you sit here and meditate? It's boring." said Caera, sitting with Nocturne in her lap. I still don't know how she let Nocturne touch him, but I didn't worry too much about it. It's good that Nocturne gets along well with her because I plan for her to live with me forever in the future.

"Just one more week and then I'll get an ID for you just wait I have a job right now." I said, smiling at Caera.

I don't know why I'm smiling, I'm just happy and this feeling makes me feel nice for no reason.

"We've been here for a week anyway, at least according to what you said, and you're just meditating, and there's nothing I can do. Have a little mercy on me." Caera said, puffing out her cheeks.

When I opened my eyes and looked at her, she was still looking at me with puffy cheeks and an angry expression. I stood up and went to her.

When I opened my eyes and looked at her, she was still looking at me with puffy cheeks and an angry expression. I stood up and went to her.

I raised my hand. Seeing this, Caera immediately closed her eyes, but the slap she expected did not come. All I did was poke her cheek with my index finger.

"Hey, what are you really doing?" Her face turned red.

Now she looks at me with shame and tears in her eyes. I realized I was bullying her too much and patted his head.

She rolled her eyes and looked at me. I continued to caress his very sweet head.

"Hands off, you're ruining my hair." she said while trying to push my hand away from his head with both hands.

All I really wanted was to mess up her hair, which would make her let me touch her hair because no one could give her a comb and I made sure she couldn't straighten it without one.

I really feel like I'm going crazy for her. Why am I like this? Normally I'm a pretty chill person. I almost lost my emotions.

Caera's voice broke me out of my reverie. "Give me a comb, you ruined my hair." aforementioned.

"Not unless I comb your hair." I said, grinning at her.

"You're just a bully, why are you doing this?" she said with the same angry expression.

I made two stools out of Aether, sat on one and pointed to the stool in front of me.

"Come sit down, I'll comb your hair." I said smiling at her.

She knew her hair would be ruined if it wasn't combed, so she sat on the stool sulking.

I slowly combed her hair, I liked it very much. Her hair was really beautiful, it was silky and parted into strands, it was very beautiful. I combed them as gently as I could.

Touched by my kindness, Caera slowly stopped sulking. I was subconsciously using my skills on him.

Void Element Arts Stage 6: Life Element

I don't know why I use this, but I've noticed that it gets better the more I use it. Her skin color changed and became more vibrant. Her hair has gained a more vibrant color and is now softer. The improvement in his body was truly visible.

"What are you doing to me?" Caera said in a relieved tone.

"I'm just healing you with some skills." I said, smiling at Caera.

After 5 minutes, I finished combing her hair.

I lived these 5 minutes like an eternity. All I wanted was to communicate with her more, but that would push her away from me, so I didn't overdo it.

"That's enough, your hair looks beautiful now, don't disturb me for a week, Nocturne will accompany you." I said and walked away from her and entered the private compartment I had opened for myself in the cave.

I'm currently trying to build my Aether core.



With a soft explosion, I formed my Aether core.

I had written runes around the room before to make sure Caera couldn't hear this, and it seemed to work.

Now what I need to do is combine the 3 cores, but before that I need to get my other two cores to the purple phase.

Actually, there was no such technique in the Secret Void Arts book, but after reviewing it, I realized that I could do it and I would be very powerful. (I decided to name the guide I received from God from Secret Void Arts.)

I will be the strongest and take revenge on God for causing the destruction of my life. I spent almost 100,000 years in limbo because of him.

I will definitely take revenge and destroy them all.

When I left my room in the cave, I saw a sweet Caera playing with Nocturne, wearing one of the daily clothes I prepared for her, and stroking Nocturne's head. Because she wasn't strong enough, she didn't notice me approaching her, so I stared at him for a long time and memorized this scene.

I touched her head and he jumped in fear.

"AAAAAAAA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she shouted but it was really funny now, I started laughing.

"Hahahahahah Caera Denoir, is this really you? Where is that person who challenged me and attempted suicide two weeks ago?" I said looking at her and laughing.

"You're just a dirty bully." she said, turning her head in another direction.

I saw that she still hadn't let go of Nocturne, so I called out to Nocturne to make her even more angry.

"Nocturne, come here and let me pet your head." I said and Nocturne broke free from Caera's embrace and climbed on top of me.

Seeing that her only friend had betrayed her, Caera began to cry.

I think I overdid it, I thought I shouldn't have done this.

I went up to her and hugged her and said simple words to calm him down.

"I'm sorry Caera, I think I exaggerated, I hope you can forgive me." I said, caressing his head with intense affection.

After half an hour, Caera stopped crying and started punching my chest while I was still hugging her.

The Life element spell I cast on her seems to have worked and she is much stronger than when she first arrived.

A bright white fire briefly appeared in her hands. I realized that this was soul fire and immediately grabbed his wrists and stopped her. (When I asked the artificial intelligence, it said that there was no color given for Spirit fire, so I set its color as white because why not.)

"That's enough Caera, look at your hands and calm down." I said, looking into Caera's eyes with compassion.

She looked at her hands and realized that she had inherited the fire power of the Spirit and spoke.

"I finally awakened this ability, huh, thank you Apostolos Leywin." she said, looking into my eyes with the brave voice of the first day.

"This is the Caera Denoir I know." I said, looking coldly into her eyes.

When she looked at me, I felt a tremor and I realized that this tremor was coming from her.

She started shaking as if she had seen something very scary and I realized that this was normal. It's hard to look into my eyes.

Then I looked into her eyes again and spoke.

"Look into my eyes, Caera." I said and she raised her head and looked at me, this time there was compassion in my eyes.

These feelings aroused her, and when she looked down, she realized she was in my arms, sitting on my lap, and her face turned as red as a tomato.

"L-let me go." she said and I noticed the situation and left her.

"I'm sorry, I got distracted." I said as I continued to smile at her.

I noticed that my clothes were wet, probably from her tears, but I'm happy with this situation.

Her scent was all over my body and it made me so happy because now I can smell her whenever I want. I wrapped a layer of mana around me to keep the scent from going away.

"Let's go Caera, we need to get you an Adventurer ID." I said, looking at Caera.

She nodded and came to me. I had already told him everything about this place.

"I am sad." I said and took her under my arm, pulled her close and used my technique.

Void Step Arts Stage 3: Space Steps

We suddenly appeared in an alley near the Adventurers guild and I let her go.

"Close your cloak, your face attracts too much attention." I told.

I grabbed her wrist and dragged him to the adventurers' guild.

We came to the registrar and I spoke.

"I want to meet Kaspian." I said and handed her my adventurer card without giving her a chance to speak.

When the adventurer saw my card, she stepped back and spoke.

"Please follow me, Mr. Gray Rose." aforementioned.

We followed her and soon arrived at Kaspian's room and went inside.

"It's been a long time, Caspian." I told.

"Actually, it hasn't been that long, Mr. Gray Rose." said Kaspian, smiling.

"I don't care, I came here to record." I said, looking coldly at Kaspian.

"Of course Mr. Gray Rose I can handle this for you." he said laughing.

"He doesn't need to take the exam, he can directly start working as a Class A Adventurer." I said to Kaspian, pointing at Caera.

"We can't give everyone an A-rank adventurer card, Mr. Gray Rose." said Kaspian, his smile fading.

"I can vouch for her, she is strong enough to be an A-Rank adventurer." said Kaspiana coldly.

"So do you have a nickname I can register him as an adventurer with?" he said, looking at Caera.

Before Caera could answer, I answered.

"Night Rose. You can call her Night Rose." I said to Caspian.

"Okay then I'll save it as Night Rose." said Kaspian and picked up an adventurer card with an A on it.

I gave the card to Caera and we left the Adventurers Guild and went down an alley. I pulled her under my arm again and used my technique.

Void Step Arts Stage 3: Space Steps

When we reached the cave, I left her there and talked.

"Caera Denoir, from now on we will go on a 1-year adventure with you, prepare for it." I said, grinning.