Lesson 2, Spending time with Nocturne, Speaking

 The next chapter will probably come on Thursday and I will upload chapter 3 on Thursday.

GARVITMEENA, Shadow90963, sleepinghead, Ruminker, Raksha_Hell, Immortal_Sparrow, ElianDB, oldeus, Mr002, Ashura_Zen, Ali_88, Pragyan_Sharma, spoiler_guy71, FES_DaoistReese Thanks for power stones.

Give me power stones

Chapter Lenght : 1222 Words


I woke up in the morning, left the mansion, and before Caera left, she quickly kissed me. She headed to her class, and I went to the class where I was the teacher.

As I opened the door, the students were still talking, and I noticed a few new students who weren't there in the previous class.

"SILENCE," I said, using a sound spell.

"For the new students, this class focuses on mana training and combat. I will teach you how to use mana and how to fight in this class," I said, scanning the new students.

"After the previous class, where I taught you how to request mana while using it, I'll give a brief summary before moving on to today's topic," I continued, facing the class.

After a 15-minute recap, I moved on to the main topic of the day.

"Today, we'll discuss saving mana while using magic and how to strengthen your spells," I explained.

"The use of magic essentially involves creating and compressing mana. When creating a spell, you form the outer framework first. This method leads to significant mana losses because you create the outer mold first and then fill it. However, if you start by forming the inner part and then complete the outer layer, you'll use less mana. With enough mastery, you can efficiently complete the spell, creating a magic devoid of mana gaps," I said, demonstrating a spell for them to see.

A fireball formed in my hand, then shrank inward to become a wind sphere.

"As you can see, the spell becomes much tighter and more powerful this way," I explained and tossed the spell at a wooden puppet.

The puppet disappeared, and I dispelled the spell before it hit the wall.

The students watching the spell were shocked, and I canceled the sound spell to hear their questions.

"Anyone who wants to ask questions, go ahead," I said, answering a few questions and providing more detailed explanations.

"Now, those who showed progress in the topic I discussed last week, come forward and demonstrate. We'll also cover today's topic," I said, and a few students raised their hands. I selected them and moved on to the combat training section, where they showcased their improvements.

After checking their progress, I took the students who excelled in the previous topic and corrected their mistakes regarding today's lesson.

Although the class went 30 minutes over the usual time, there were no complaints because I had granted them extra power.

The class ended, and I decided to go back to the mansion to rest. Upon entering the house, I encountered Nocturne again, who jumped into my arms in human form. I lifted Nocturne and kissed their forehead.

"Osto, spending time with you is delightful," Nocturne said, rubbing their nose against my chest.

I was touched by Nocturne's sweet gestures and affectionately stroked their head. Describing Nocturne's cuteness would require a few books.

Nocturne looked at me with puffed-up cheeks because I messed up their hair again.

"Hahaha, Nocturne, you look so adorable that I can't explain it," I said, laughing while looking at Nocturne.

"Enough, Osto. Both Caera and I don't like these head pats, and you know it well," Nocturne said, giving me an annoyed look. But that just triggered my cuteness overload.

"Nocturne, how about visiting Caera?" I suggested.

"Of course, you barely showed me the academy. I want to see it," Nocturne said.

Later, Nocturne jumped onto my body and coiled around me with their form.

First, I showed them around the academy, then the classrooms. Since I could remain hidden from all eyes, there were no issues during our tour.

In one of the classrooms, I saw Arthur and also that annoying idiot Lucas Wykes. How could he still be so arrogant after what I put him through? I contemplated whether to kill him, but after what I did to him, he should have the decency not to act so arrogantly.

I observed them for a while, and when Lucas used an area-effect spell, Arthur, proficient in wind magic, suffocated him until he passed out. The shock on the teacher's face was amusing.

It seemed that Tessia couldn't fully assimilate the Beast Cores I gave her, and it was causing strain on her body.

She was about to be damaged in a combined attack with the Sapin Prince's monster, but Arthur saved her. I didn't intervene because Arthur needed to overcome this nasty psychology and stop harming himself.

I could always heal him, so there was no problem.

When the teacher started to intervene, I left the scene and showed Nocturne the other classrooms of the academy.

"Osto, why didn't you bring me here earlier? I'm dying of boredom in that house," Nocturne complained.

"Sorry, Nocturne. I'll take you out whenever I can, and we'll spend time together," I promised. To fully realize this, I needed to make this continent safer.

After the academy tour with Nocturne, I took Caera and went to visit Arthur for a get-well-soon visit since he got injured, though not severely.

As we approached Arthur's room, we saw Tessia kissing him.

Tessia turned around in embarrassment when she noticed us at the door, blushing intensely and unable to move.

She made strange noises in her embarrassment, but I ignored it and spoke.

"Arthur, you're really pathetic. You let Tessia take the initiative again. You only took a few steps and hugged her a couple of times, but now she took the initiative and kissed you," I commented on Arthur while Caera seemed to be talking to Tessia in the background.

"Tessia, Caera, leave the room. We need to talk with Arthur," I told them, and they nodded, leaving the room.

Once they were out, I began the conversation with Arthur.

"How long have you known, Osto?" Arthur asked, and I answered.

"Since the beginning, Arthur, even before I met you," I replied, and he asked, confused.

"How could you know I'm reincarnated before meeting me, Osto?" Arthur questioned.

"It doesn't concern you, Grey. Just know that I'll support you in your life," I assured Arthur.

"At least, tell me who I am, Osto," Arthur insisted. I looked at him and released my killing aura.

"WHO I AM DOESN'T MATTER, ARTHUR. JUST LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY, AND DON'T ASK QUESTIONS," I declared with a deadly aura surrounding my voice.

"Understood, Osto. No more questions," Arthur said.

"Good job, Arthur. You catch on quickly. Stop worrying about age-related issues and take the initiative with Tessia. I feel sorry for that poor girl. If you encounter any problems in your relationship, come to me," I advised Arthur. There was a vast difference between the polite me a moment ago and the current me.

I left the room, and at the door, I saw Tessia and Caera talking. Caera said something that made Tessia blush even more, and when I approached, Caera spoke to me.

"We're going home, Caera. Tessia, go inside and talk to Arthur. If he's still acting like an idiot, come to me, and I'll give him a good beating," I told Caera and Tessia.

"Okay, Osto, I'll do as you say," Tessia said.

I wrapped my arm around Caera's waist and left the room.

We went home, and that's how we ended the day.