Mini picnic, Techniques, Kiss

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GARVITMEENA, Raksha_Hell, Ali_88, 4bdu1, Creativityiskey, Kaan_ZEYREK, noor_raza, CharlieRider thanks for power stones.

Chapter Lenght : 1305 Words


After we went outside, Caera joined us shortly, and now we are having a picnic on the summit of a mountain, enjoying the view.

This peaceful time is truly delightful; I feel filled with tranquility, surrounded by a family atmosphere where laughter and joy abound, and love showers upon me.

To maintain this peace, I must become stronger and eliminate all problems. I will start with Agrona for this task.

Soon, I will finish this job, but for now, I want to have fun for a while without the burden of war.

When the time for enjoyment is over, I will bring havoc to Alacryan and obliterate all Relictombs. Those places will bring catastrophe to the entire world.

I realize that thinking about this now is pointless. The only thing that matters right now is lying in Caera's arms and letting her nourish me.

Forget everything; I will destroy the whole world and create a mini-planet made of Aether, where I can live.

I closed my eyes and savored the peace.

A few hours later, we returned to the mansion and went to bed. However, this time, in bed, there was Nocturne in its tiny dragon form, and Caera chose to cuddle with Nocturne instead of me.

It was a blow to my heart, but I didn't give up. I forcefully hugged Caera.

Having a ball of feathers between us didn't hinder me from hugging her; in fact, it made our cuddling even more comfortable.

In the morning, Caera went to her class, while I stayed at the mansion since I didn't have a class for today. Later, I'll go and watch Arthur's class.

I started meditating, and the first thing I noticed was that my Aether core was merging rapidly with the other cores.

This could pose a bit of a problem for me, so I deliberately slowed it down and tried to elevate my Aether core.

I need to bring my Aether core to the blue stage. Trying to level up the Aether core while people here barely know about the existence of Aether cores would likely shock them.

The gods should wait for my revenge because I will erase them from all creation. They don't know how powerful a soul that has lived for nearly 100,000 years can be.

I will show the foolish god who thinks they did me a favor what Aether really is. Even though I haven't fully mastered Aether yet, my existence can already influence events in the universe. When I gain full control, I will destroy those gods and show them my wrath.

Void Step Arts Stage 3: Space Steps

I used my technique and teleported into space.

I will merge all my weapons into a single weapon, saving me the trouble of changing them one by one.

Sitting cross-legged in space, I summoned my weapons and applied my growth on them.

Void Element Arts Stage 6: Creation Element

A white light emitted from my hand and dispersed onto the weapons.

Void Element Arts Stage 3: Space Element

I used the space element to compress the weapons.

I compressed them forcefully into a single weapon and merged them with the creation element.

The rules of the universe tried to oppose me, but I used a technique to overcome it.

Void Element Arts Stage 7: Void Element

After half an hour of effort, I successfully merged all my weapons, and now I can change them as I wish when they are in my hand. This feels much easier than usual.

All my weapons have now merged into a single weapon, named Void Weapon.

After finishing my work, I returned to my mansion.

I went and attended Arthur's class. It seemed to be a mana practice lesson; let's see how different it is from my mana training and combat lessons.

As I entered, I adapted and concealed myself in the environment to observe the class. After a while, I noticed that Arthur got himself into trouble again.

Seeing him fighting with members of the discipline committee, I realized how arrogant and foolish the teacher was. Arthur defeated him, and I revealed my presence.

"I really need to talk to Cynthia and find a solution for these idiots. They can't even handle the teachers, let alone the students," I said, looking at the members of the discipline committee.

I conjured a communication parchment and called Cynthia.

"Cynthia, I think you should pay more attention to the teachers," I said and had a brief conversation with Cynthia.

I saw that Caera was also in the class, so I took her and left.

There aren't many classes in the academy. Caera, being a battle mage, has fewer classes, allowing us to spend more time together. With a mansion on the academy grounds, it's much more convenient.

When we entered the house, Caera greeted me at the door.

She opened the door, kissed me as soon as she saw me. I was genuinely surprised by this, as she had previously told me it was too early for such gestures. But this time, she initiated it, and she didn't even give me time to object.

Of course, I responded, and she pulled me into the house, closing the door behind me. We continued kissing, and I even tangled my tongue with hers.

She paused for a moment, not expecting this, but I didn't care and kept going.

After two minutes, we stopped, and Caera was breathless.

"Tell me why you started kissing me like that," I said to Caera, kissing her again briefly.

"I don't know. Right now, you just seemed so appealing to me, and I wanted to kiss you," Caera said, blushing and sounding worried.

"I remember you rejecting me when I wanted to do this," I said.

"Tsk, I wanted to, so I did. You could have done it forcibly. If you had done that, don't think I would have rejected you," she said with a red face.

I went along with her words and kissed her again.

We kissed for another two minutes, and then I stopped. This time, Caera's breath was even more uneven.

"Even though I would like to go further, we're still young. We'll have to wait a few more years," I told Caera.

"Don't we have any magic to make us age faster or something?" Caera asked.

"I can do that, but it will adversely affect you both psychologically and spiritually. If I forcefully change your soul, there won't be any point in making you grow, and you'll probably end up in a coma for a few years. If you were already an adult, it wouldn't be a problem, but at this age, it's a problem," I explained to Caera.

"Well, then there's nothing to do but wait for us to grow, and by then, we'll have at least two children," Caera said with a playful attitude. I don't know where she learned these things at such a young age, but I like it.

"I promise there will be no fewer than two children," I told Caera.

"Then it's a promise," said Caera.

We snacked with Nocturne, and after eating, we went out to find a chef because Cynthia hadn't arranged that for us. We quickly found a chef, and then we decided to spend some time in the city since there wasn't much to do at the mansion or the academy.

We went to a luxury restaurant and had dinner.

The fight between Nocturne and Caera over eating was really amusing.

We spent the rest of the day in the city and returned home in the evening.

When we got back to bed, Caera transformed into a small child, curled up between us. At this moment, it feels like I really have a little girl.

We ended the day like this.