First Step Into Cultivation, Again

 Ryker woke up, his heart pounding. He clutched his chest, feeling the organ beating loudly. He took some deep breaths, trying to calm himself down with little success.

 His action caused the being next to him to stir, the smaller creature yawning as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

 "Sorry, Ariana. Big brother did not meant to wake you up," 'just having a nightmare,' is not something he would say.

 The toddler, only a year old nodded sleepily, her eyes already starting to close. Though she did clutch his shirt, preventing him from just putting her back into the bed.

 "Yes, little one. We are going to sleep again,"


 He woke up 2 hours later, when the sun already starting to appear in the horizon. Which also means some of his sibling will woke up soon. His thought was proven correct when he saw Ilina, the 2nd eldest of their siblings and the oldest after him show up, clearly ready to help in the kitchen.

 The gap between their ages are 7 years old, meaning she can start cultivating soon, when she become twelve years old. 

 "Ready to make breakfast," he asked her, the long black-haired girl nodding as she grab one of the pan to start making breakfast. Ryker put the already awake Ariana away, as he needed to help Ilina make breakfast.

 The long dual-colored haired girl, who share her eldest brother color scheme huffed, pouting. However, she was soom distracted by the entrance of her other older siblings, who thankfully take her attention while Ryker and Ilina are busy making breakfast.


 After the enjoyable breakfast, Ryker head outside to do some practice.

 "The injuries are all gone, so I can start cultivating again," he muttered to himself. The injuries he sustained from not just splitting his soul in half, but also from destroying his cultivation, is serious, and could be fatal under normal circumstances.

However, and thankfully, he is not under such circumstances. His parents had prepared numerous soul healing pills, able to heal the soul easily. There is also the regular healing pills, helping him recover a lot faster.

 With such factor, it was no surprise he was able to heal himself in record time, when other World Source Master would need to take years, maybe even decades to centuries to recover.

 "This should be good enough," the dual colored hair man closed his eyes as he began to cultivate, again. He took a deep breath and calmed himself, trying to sense the energy around him.

 This is the unofficial realm, stopping mortals from becoming cultivators, or to be exact, cutting their potential too soon. The unofficial realm is called Genesis Awakening Realm, the reason for it is because when someone awakened, they could now see the qi around oneself, and learn to harness and use it.

 For him, this major realm is the easiest, as he could easily see the qi around him. He quickly pulled the qi close, planning to begin cultivating.

 He revolve the Celestial Energy Art, his main Cultivation Art, and probably the best one in the entire world. 

 Cultivation Art is an art that allowed cultivators to refine the qi from the surrounding, before absorbing it for themselves. The higher the tier, the purer the qi and the stronger one could potentially be.

 The higher tier Cultivation Art can also allow one to refine the surrounding energy faster and in larger quantity, speeding up their cultivation. 

 The reason why he think Celestial Energy Art is impressive is because he can reach the peak of cultivation, in just under 6 years, something he don't think is possible without the presence of either of this two things; the energy-rich area that make up their previous home, and Celestial Energy Art.

With one of the advantage gone, it will took way longer for him to reach the height he once at. Then again, it would be good training for him. After all, he could not always hope for favourable conditions, could he?

 Pushing the distracting thought aside, Ryker began to refine the energy around him. While the mountain they called their temporary home could not be considered any way close to the energy level of their old home, it is more than sufficient enough to help him reach the First True Major Realm of Genesis Grand Realm, Genesis Gathering.

 He absorbed the energy around him and refine it, but to his slight displeasure, the amount that would have been enough to help him reach the Genesis Gathering was not enough. Inwardly, he knew of such possibility.

 The reason for him sacrificing his cultivation is to make his foundation even stronger, but it also have the unfortunate but necessary side effect of expending his Inner Realm, allowing his body to store more qi.

 It is good in the long term but it do make it harder to breakthrough due to the enormous amount of qi require to raise his cultivation realm.

 "Thankfully, it just the Genesis Gathering realm," he said to himself. If his cultivation is a lot stronger, the pitiful energy at the mountain would not be enough. In fact, the only reason why this isolated place could have enough energy to help him breakthrough is because of the existence of a formation, allowing the energy of the world to gather in the mountain, giving him sufficient energy to begin his cultivation.

 Though, he dread when he breakthrough the to the next Grand Realm, which mean he will need an area with high concentration of energy to even hope to breakthrough the Source Grand Realm, not to mention the World Source Realm.

 "Focus," he told himself as he refine the energy with Celestial Energy Art, turning into qi that nourish his body. He could feel himself getting stronger, his body brimming with vitality.

 It is a sensation he somewhat missed, the feeling of qi coursing through his meridian. He could feel his Inner Realm filling itself with the qi he gathered, clumping it together.

 Though there is one final wall, the obstacle that stopped mortals from becoming cultivators if they are born in energy-rich area. The wall is easy to break, but for someone without knowledge in cultivating, they could not do so without endangering themselves.

 For him, the wall was easily broken through, as golden glow erupted from him as the energy around him drawn towards him. Normally, someone like him would not be able to achieve such thing, but because of his greater strength, the effect he caused by breaking through the Genesis Gathering Realm is greater than when other mortals achieve when they breakthrough.