Genesis Gathering

After becoming a true cultivator again, Ryker check inside his Inner Realm.

 Inner Realm have many different names, dantian, inner space, but it all meant the same thing, the space inside a person when they start cultivating. The Inner Realm is only formed when someone cultivate, and the most dangerous part in cultivating to those without knowledge of it.

 Inner Realm is where the qi refined by cultivators was stored. So, it is important to cultivators as a whole. The process of forming an Inner Realm is dangerous as a mistake or a lapse of thought would cause it to rupture, killing the mortal who failed in forming their inner realm.

 However, Ryker's Inner Realm had already been formed from the ritual, so he did not have to form it again. The only thing he needed to do, as Inner Realm dignity one as a cultivator, but only when qi gathered inside the Inner Realm would one be thought as a Genesis Gathering expert.

 Ryker looked into his Inner Realm with his Soul Avatar. Soul Avatar is the manifestation of one's Soul, which can get stronger by reaching the higher realm in cultivation, or by practicing Soul Art and Soul Technique.

 Soul could also be used to sense the surrounding by using one's soul to detect and scanned the surrounding. The ability is refer to as Soul Sense, and the range of the Soul Sense depends on the strength of ones soul as the main factor, though the cultivation of the cultivators can be used as a substitute to sense the surroundings

 Only the soul of the cultivators could inspect their Inner Realm. As he looked at his Inner Realm, Ryker could see the qi clumping together in his Inner Realm, the sign of reaching the Genesis Gathering, the bottom of the barrel in cultivation.

 However, compared to the amount of qi cloud in his Inner Realm to when he started cultivating when he was 12, the amount is greater, almost twice as much as beforehand. And his parents told him his qi level is greater than many cultivating prodigy.

 While it just words from his parents, he decided to believe them. After all, he did not have any other guide to cultivation.

 His soul returned from his Inner Realm as he reflexively flexed his arms.

 "Let's see how strong I am,"


 Unfortunately, with him being at a desolate area in a continent is one of the outer region of the Human Realm, there are no powerful beasts or opponents he could met. However, with the area in vicinity to his house find itself filled with worldly energy, the weak beasts in the area could absorb the energy and cultivate themselves.

 While some sentiant being like Human would face problems if they tried to cultivate without guidance, beasts followed a different path in cultivation.

 Though, he did not know much, that it both involving their bloodline and their cores. That's what his parents told him anyway.

 "You should be a suitable opponent," Ryker lay his eyes on a large lion beast, the creature growling at him. From the fluctuations of it's power, the beast had reached the 5th Stage Genesis Gathering, 4 minor realm stronger than him.

 However, he did not mind. His parents had told him he could face of against opponent with higher realm in cultivation. He often fought constructs created by his parents, all of them usually one to seven minor stage higher, at least in the lower stage.

 The stronger his cultivation, the greater the gap between each minor realm, to the point his opponent in the World Source Realm have the same minor realm as him, the only difference is how further it is.

 Against a beast only 4 minor realm stronger, he did not consider it as a threat. Seeing the creature in front of it looking at it with disdain, the lion beast roared furiously before pouncing towards the young man.

 Ryker merely punch at the beast. The result was instantaneous, the lion flying back before hitting the ground, unable to get up due to the hole in it's chest.

 "You are just not strong enough to be challenging," Ryker muttered. He could fight 7th Stage Genesis Gathering before. With how strong he is now, at least compared to when he was at Genesis Gathering realm, he probably could fight against 9th Stage and win handily.

 "Let see if there is any other beast around,"


 "So, I am stronger than a beast equivalent to 8th Stage Genesis Gathering expert," he muttered, a rope wrapped around his shoulder. Behind him were the carcasses of the beasts that fell to his fist.

 None stood a chance. Even the stronger, the previous beast he faced, was defeated in three moves, the wolf did not stand a chance. 

 "Are there any peak Tier 1 Genesis Beast here?" Beasts are split based on their cultivation realm, which divided into three, similar to the three Grand Realm of cultivation; Genesis Beast, Spirit Beast, and Source Beast.

 Tier 1 is the equivalent of Genesis Gathering. Unlike human cultivators who have minor stages depending on the major realm there are on, beast did not have such thing, instead splitting the different strength of beasts into low, intermediate, late, and peak.

 Peak Tier 1 Genesis Beast are the equivalent of Peak Genesis Gathering, an expert who had been at the 9th Stage and built up his cultivation to the limit. The only reason such master did not ascend to the next major realm is usually because they are not sure of their chances or they wanted to get their hands on certain worldly treasures before ascending.

 While he could hold his own against 9th Stage Genesis Gathering and it's equivalent, the peak of Genesis Gathering is something else entirely. He is not sure of his chance, which is why he wanted to find one and see where his current strength is at.

If he was defeated, he will run away as quickly as possible. But if he won, he would know that even a peak Genesis Gathering master would not stand a chance against him. Which would allow him to fight such foe in case he crossed road with them, and they have foul design toward him.

 As he thought of potential possibilities in the near future, when he goes to the cities of whichever nation he was in, he sensed a powerful presence nearby.

 He merely turned his head to the right and saw his next opponent, a large bear who was sniffing at the carcasses behind him. The creature licked its lips as it growled at him, telling him to back off.

 Ryker merely smiled, looking at the monster with some expectation, his fist clenching in preparation for the coming fight.