Sulran Village

 Once Ryker was done taming the Genesis Beast, he quickly communicated with him using his Soul. By using Soul, one would be able to transmit their intent to the target, making it easier to do so.

 Thankfully, the stallion seem to like it, judging by how it tried to lick him. The only trouble he had is bringing the other mares into the Hidden Ancient Mansion. Thankfully, the size of the yard, which included meadows and grooves make them decide to stay, the stallion also wanting to stay inside but was stopped by Ryker, who still need to ride him to the next village.


 With the newly named Sutal, Ryker reach the boundary of the village in just 2 days, though, he did face some unexpected trouble.

 "Hand over your money and we will let you go!" a group of people surrounded him, with the leader, a nasty-looking man with crooked teeth giving out his demand.

 Ryker merely glance at them, using his Soul Sense to detect their cultivation. Once he realize they are just mortal, he did not waste time and flared his qi, causing the group of bandits to slam into the ground, their terrified eyes telling him that they knew who they are facing.

 "This lowly one apologize for not seeing the greatness of esteemed lord!" the leader changed his tune quickly, from threatening him to praising him to high heavens. 

 However, Ryker did not care at all, his stare making the rest of the bandits to shiver in fright.

 "Please let us go,"

 "I am forced to become bandit, great lord,"

 "Don't kill me!"

 Ryker did not bat an eye as swipe his hand like he was clearing trash. In the next second, every bandit turned into piles of blood and bones, as Ryker made his way into the village.


 Once he entered the village, he could not help but notice how the buildings looked damaged, with some repairs being done at the moment. The sight of someone new entering the village also not unnoticed by the villagers, who stared at him.

 Ryker merely ignored the stare, opting to search for any inns or taverns to settle down for the night and have something to fill his belly. Unfortunately, he did not know if this village have those facilities, so he decided to ask one of the adults who was staring at him.

 "Excuse me," his question seem to make the other man jumped in surprise, before his face shifted into a smile.

 "Yes, esteemed guest, how can I help you?" the man asked, polite but inquiring.

 "Are there any inns or any place to stay in this village?" he asked.

 "Yes, there are some inns at that street," the man pointed to one of the streets, to the large building on it, and if you are looking for a place to it, there is a tavern next to it as well," apparently, there must be other people that come through the village, with how he was able to guess what he will ask next.

 "Thank you, I will take my leave now," he went straight to the inn, hoping to get a room and place the Hidden Ancient Mansion on a table if it is provided in his inn room.


 Getting a room is easy enough, though from the look of shock of how he gave the owner a large gem, it was apparent he had been overpaying his stay for who knew how long.

 The owner, when realizing he did not have the necessary money to give him the change visible relax when he told him only to pay him enough to last a meal for 4 weeks.

 He receive 1400 iron coin in return, which he used in the tavern, as he did not want to be gawked by the owner, or patrons, again. He just get a simple soup at the moment, having taken a heavy breakfast cooked by Ilina this morning.

 He also take the time to ask the name of the village, the one who show him the direction of the inn before telling him that the village name is Sulran Village. He also asked if there is any local libraries. 

 Thankfully, despite being in the middle of nowhere, there is one. He decided to go there and learn more of the nation the village was in. After all, if he asked the villagers, they might suspect him for something else.


 "Well, that is informational," while the village did have a book regaling of it's founding, it is written on the walls. The village is nothing special, having been founded by the founder 70 years ago.

 Currently, his son is the mayor at the moment, and that just about the most important stuff about the village.

 As for the nation that the village was in, there are several books of them. Though, apparently the nation the village is under is just a vassal of another powerful nation.

 The nation ruling the area is called Mariz Barony, ruled by the Baron of Mariz, clearly. It was founded 300 years ago, a rather young age for a nation of the same size and caliber, showing how impressive the man is.

 As for the nation it was vassal to, the name of the nation is Birak Kingdom, an old and powerful kingdom, with history stretch to about millennia.

 The kingdom also vast, if one did not even include the vassal kingdom under it, the core of the Kingdom are said to be even bigger than the Mariz Barony by at least 10 times.

 If it include the vassal kingdom, it said to take space of one-fiftieth of the entire western corner of the Boluron Continent.

 The number of vassal kingdoms are many, with varying sizes. Barony, the smallest of vassal kingdom, have the highest number, around 125 Barony.

 As for the Duchy, the middle of the vassalage title, there are about 58 duchy all over the kingdom's periphery territory. 

 Then, there is the most powerful vassal kingdom, Duchy. There are only 23 Duchy, each ruled by a powerful Duke. Unfortunately, that is the most basic information.

 There seem to be no details regarding the cultivation of the ruler of the vassal kingdoms, not to mention the ruler of the Kingdom, which is likely even greater than the vassal kingdom.

 One things for sure, the Kingdom's ruler should be master at the Spirit Grand Realm. Which major realm, he is not sure.

 "And this is just the western part of the continent, which is not even located inside the Core Region of Human Realm.

 It's a good thing Mother and Father send us here first," he muttered, understanding the reasoning of his parent for starting at a desolated part of the world, in term of energy concentration.