Bandit's Attack

 After he was done learning all he could about the nation he currently at, Ryker decided to walk outside, maybe even check the nearby forest for anything of interest.

 Maybe there will be something there, or he hope so. As the white and black haired man about to walk out of the village boundary, a large horn was sounded, with people screaming.

 "Bandits' attack! BANDIT ATTACK!!" the people yelled

 As the men ran towards the boundary while the women head towards the center of the village, this children being herded with them.

 Ryker looked at the scene with a frown on his face. While he do expect some troubles in the future, he never thought of it being so soon, especially when he did not even get out of 30 kilometer radius of the mountain he called home for the past 6 months.

 He took out his sword out of his storage ring. While the bandits are the villagers problems, he would not just let them face such threat without his help. After all, while he will not calm himself a good samaritan, he still a decent human being, and would gladly help the Sulran Village inhabitants dealt with the bandits.


 "Who killed my men?! Come out and die!" a burly figure roared, his brown eyes scanning the village with clear rage. 

 Beside him, two other figure, one lean with blue eyes and the other more muscular man, his red eyes looking hungrily at the village woman.

 The villagers looked at the bandits with fear in their eyes. Even when they outnumbered the bandits, their people are mismatched, with some women and older men joining in the defense. 

 If not, the number of defenders would be lower than it is right now, and even with their number bolstered, they still did not think they will be able to defeat the bandits.

 "If you don't give me the killer of my men, this bitch will get it!" he roared, as his men threw a young woman in front of the bandits leader.

 "Ina!" a middle aged man exclaimed in shock, distraught in his voice at the sight of the woman in the hands of the bandits.

 "We don't do anything to her yet, but we will if you don't give us the killer of my men," the leader said in a softer tone before his voice become harsher.

 "If not, we are going to rape her in front of the villagers. So do the smart thing and give me what I wanted.

 "Y-you dare!" one of the hot-blooded man yelled at the bandit leader, who looked at the yelling man with a scowl as qi erupted from his body.

 "I am now a cultivator, and I am not the only one," he said, the two bandits beside him release their qi as well, causing the villagers to waver, their resolve shaken horribly.

 "We are sorry, but we don't know who killed your men," the middle-aged man said, trying to reason with the bandit leader, who just scoffed in disbelief.

 "Still trying to hide the culprit, the watch as we rape all the women in the village, starting from this bitch right here.

 The bandits leader ripped the dress of the young woman, her shriek of terror broke the heart of the middle aged man as her naked body laid bare to the lecherous gaze of the bandits.

 However, when the leader wrapped his arm around the woman, he was sent flying as a blur kicked him. The blur revealed himself to be Ryker, who glared at the bandit leader with intense hatred.


 "So, you are the leader of those fools that try to rob me." Ryker said eying the burly man with calculating eyes. At the same time, he was glad that instead of just cultivating Offense Technique, he cultivate at least one technique per designation; Offense, Defense, Movement, and Concealment.

 The four are the branches of Cultivation Technique, with Offense for attacking technique, Defense for defensive technique, Movement to be used in chasing and running away, while Concealment is for hiding against a more powerful foe or more numerous ones.

 He used Phantom Breeze Stride, allowing him to stop the bandit leader in time. The bandit leader rubbed his aching section before glaring at the one who dares to kill his men.

 "So, do you come here to die?" the burly man said, his brown eyes unable to hide the malice he felt towards the silver-eyes male. Similarly, Ryker hold nothing but contempt against bandits. Especially one that think they are bigshots just after reaching the 1st Stage of Genesis Gathering. 

 He could destroy experts with cultivation realm greater than him. To handle 3 Genesis Gathering bandits, all at the lowest cultivation realm possible, it will not take long, maybe even seconds, and that's if he decided to show them mercy.

 If not, he will prolong their lives as he torture then to his heart content.

 "No, I am here to kill all of you," he reply, looking at the man with a bored look. The burly man gnashed his teeth, his brown orbs seem to burn as he glared hatefully at the young man.

 "So, you don't know the different between heaven and earth, boy. Then, let me show you the difference between mortals and cultivators!" 

 The three Genesis Gathering bandits released their qi, causing the people around them, as well as the one they targeted, to feel the qi suppression.

While it did cause the others to be pressed to the ground, for Ryker, it might as well be a breeze with how little effect it had on him. 

 Qi suppression would only work for the stronger cultivator, with most 1st Stage Genesis Gathering cultivators could only force mortals to kneel. While some super strong 1st Stage cultivator could force other cultivators with similar realm as them to kneel as well, it is hard to see such cultivators.

 Ryker also wanted to scoff at the fact they said they will show the difference between mortals and cultivators. If the bandit said that when he is at the Genesis Formation realm, he would not feel it was a lie.

 Heck, even if he said it at the 7th Stage Genesis Gathering, it would still hold some truth. However, for him to said such thing when he just enter the Genesis Gathering Realm, and not consolidating their cultivation, it just pathetic.

 Even if mortals would be easily killed by cultivators, 1st Stage Genesis Gathering only possess might above the strongest human, and it's not even that far. A group of villagers could kill them if they work together.

 However, Ryker did not wish to prolong the confrontation any longer. He unleash his qi, pressing the group of bandit as he looked coldly at them.

 "Difference between mortals and cultivators, I will show you such thing,"