Destroying The Bandits

 All the bandits find themselves on the ground, unable to lift themselves as Ryker subject them to an immense pressure, showing the difference of their strength.

 Meanwhile, the villagers did not look better themselves. While they are grateful for the assistance, they still did not know the personality of the cultivator. However, from he was acting just now, the middle-aged man and the saved woman believe he did not mean harm at the very less.

 As for Ryker, he merely looked at them coldly as he walked towards them, killing intent unleash at it's fullest.

 "You, bunch of pathetic thugs, one that is as worthless as a pile of dust, think you can defeat me?" he said in a condescending tone, the qi unleash pressing the three cultivators of the bandit group.

 As for the trio, they are filled with regret. How would they ha e known that the one who slaughter their members are a cultivator, one that is absurdly more powerful than them! Especially in the middle of nowhere.

 "My lord, please, we beg for forgiveness," the leader said, lowering his head to the point the forehead touched the ground. He never felt so humiliated before, but it is the only way to keep his life.

 "Forgiveness. Do I look like the merciful type, especially to scum like you?" Ryker reply in disgust, glaring at the leader. The leader shiver, feeling like death itself in front of him.

 "Then you can take all of our treasure, just let us leave," the leader said, hoping to use the treasure to appease the expert in front of him.

 "The treasure you likely stole from villages and caravans? Besides, I don't need to have you give it to me. I just need to search for your hideout and all the treasures will be mine," the silver-eyed man said, causing the bandit leader to lightly cursed in his head.

 Seeing the expert is becoming more inpatient, he decided to use his last trump cards. "Spare our live and I will call out the bandits surrounding the village," he said, causing the villagers who heard what he said to look at him in confusion.

 Getting the attention of the villagers, he pressed on, "I split my group into 4, each at one of the four entrance of the village. They will attack soon if they don't get any order to not do so. It's better for you to release me unless you want the village to be destroyed,"

 The bandit leader looked confidently at Ryker, believing he will be let to live. And when that happen, he will spend more of time cultivating, and will soon have his revenge on the person who humiliated him.

 What he did not expect is for Ryker to laugh loudly as he throw several things towards him. A terrified shriek come out of the man's throat at the sight of the leaders of each group. 

 "Do you think, they will be any help at the moment?" a smug smirk formed on his face as Ryker took out his sword and pointed it at the bandit leader's throat.

 "I will kill all off you, unless, you can run away and escape with your live," he suddenly said as he looked at the weak underlings.

 "The exception being your leaders, so, you can scram now," the pressure was lifted and soon, the bandits began to flee, running as fast as their legs can take them.

 The villagers clearly wanted to say something but decided against it. After all, having the assistance of a master of his caliber is more than good enough, there is no need to demand anything from him.

 However, their unspoken request was answered when a mighty stallion trot and get in front of the man, who stroke its mane.

 "Kill them all,"


 "I. Huh. Never. Huh. Going back there, again!" one of the bandits said, out of breath but at least safe at the moment. From the look of it, either the man did not chase after them, or he decided to do so, but was busy chasing after someone else.

 Whichever the case, he will not look at the gift horse in the mouth. "I should go back to the hideout. If I am lucky enough, I will able to get as many treasures there as I can,"

 Greed shone is his eyes at the thought of the treasure obtained from the loot the group gathered in their years of banditry. After all, this is not the first time they threaten a village. The amount of money they have is staggering.

 As he daydream of what is he going to do with the money, he did not realize a shadow appearing behind him. He also did not realize he was stomp, only that pain appear briefly at the back of his head before all went dark.

 By then, his headless body fell forward, the cause of death busy making others put the cause of death in their death certificate 'angry stallion attack'.


 "You did good, Sutal," he praised the Genesis Beast, ignoring the fact blood still dripped from it's hoof. While the others are too intimidated by the duo, the middle-aged man and the young woman are not, as they walked towards him before bowing, the woman having some undergarment and covered with a cloak.

 "Thank you, esteemed lord for helping us, and saving my only child," he said, gratitude can be heard from his tone.

 "You're welcome. You are just in time, I want to give them my verdict," this cause the two to perk up, clearly interested.

 Ryker looked at the three restrained cultivator before waving his hand, causing the three to spit out blood.

 "Now I deal with my punishment, I will not do anything more to them," his words caused a commotion as the villagers objected, even if they knew that he is a powerful cultivator. As for the bandits, they are ecstatic over the fact they are spared.

 However, such delighted expression was wipe of their face when Ryker said the next sentence, "The villagers instead will be the one to give them their due. Make sure they in a world of hurt with the punishment you come up with,"

 Hearing it, the villagers all have bloodthirsty smile as they surround the three down bandits, who turned paler by the second. When they are no longer pressed into the ground, they tried to use their qi, but to their horror, they could not.

 "I crippled your cultivation. At the moment, you are nothing but mortal bandits. Please make sure they have a slow and agonizing death."