First Town

 "Wow, so this is a town," Ina exclaimed, as she stare at the city with awe. Ryker refrain himself from doing the same, though he also in the same state as his wife.

 The town contained more building than the houses of Sulran Village, with some towering above the rest of the building. It is surrounded by tall walls, tall enough that it took at least 5 men standing on one another shoulder to have hope of reaching the top.

 People come and go through the gates, which is as big as the house that Ina called her home. Each gate have several guards, keeping watch and guarding against mishap.

 The town looked like it could hold 50 of Ina's village at once. And from the look of it, the population is at least 50 times as Sulran Village.

 "We should get inside," Ryker said, earning a nod from the brunette, the two quickly head towards the nearest gate.


 "If you want to enter, you must pay the entrance fee," one of the guard said, stopping them.

 Ryker merely nodded, having expected such thing from his observation of the earlier caravans.

 "How much?" he asked. The guard smirked before telling him what is definitely an exorbitant number.

 "1 000 silver coins, each," his eyes narrowed. 1 000 silver coins is equal to 10 gold coins. It is likely they are.being scammed by the guards. While he could fork out such money, why should he do so?

 A powerful aura escaped him as he stared at the guard with a terrifying glare. "Tell me how much is the entrance fee again. I don't hear you the first time," his qi oppress the guard, causing him to knell.

 "10 silver! It's 10 silver coins!" he said, screaming as he could feel his bones breaking. At once, the suppression disappeared, allowing him to take a breather.

 Though Ryker did not intent to let him do so. "Next time, be honest, or I am going to break every one of your limbs. After all, this town only has Genesis Formation expert as the mayor, with the strongest person in this town being the mayor himself.

 The guard merely nodded fearfully, to afraid to say anything. As Ryker and Ina was about to enter, a more powerful guard enter the scene. 

 "What happened here?!" his voice boomed as he take a glance around.

 "Sir, these two try to-" qi released from him as he stare at the duo, telling him to continue if he did not love his legs. The scammer guard stopped taking, shivering from the powerful qi.

 The stronger guard is in the same state, to afraid to counter, knowing it will end badly for him. Ryker frown turned into a smile as he then asked,

 "Tell me the best inn in town,"


 "This is some really good bed," Ina said, lying on the bed, sprawling on top of it.

 "Considering how much we have to pay for a single night, it better be," he muttered. Considering the price for a single night is a staggering 50 silver coins, he is a bit bitter.

 "Why do we stay at the most expensive place when we can just go at the cheapest place and enter the Hidden Ancient Mansion?" Ina pointed out.

 "One, I want to see if there are any thing we can improve inside the mansion, like new beds, and maybe some other furnitures. Second, the more expensive place is a lot more secure than the cheaper place. Third," Ryker walked close to his wife before giving him a chaste kiss.

 "I prefer a larger room for our more explicit activity," the tone he used turned Ina into a blushing mess, the brunette refusing to look at him, like he did not just see her very red face.

 "A-any way, are we going to explore the town, or are we going to stay during the night?" she asked, stuttering at the start due to embarrassment.

 "Let stay for the night. After all, it's already night," the brunette make a sound of understanding before walking away, planning to change her cloth.

 Ryker remained, even if a part of him want to enter the room with his wife, and maybe have an early session. The sound part of him won, holding his more perverted side.

 When Ina returned, her regular brown and white work dress change into a more alluring white nightgown. It took everything within Ryker to not jump her, looking away as he soon change clothing, changing into a black short and no topwear, his clothing for the night.


 When the two woke up, it is entangling to one another. By some miracles, they did not have a go of it, instead changing into better clothes for the day.

 Ina wore her regular dress, though with how the other stare at her, it should be a good idea to buy new clothes for her, and for him as well.

 The two walked down the street, looking around at the somewhat calm street. "Let's have breakfast first before we have our walk," he suggested, his wife nodding in agreement.

 The two soon find a quiet cafe, and buy some soup with bread for breakfast. As they waited for their meal, someone stop at their table.

 "Welcome, are you newcomer to this little town?" a sleazy looking man asked. Ryker merely raised his brow before nodding, not planning to entertain the man.

 "Good, then have this, this is the most popular places in the town. It should interest you, though it will cost you," Ryker wanted to tell him to get lost before he take a closer look.

 His eyes narrowed, Ryker put a small pouch into the man's awaiting hand, the man merely smiled at him before leaving the cafe.

 "Ryker, what?" Ina asked, surprised by his action. Ryker merely showed her the map the man gave them. A quick glance told him of what Ryker interested at.

 "We should buy some clothes for both of us, then we are going here," he pointed at the location of interest before he pocketed the map as their food arrive.


 "I never thought there are so many clothes," Ina exclaimed, her eyes wandering all over the place. Ryker merely nodded, having no interest in clothing except for the practical one.

 His current one suits him just fine though he is not against buying some more. Seeing her excited face, Ryker smiled. How bad buying clothes can be?"


 "Is this what my parent said by tempting fate?" he said to himself as he carried all of Ina's clothing. Despite him being a Genesis Formation expert, he could barely hold on carrying the amount of clothes. Slowly heading towards their inn.