Adventure Guild

 After they are done putting the clothing inside their inns, or to be exact, inside the Hidden Ancient Mansion, they thankfully bought some new clothes for his siblings as well, they headed towards a place he found interesting.

 Well, it is not the place itself, but the organization that used the building as a headquarter in the city that he found interesting.

 "Looks like we are here," Ryker said, his eyes on the people coming in and out of the building. His eyes glanced upward, spotting the character that was spelled out.

 "Adventure Guild," the couple entered the building, both wondering what it looked like inside.


 To their surprise, the inside is even more impressive, with people gathered in front of boards, and counters. People, adventurers stream through the entire building, like some form of organism.

 Ryker and Ina was forced to navigate through the adventurers before they find themselves in front of one of the counter, one with the word Registration on it.

 "So, both of you want to register as adventurer?" the receptionist asked.

 "Yes," they both answered. This is Ryker's idea. Adventure Guild is an organization that support adventurers, people, though it is mostly cultivators, that travel all over the place. 

 It offer a service in that it accept request and commission from client's before posting it in the Guild's building. Any adventurers could take on any missions, though there seem to be some unspoken rules about it, or so he heard.

 By becoming adventurers, they could get paid doing odd jobs and some exploring different places. It will give them a somewhat stable income. Not to mention, the more powerful and famous adventurers could earn more from missions they took.

 Joining the Adventurer Guild literally give him a lot of benefits will very little downside, hence the reason for him to try and join as quickly as possible despite his somewhat aching arms.

 "So, the two of you are cultivators?" the receptionist asked.

 They both nodded, earning a hum from the man. "In that case, follow me. We are going to check you cultivation first,"


 They followed the receptionist as he lead them inside what could be described as a small training room, training dummy as well as target practice. 

 "Let see the level of your cultivation," the receptionist said.

 The two looked at one another before Ina started first. She showed her cultivation realm, causing the receptionisf to look at her in surprise.

 "6th Stage Genesis Gathering realm. Strong in this town, at the very least. How about you?" Ryker merely smiled before unleashing his cultivation realm.

 Power above the Genesis Gathering realm emerge from him, causing the receptionist to stagger backward.

 "Genesis Formation!?" he looked at Ryker with shock and awe.

 "I record both of your cultivation. Please wait in one of the waiting room before we give your badges," both of them nodded as the receptionist showed them the waiting room.


 To their surprise, their badges were done very quickly. They entered a room where a middle age man looked at the two of them.

 Ryker could tell from his aura the man is at the Genesis Gathering realm.

 "Good evening. I am the branch leader of the this Branch of Adventure Guild. So, do you know anything about the Adventure Guild," when they both shook their head, the man make a humming sound.

 "In that case, I will start from the purpose of the Guild. Adventure Guild purpose is to offer the common people a path to ascend and improve their cultivation. You likely already knew this part so I will not explain further. 

 Now, for your badge," the man put down to iron badge, with the insignia of the Adventure Guild on it. There is also one star and three diamond marks on top of the badge.

 "The badges are split in three different ways. First, your badge color explain your rank. Your ranks are iron, which is for all Genesis Grand Realm cultivators. Silver is for Spirit Grand Realm, and gold is for Source Grand Realm.

 Then, there is the star. There are 3 stars for all 3 badge colours, though the stars for each rank differ in strength. 1 star of iron badge is for Genesis Gathering to Genesis Condensing. 2 star is for Genesis Foundation to Genesis Source. As for 3 star, it is for Genesis Spring to Genesis Sea.

 As for the three diamond marks, it is to tell your access level. As you complete missions, you will receive points, which will grant you certain perks. Of course, some perks can be obtained by possessing stronger cultivation but that is usually harder to achieve. 

 So, most focused on completing missions and gathering points to get some of the perks. The diamonds marks also denoted which missions you can take.

 Speaking of missions, they are task you can took to get rewards and mission points. Mission points are like currency in the adventure guild. It can be used to raise your ranks, as well as buying items in the Guild Shop, with each branches offering different items.

 The missions are categorised by stars and grades. The first three star is for the Genesis Grand Realm. The one star is for Genesis Gathering to Genesis Condensing, similar to the star in your badge.

 Then, there is the grade. The grade goes from F to A, with F being the lowest and A being the highest. F-rank missions are usually chores, and some gathering missions, while E-ranks are some harder gathering missions as well as some weak monsters subjugation.

 At the moment, you can only take F and E-rank missions. However, if you continue to gain points, you can fill all three marks, which allow you too take the the higher grade missions. However, your cultivation realm will also help you get the mire difficult missions as well," the man looked at Ryker as he said it.

 "With your current strength, you can take at most D-rank missions. However, as I said before, taking missions will grant you points. The points varied on the difficulty of the missions. The more difficult, the more points you will get for completing it.

 So, the best way to get promoted quickly will be to take the more difficult missions," as the man about to stop, he suddenly remembered something.

 "I forgot to tell you of the background of the Adventure Guild,"