Era Meet The Family

 "Urgh, my body hurt so badly," Era exclaimed, her eyes wearily opened. She tried to stand up but failed to do so, her lower part sore for some reason.

 As vision returned to her eyes, she looked to the right and saw Ryker already in a sitting position, looking at her in amusement. A look at her left reveal Ina, who also gave her to same look.

 Seeing the two, her memory jogged as she remembered what happened. She took a pillow before slamming the soft object on her face, a scream of mortification coming out of her.

 Her screaming was stopped when an arm wrapped around her before pulling her close, her head landing on Ryker's chest. She blushed profusely, earning a giggle out of Ina and a chuckle from Ryker.

 "I thought the relationship between the two of us had changed last night," Ryker joked before pulling the blonde closer. She tried to escape his hold by he was too strong, slowly making Era gave up.

 "Yeah, why, do you think this is a one time thing, Era?" Ina asked, causing the blonde to gulp as she felt danger from the brunette.

 "I am not sure. After all, I am still a slave," she reminded them of her current status, a mere slave. However, it did nothing except making some of the people to scoff.

 "We don't care," the two said at the same time. "If it is possible, I am going to break the contract so you will gain your freedom. This would allow you to be consider a legal wife when we get married,"

 Era blushed even harder when Ryker mentioned marriage. "Getting married!" she almost screamed, "It's too fast, isn't it?" she asked.

 "I met Ina in like one day, and I get married the very same day," Ryker told Era, earning a look of shock from her when Ina nodded, confirming the statement.

 "Wha- why would the two of you get married so fast?" she asked, curiousity consuming her.

The two quickly regal the tale of Ryker saving the Ina and how am attempt to make a joke lead to them getting married.


 "That is, surprising," Era exclaimed, clear disbelief can be heard from her tone.

 "Yeah, though I don't know about the part that is a joke," Ina looked at him, a hurt expression on her face.

 "I just want to give an example of the most precious thing to your father. Who would have thought he would take it seriously," he answered weakly, knowing he is in the wrong.

 After all, he was in a position of power, and anyone would do anything to ensure he will not raise his hands towards them.

 "I forgive you," Ina suddenly said, leaning towards the silver-eyed man.

 "But, you need to make it up with me," her eyes glint in a mischievous manner, as Ryker could tell what she was up to.

 "I have to agree with the harem, didn't I," a nod answer the question. "I also would allow any women you approve of to join my harem," another nod answer the question as well.

 "... Fine," he said with a heavy sigh. "I let you decide, but first, we should get Era up to speed," Ryker said. When Ina about to ask what he meant, he merely took out a miniature house, one that Ina knew very well.

 "What is this all about?" Era asked. A smile formed on the two face, "You will see,"


 "Urgh, where are we?" Era asked. She remember that she had been holding hands with her Master before a golden barrier appear around them, before she saw darkness after that.

 A look around surprised the blonde as she could see a mansion in front of her. "Where are we?" she repeated her question, earning a smile from the two.

 "You are going to meet the family," she wondered what Ina meant though he guess she will soon find out.


 "Big brother!!" loud and childlike voice was heard as horde of children rushed towards the sole male of the trio. Her Master merely laughed at the sight before he scooped some of the children, earning delightful giggles out of them.

 "Welcome to the Hidden Ancient Mansion, where all of Ryker's younger siblings live at," Ina explained.

 Era merely nodded, floored by the number of children. "Are you-" "Surprised as well when I see them the first time. Why yes,"

 Era looked at the children before she remember a part of the explanation. "Why did he leave them here?" she asked.

 "It is for their own safety. After all, it would be hard for Ryker to take care of all the children all by himself. It maybe seem cruel to leave them here all the time but it is the safest place for them," Ina answered, earning a nod from the blonde.

 She could see why her Master did this, as she would did the same thing as he did, though, a thought formed in his head.

 "Why did he not stay at a single place to take care of them?" she asked again.

 "Ryker is trying to get as strong as possible, so he can protect them. That is why he is on a journey with no final destination. The end goal is for him to be strong enough he did not have to hide and worry about other cultivators harming his family," Ina answered patiently. After all, she had once asked the same question, and receive the same answer from the silver-eyed man.

 "Alright, but-" what ever she was about to ask was stopped when she felt something hugging her legs. That something turned out to be one of the children, probably younger than the others.

 Like her eldest brother, the child in question possesses dual colored hair, a blend of white and black. She is also very friendly, with how she stare innocently at her before smiling, a light giggle escaping the child's mouth.

 In that moment, a single thought formed in his head, 'I only meet this child for 5 seconds but if anything happened to her, I will kill everyone responsible,'

 She lifted the child, the giggle turned into all out laughter. The laughter cause the other children to look at the source. They take a look at the youngest before their eyes landed on the new blonde woman.

 "Big brother, who is that?" Sheena asked, pointing at Era.

 "Oh her," a smile formed on his face, "She is one of my lover,"


 The revelation caused a pandemonium in the mansion, which is only silence by the stern gaze of Ryker. Then, there is the storm of question. His siblings only stopped asking when Ina told the children that it is her wish, not their brother, which calmed them down.

 After which, they rushed towards their 'new big sister', taking the chance to play with her. By the end of the visit, where they need to leave the spatial artifact, Era has a deep love for the children.