Mission In Alten City

 After the three manage to get a mission for each one of them, they decide to split up, so they could finish all the mission as quickly as possible. 

 With how it is already evening, splitting up would allow them to finish fast. Though, it did come with the danger of people coming after them.

 After all, both Ina and Era are beautiful, capable of attracting many men, while Ryker himself is handsome and bound to get women flocking to him when his face was revealed.

 So, Ryker decide they would do missions relatively close to one another, so Ryker could save them if any of them fell in any danger.

 As for Ryker is in danger, he has several tricks up his sleeve.


 "This is where we will split. Make sure to complete your mission as quickly as possible. But if you face peril that is too much for you to handle, remember to just run away.

Living is better than being dead," the two women nodded. After giving more words of encouragement and advise, the the trio split up, all heading towards their respective missions.


 Ryker's mission is a simple exterminating, with the target being a group of bandits. Considering how close he is with his women, he is absolutely determine to finish the mission as quickly as possible.

 After all, Ina and Era's safety is in the line.

 Unfortunately, only cultivators at the Genesis Core realm could fly. He is still 3 major realm away from that level so he could only walk and hope he could sense their presence.

 Though, he underestimate how tempting as a target he is, as the bandits jumped towards him, surrounding him.

 "Give all of your treasures and this grandfather will let you leave with your live," one of them said, though their glinting eyes told him they are unlikely to keep their promise.

 "Thank you for giving your life to me. I will make sure the reward from your head will be used properly," his speech cause the bandits to become speechless, unable to respond to his weird words.

 One of them shook their head and yelled, "Enough, let's kill this brat and be done with it," the bandits charged at him.

 Ryker merely looked at them, unimpressed. After all, a group of of Genesis Gathering bandits trying to attack a Genesis Formation expert, and someone as powerful as him, who could even defeat low-Stage Genesis Condensing cultivator.

 He merely swipe his arms, burst of qi sailing towards the bandits. Unable to stop themselves, they ran towards his attack, all of them exploding in a burst of red mist.

 There is only one left alive, a powerful item in his hand preventing him from being killed. Though, the item have multiple cracks, the force behind the simple swipe is too much for the item to handle.

 Ryker smiled. One of the reason why such weak bandit group is the target of a C-rank mission is because of the strength of the item.

 Aside from the defense item, the bandit leader supposedly possessed a powerful killing item as well. The combination of the two items allowed the bandits to kill all the low level one-star adventurers, before the mission is elevated to D-ranks.

 However, the Guild had underestimate the tool in question, causing death among the inital stage Genesis Formation adventurers. The death of 10 such adventurers prompted an increase in rank.

 While the tools would be dangerous against any Genesis Formation, even some of the late stage Genesis Formation, for him, it might just be a breeze. 

 The bandits clearly did not know the predicament he was under as he took out a small statues and cut himself, letting blood poured into the statue. When it glow, the man growled as a beam of red sailed towards him.

 Ryker looked at the beam before he clenched his fist and punched the beam, destroying it. The bandit look slackjawed, as his trump card was effortlessly destroyed.

 "My turn," was the last thing the bandit heard before everything become black.


 "So, this is the Wild Bear," Ina muttered, eying the mass of brown fur, walking in the forest near Alten City. Normally, aside from some cultivators, the creature would be left along, as provoking it would not be beneficial to anyone.

 However, the creature had wandered too close to some of the fields, where crops were grown. So, the owner of the field requested an extermination of the bear, fearing that it would be aggressive during the harvest season.

 Taking out her spear from the storage ring her husband gave her, she twirled the weapon before looking at the bear with some disinterest.

 The bear clearly took taking out a weapon as a form of aggression as it charged towards her. Ina jump, leaping above the bear before appearing behind it. Ina swing her spear, hitting at it's back and cutting it.

 The bear roared in pain and anger, before trying to turn around and hit the being that hurt it, though it's bulky figure make it harder to do so.

 Taking advantage of the bear being unable to retaliate, the brunette thrust her spear, the Technique she had mastered, Breaking Mountain Strike, used against the bear.

 Unable to move in time, time seem to slow down as the spear hit the back of the bear's head before it exploded, the headless bear soon fell to the ground, unable to move any longer.

 "That is... easy," Ina exclaimed. After all, she had determine the bear is a middle-level Tier 2 Genesis Beast, which should make it stronger than her. Then again, she had been trained by the monster of a fighter that is her husband, so her strength should be a lot stronger than she imagined.


 While Ina finished her mission easily, the same did not hold true for Era. The blonde is currently looking at the mission target, her hands clasping the hilt of her sword. In front of her is a peak Tier 1 Genesis Beast, the one that pushed her to her current state.

 While she is not badly injured, she did receive some cuts, the deepest one being a gash on her arm. Though she was injured, so was her foe, a Cloud Leopard, with some gashes on it's legs, causing the creature to limp.

 The two stare at one another before Era make her move. The blonde leap towards her foe, only for the leopard to dodge the attack, jumping back. However, she had expected it to happen, as when the leopard leap backward, she thrust her weapon, striking the unprotected belly of the beast.

 The beast could not move in time, the sword moving too fast for it to intercept it. The sword pierced its heart, causing the beast to roar as it clawed at Era, who barely dodge it, though the claw manage to leave a small cut on her cheek.

 Despite the retaliation, she remained unrelenting as she twist her sword, killing the beast instantly.