Show of Strength, And Breakthrough

 Comprehending and mastering different Paths is often said the most grueling thing about cultivation. However, it could not be said with words how mastering the different Paths would help one rise in cultivation.

 Her father comprehension of the Law of Water had reach the second stage, and he is considered a very powerful low-stage Source Beast. And that is not even the limit. Her father had told him that the highest mastery is the third stage.

 She could not fathom how powerful someone who comprehend a Path to the third stage. The only one she could think of that likely at the level is the various ancestors of different clans in the Monster Realm Core Region, as well as old monsters in different Core Region.

 She did not even manage to touch the first stage of comprehending the Law of Water, something she had been working on for few years now. And yet, she saw a human managing to comprehend 7 different Paths to the first stage.

 'Is this the difference between a truly great genius and me?!' she asked herself in despair. While she knew there would be someone stronger than her, even in her generation, she never thought to be so thoroughly beaten.

 'No, I cannot give up now! How can I take revenge if I am scared now!?' the dragon girl thought before gathering her qi into the first, ready to take on the her sparing partner. Even if she likely would be defeated, at least she could say she fight to the end.

 The air crackled around the two fighters, their sheer might and qi changing the area around them. With both sides ready, they threw their first, Mashia with her Dragon Severing The Ocean while Ryker used his mastery in 7 different Paths.

 The two attack collide, one a fist surrounded by several blue dragons, roaring loudly, while the other is an amalgamation of different Paths, tearing through the air with it sheer power.

 Neither attack manage to do anything against the other, though the air seem to cracked even worse as time pass by. Soon, both attack exploded, almost killing them both, as they were engulfed by it.


 "Do you have any idea how stupid the two of you are?' it is at the moment, Mashia realize, there is another person scarier than Ryker.

 Ina looked at them with glare that could even freeze dragon as she proceed to nag the two people, yelling and beating them with words. When he is done with the two of them, they both looked like they just fought 1 000 dragons.

 "Looks like there is someone I need to watch out for,' she thought. While she could easily defeat Ina, she did not wish to do so as the brunette is the one who help her during her break down.

 As she thought about it, she soon realize she was about to breakthrough. At the same time, Ryker who was next to her seem to be in the same predicament. They share a glance, both having excitement in their eyes.


 Thankfully, they still in Argaman Range, in hopes of Ryker able to take the advantage of the worldly qi for his breakthrough. Now, they have two people breaking through, which is a great thing for them, even though one is not a full part of the group.

 Both Mashia and Ryker breakthrough inside the cave where the dragon girl remained in slumber for 10 years, the worldly energy being the strongest there. They sat far from each other, so they would not influence one another breakthrough. 

 Soon, the worldly energy in the vicinity is absorbed in a terrifying rate. Ryker would have thrown in his remaining Energy Core, but it is not enough to help either him or Mashia in their breakthrough.

 So, he saved it for the others while both him and Mashia try to make do with Genesis Crystals. At their current strength, Genesis Stones could barely be of any help.

 And so, with piles of low-grade Genesis Crystal around them, the two focused on their breakthrough.


 Ryker focused on his Inner Realm. He is about to charge in to the intermediate-stage of Genesis Grand realm. Unlike the low-stage, he need to change the qi he accumulated into something else.

 The condensed qi in his Inner Realm was soon arranged as he could feel his Inner Realm about to break down another wall. Soon, the wall was broken, causing his condensed qi to almost flew away. 

 However, Ryker reigned it in as he focus on the harder part. The qi was arranged as the condensed qi began to form into something else; his foundation.

 He create the first layer of his foundation, with the condensed qi compressed until it turned into a solid. He could feel his power getting slightly stronger as he began to form his foundation.

 So is the side effect of turning one's qi into their foundation. As more of his condensed qi turned into solid and becoming the bricks to his foundation, Ryker focused on his Inner Realm, specifically on the 6 objects floating around. 

 The 6 objects, a rock, a droplet, a black mist, a sapling, a small fire, and a Yin-Yang symbol floated around his foundation, somehow helping his foundation to form. The aura from the object even seem to make it stronger, something he did not expect, though he will not complain.

 Ryker then focused more on his foundation, the most important part of his Inner Realm, and focused on cultivation.


 "Hahaha! Looks like I brokethrough," Mashia exclaimed in excitement. He could feel her strength rising. The difference between the peak of Tier 4 and the initial stage of Tier 5 are like night and day.

 The dragon girl soon turned towards Ryker and find herself perplexed.

 "He did not finish his breakthrough?" Mashia asked what she know is a stupid question, but she could not find herself to care, as she was awestruck by the swirling mass of qi above him.

 'His strength, is really terrifying,' she thought before looking at the man with a glint, a hint of desire in her eyes. While Monster race is smarter than the Beast, their ability to take a human form no matter what their cultivation is the proof of that, they still can be ruled by instinct.

 Mashia's instinct wish for her to mate with the most powerful people she could find, a desire that she did not suppress, as she knew she need a powerful lover if she could hope to rebuild her clan.

 And the human in front of her is the perfect mate.