Genesis Foundation And Sharing?!

 However, there is some obstacle in fulfilling that desire. Mashia turned towards the other two lovers of Ryker. They both might be weaker than her, but she knew the love they have for him is true. Not to mention the other one.

 The blonde Miriam might be the weakest, being a mortal in house of cultivators and future cultivators, she knew Ryker's younger siblings wish to follow their brother's footstep, but in term of body, she have the three of them beat.

 She stare at her chest, before sighing dejectedly. She might be the second largest among the women, but it still is a far cry from Miriam's busty self. She push the thought away for now, as she focused on Ryker's breakthrough.

 The man closed his eyes, his qi likely forming a grand foundation. After all, from what she could feel during their spar, his reserve is greater than hers, by more than double when she is at the same realm.

 "There won't be any trouble, I heard some stories of how cultivators could die whe-"

 "His strong. Only those with weak foundation and trying to force themselves to raise their realm would be the one to likely die, but for him, whose foundation is the definition of solid, he will be fine," Mashia assured the busty blode, Miriam giving her a nod and a smile.

 The dragon girl sighed. Even though she spent only a day with them, she felt like she knew them longer. Not to mention, despite some wariness, though because of her strength rather than race, they treat her well.

 There is no way she would be a home breaker.

 "Mashia, do you want to join his harem?" the sudden question caused the young mistress of the Blue Ocean Dragon Clan to chock on air, her throat squeezing as she coughed profusely.

 "W-what a-are you talking about?!" she said a little bit too loudly, though Ina did not seem to mind.

 "We could guess you have some feeling with him. So, we don't mind sharing Ryker with you," she said cheekily, leaving her blubbering from how forward she is.

 "Isn't th-" "What, asking why we want to share him? Let just say, you have to see it to believe it," the brunette then turned her attention towards Ryker, who was at the final part in building his foundation.

 Mashia did the same, though her face burned bright red from her suggestion.

 "Sharing," she repeated, "Well, I don't mind,"


 Ryker looked at his foundation. During his first time, he manage to form a simple but large foundation due to his vast qi reserve. With his reserve being almost double than it was before, there is no doubt the foundation he built today will be larger and better than the previous one.

 Already, he could see the 6 'helpers' reinforcing his foundation, bequathing it with the different Paths and making it stronger. As he turned his attention towards his slowly rising foundation, he remember something his parents told him.

 "Don't try to breakthrough the Genesis Core until you mastered all the Cultivation Art we gave you to the first level, and reach all the Paths connected to it, as well as some you learned along the way, into the first mastery level," he repeat their advise.

 They had told him if he did not do it, then it would just be unnecessary for him to undergo the ritual, while also telling there would be an advantage to his foundation if he manage to do so.

 He put his thrust into his parents, though he do hope he will be lucky enough to get all the Paths to the first mastery level. 

 "Let's focus on the now. Besides, the first mastery level is easier compared to the later part," he said, trying to boost his confidence.

 As time pass by, Ryker could tell his Foundation had been built up nicely. A look to his foundation left him in awe. As the foundation, it would not become a castle but instead the base.

 But even the base is large and glowed with from his qi, showing how powerful his foundation really is. 

 All he need to do now is stabilizing his foundation, something that is easier than building the foundation.


 "Looks like Ryker is waking up," Mashia said, her sense able to tell her when he was about to wake up.

 Yet, when he opened his eyes, the dragon girl could only describe what she was feeling as terrifying.

 'How can someone at the 1st Genesis Foundation make me, a Tier 5 Dragon scared?' she asked, unable to comprehend such thing.

 If Ryker was at the late or even intermediate stage of Genesis Foundation, he might not question it, but he had just entered the Genesis Foundation realm.

 For him to be able to make her feel this way showed how large his foundation should be.

 "Let's take a stop here," Ryker said as his silver orbs looked at the sky, dusk already approaching. Seeing the setting sun, the others agreed, no one want to travel in the dark, especially where there would be powerful beasts roaming, even with Mashia's presence.


 Currently, they are inside the dining room, taking bites from the food prepared by Ilina, Ina, Era, and Miriam. Mashia did not offer to help, as she had bluntly told them her skill in cooking is abysmal at best.

 Not planning to test it, the four women were the one who did the cooking, though she did help serving the food.

 "Little one, do you want another bite?" the dragon girl asked Ariana, the little girl opening her mouth to her prodding. Soon, the spoon enter her mouth as Ariana swallowed her food and giggled, having fun with her newest 'big sister'.

 The other three looked at Mashia with slight envy. After all, Ariana feeding duty is one of their favourite chores.

 Soon, dinner was over as some of the older children help in cleaning the dishes while Ariana was taken care of by some of the younger one, distracting her with Boo, the Dust Bunny their brother took in.

 Seeing their is nothing else to do, Mashia planned to head towards her room, when Ina blocked her path.

 "What is it?" she asked, confused of why did the brunette stopped her from entering her room.

 "Do you agree or not to sharing him?" Ina asked instead, causing the dragon girl to blush again.

 "W-what does have to do with anything!?" she yelled, not answering the question. When Ina looked at her, unimpressed, she looked away while saying, "yes,"

 Ina did not say anything else and just pull her.

 "Where are we going?!" she asked, more than capable of getting her hands back but curious to what she is planning.

 "I am going to show you the reason why I don't mind sharing him,"