Era's Hidden Past

 When Ryker woke up, he felt Mashia first. She let her dragon form loose, her horns showing while her tail coiled around his leg. The dragon girl nuzzled on top of his chest, her horn poking him.

 He wrapped an arm around her, the blue-haired woman letting out a sound of content as she drifted into deeper slumber. Ryker wonder if he should move but the sleeping dragon on top of his dissuade the idea.


 They continue the journey the day after. The women need time to recover, which allow Ryker to cultivate as well as absorbing the treasures he find in Argaman Range, as well as continuing his learning of the different Cultivation Art.

 By the time they continue their journey, he had reach the 2nd Stage Genesis Foundation as well as comprehend the Law of Lightning, and Law of Wind. The little orb of wind and lightning inside his Inner Realm show his accomplishment.

 His rate of cultivation surprised Mashia, who latter have her mouth wide open when it is reveal he had comprehend the Law of Lightning and Law of Wind to the first mastery level. She had not spoken since then.

 Unfortunately, the distance from Argaman to the capital will took them 4 weeks to traverse. After all, Argaman Range is not in between Alten City and the capital, extending their journey by another 2 weeks, if one did not count the time it took to travel to Argaman Range from Alten.


 As they travel to the capital, Ryker began to notice a subtle change from Era. For some reason, the slightly boistorous woman was more subdued, while more often than not, will look absent minded.

 He wanted to help, but decided against him, merely letting her knew he is there if she want to talk. The blonde did not respond, though she did nod, telling him she heard his offer.

 All the while, the rest of his women, Mashia included did their best in helping the blonde. The children also decide to help, swarming her and asking her to play, in which she smiled and accepted the offer.

 That is also why he decide to leave her, as Ryker did not wish to overwhelm Era.


 It seem like forever but they soon meet the bane of all travellers; bandits.

 "Hand over all the treasures and women, and we may let you leave," Ryker looked at the assortment in front of them, unimpressed. None of them are at the Genesis Condensing, while even Ina and Era is at the Genesis Condensing, their one extra day stay helping the two of them reach the level.

 "Can I kill them?" when Ryker was about to deal with them, Era suddenly make the request. If Ryker heard it well, she just use one of the most murderous tone he ever heard her use.

 "... Sure," taking time to answer, Ryker decide to let her relieve some pent up stress. The blonde smiled at him before the expression turned bloodthirsty when she turned towards the bandits.

 The bandits took a step back before they gained their courage.

 "Come on! She just bluffing!" the leading one said, igniting their spirit. The spirit along with courage fled though when she show her cultivation.

 "Genesis Condensing!" one of the bandits said before trying to run away, the others following the man's lead. Era merely scoffed before a small hurricane formed in her palm before she threw it in the direction the bandits took flight.

 Screams of terror echoed in the forests as the blonde menacingly walked towards the one remaining bandits.

 "Please, we are ju-" before he could finish his sentence, Era cut her off, beheading the man.

 After she was done, the killing aura remained, though it was not directed towards anyone in particular. Ryker went towards her side before grabbing her shoulder, pulling her into a hug.

 She visibly relaxed, sighing in relief before looking at him with a thankful smile. Ryker did not let her off just yet, giving her time to relax in his embrace.


 As they set up a small stop, to rest after the encounter, Era said something, though her voice was so small it is hard to hear her.

 "What did you say, Era?" Ryker asked, looking at the blonde as he said so.

 "Can I choose where are we going next?" her voice was still small, but at least it is audible enough to understand.

 "Sure, and you don't have to tell us the reason until you are more comfortable," he added in the end. The blonde looked at her and give him a small smile before she lie down, her eyes closed.

 He raised his brows at her action when Ina motioned to him, asking him to follow her. Ryker did as she requested, knowing there should be a reason for it.

 When they get far enough, Ina looked at him with a serious expression. 

 "Do you remember when I said I make a deal with Era so she would join us?" she asked.

 "Yes, about fulfilling a promise or something similar so she would join us," there are more to it but Ryker is hard-pressed to remember it.

 "Well, this should be link with that," at first, Ryker could not understand what she was talking about before gradually, is understanding dawned upon his eyes.

 "Do... you think we are close to her past?" he asked, earning a grim look from Ina.

 "Yes, I think so. She will lightly face some turmoil, not to mention, there could be heart demon forming," she said seriously. 

 While Ina is not expert, in cultivation even less, she still took it upon herself to learn more about cultivation, her intention mainly to help herself and later on, the younger one.

 Thankfully, there are books about cultivation in the library, allowing her to learn a lot in a short time. One of the danger she read is of heart demon.

 Heart demon is form from plenty of reason. From traumatic experience, to regrets, they will rise and cause great troubles upon cultivators they came from.

 Ina was worried it might get Era to give birth to a heart demon. The look on her face told him to not comply with the blonde's request.

 However, Ryker shook his head. 

 "This is something she will have to face sooner or later. I think we should let her do as she wants. Just, protect her if too much for her to handle,"

 Ina looked discontent but in the end, sigh.

 "Fine, but make sure she will be alright," her expression promise him pain if he failed to to do as he promise.

 "Of course. After all, she is my lover,"