Destroyed Settlement

 As they travel, they began to encounter more bandits. Most of them are no threat to them, some of the group did not even have Genesis Formation bandits.

 Some, have even Genesis Core experts. Thankfully, Mashia beat them handily. Even those who reach the 3rd Stage of the realm did not stand a chance against the might of the dragon girl.

 With more and more bandits in their way, Ryker suspected there to be a lair nearby, which is troublesome to handle. Especially if Era intent on destroying it.

 Though, the further they go the path, they began to spot the sign of a settlement, though from the look of it, were destroyed.

 The thought was proven when they began to pass a broken down well, with some skeletons can be seen. A look showed that the skeleton were burnt, likely from the fire that help in the destruction of the settlement.

 As they walked through the settlement, Era grit her teeth, pain and anger can be seen in her eyes. Something Ina and Miriam notice as they each took a side and sandwiched her, comforting her in the silence.

 Yet, the sweet moment could not last.

 "Miriam, return to the mansion," Ryker ordered. Realizing what he said as well as the possible reason, the blonde comply, entering the mansion. Soon, a large group of bandits, 10 times larger than even the largest group before appeared.

 Ryker could sense there are 1 Genesis Core, along with 6 Genesis Foundation bandits, with the rest varying. 

 Meanwhile, the bandits gave the women a lecherous smile, their eyes stripping them off their clothes.

 "My, what generous gift brother. Thanks for bringing us all these women," one scruffy haired man said, looking at Ryker with a grin.

 "Get. Lost," Ryker replied, his eyes filled with rage.

 This cause the bandits to laugh out loud.

 "Do you hear this fella? This brat just tell is to get lost," he turned a vicious smirk towards Ryker.

"Listen here. This is our turf, and anyone who walk in this land would need to pay a certain price," he said, before eying the women.

 To be frank, Ryker is more than annoyed with them. He want to kill them and be done with it, though he did not want to kill them yet, in hope they would be able to help her fight her heart demon.

 Yet, Ryker turned his attention towards the wrong person as one would show.



 Era would have never thought she would see the person she hate the most today, but her life have been a series of surprise as of late.

 "Bastard," refusing to acknowledge the man but needing a way to convey her hatred towards him, calling him bastard is good enough for now.

 "My, the little girl had returned, and looking fine indeed," the man replied, not bothered by her word.

 "Better a little girl than a bastard traitor," she hissed, poison steaming from her tongue.

 "Is that how you treat a dear uncle?" the man dared addressed himself as that after what he done?!

 "You are no uncle of mine. Nit after you betrayed my father's trust," she hissed, tears threatening to fall of her eyes, one she try to stop as she did not want to show weakness to the man.

 "He is a fool and would have bring the town down," she could hear how the other gasp, "I would have make it great if he decide to follow my plan,"

 "A plan to make you kill the entire town, leaving no survivors expect for some that likely be turned into slaves," she almost growled by barely hold herself. Barely.

 "Some things require sacrifice," the man had the fall to shrug.

 "But, there is only one thing left to do. Namely," a wicked grin form on his face.

 "We need to deal with the loose ends," the man unleash a might of Genesis Foundation.

 Era feel great anger, but most of all, she felt hatred and sadness. She wants to cry, to lie down but she did not want to do that in front of the bandits.

 However, and thankfully, a hand land on her shoulder.

 "Don't worry," his voice seem to soothe her, "We are going to deal with them,"


 "Haah! What does a brat and bunch of beauties going to do?" They did not show with words but with action.

 Both Mashia and Ryker unleash their cultivation, causing the bandits to frown.

 "Don't worry, they will not be as strong as us. Not to mention we outnumbered them," one of the bandits said before the sole Genesis Core charged towards Mashia, while the 5 Genesis Foundation target Ryker.

 They clearly wish to kill Ryker first before dealing with the others. After all, aside from him, the rest are beautiful women, so they likely thought it would be a shame if they were killed.

 However, despite them using their full strength, nothing would have prepared them for the might of the two strongest members of the group.


 "Surrender now and I will not harm a skin of your back, pretty lady," the sole Genesis Core bandit said, ogling her with his eyes.

 Mashia swore to rip of his eyes and feed it to the man. Though, she probably need to deal with the one coming after Era, or Eralune now, and Ina.

 At the edge of her eyes, she could see a flicker of light, a barrier forming to protect them.

 'So they decide to use that?' she thought. Ryker had given them an amulet each, capable of creating barriers strong enough to block the attack of Saint Realm experts.

 And the energy will remain as long as it is not use. So, the amulet could either be used as one-time use, or multi-used item depending on the strength of the attack.

 No longer needing to worry of the two women, Mashia turned her eyes towards her opponent, giving the man the full attention she wanted.

 Her smile turn into one that can be described as murderous as her eyes turned into a slit, the only part of her dragonic lineage she willing to show.


 Ryker stare at the 5 Genesis Foundation experts. They all are below the 7th Stage, all of them are at the intermediate-stage.

 More than strong enough to handle a single Genesis Foundation, especially one only at the 2nd Stage.

 However, Ryker is no ordinary cultivators.

 "Apologize, but you need to die now," the man related to Era's past said as they charged at him. Ryker shook his head before he did the same, ready to deal some justice on Era's behalf.