Adventure Guild In Mariz Capital City

 With they being allowed to stay inside the main mansion of the Hal Fanily, it was a surprise to many when they refused, though the Elder clearly understand their reasoning as he did not make it too hard for them.

 In the end, they took a small cottage house, one big enough for all 5 of them, while being somewhat close to the main mansion. 


 "Now this is better," Mashia exclaimed, letting her disguise off, allowing her horn to appear. While it did not do anything, it did allow her to not feel suppressed and forced in hiding her true nature.

 "Yeah, we don't have to worry about someone seeing us doing it," Miriam said. They had not been having intercourse for their time in the mansion due to the formation inside of it.

 With them no longer inside the surveillance formation, the blonde expected for their 'night actitvies' to continue as usual.

 "Yes, but we also need to think of our plan for the near future. The Baron had decided to search for the location of the Secret Realm first before condoning the area so no one would be able to see it. 

 Not to mention, the preparation needed to create a formation that will help cover the wordly phenomenon that occurred whenever a Secret Realm was opened. In short, the Baron had told me it will take 4 to 6 weeks before the expedition of the Secret Realm could begin," Ryker told them.

 "So, I think we should register everyone as adventurers so we can took missions and get both training and rewards out of it," he suggested.

 "Make sense. Not to mention, while the rewards from the Barony is more than enough for now, who knew how long it would last. So, we better find a way to get both money and resources consistently, though it will be harder with us constantly travelling," Ina said, pointing out for the future.

 "In that case, tomorrow we will go to the Adventure Guild and register both Mashia and Miriam, then we take missions," soon, they discuss more of the procedure they will take, namely to avoid some of their weaker members from being jumped by others, before finally falling asleep, though not before having a quick session.


 After a quick breakfast and playing with Ryker's younger siblings, they find themselves in front of the Adventure Guild building in the capital city. Considering how the one in a major city looked impressive enough, Ryker suspect nothing short of amazing from the one located inside the most important city of Mariz Barony.

 And he was not disappointed. The building alone, while colored modestly, possess a grand size, no doubt to accommodate the number of adventurers inside the capital. It is a 5-storey building, showing how big it is as it stood taller compared to the other building in near vicinity, not to mention the adjacent area belonging to the guild making it even larger.

 As they entered, the modest appearance change to one of both cozy and awe-inspiring. The walls were decorated with weapons and heads of beast, trophies no doubt of it. Plants in pots also find itself near the wall, with some decorating the corner.

 The wall itself is painted in the floor of light blue, contrasting to the wooden counters. Stopping slightly, the 5 soon move towards the counter, where a brown-haired receptionist resided, her hair reaching shoulder length.

 "Hello, how may I help you?" the receptionist asked, looking at them with interest with her green eyes.

 "We want to register two new person," Ryker said, pointing at both Miriam and Mashia, "and we want to update our adventure badge," he pointed to himself, Era and Ina.

 "I see, so let's get going then," the woman smiled. Ryker take a quick glance, his eyes telling him the woman, who looked in her late twenties, is definitely older than any of them, though her cultivation is weaker than Ina and Era, who had reached the Genesis Foundation, mainly thanks to the high grade treasures he gave them.

 The five soon followed the woman, not noticing how some of the men looked at him in jealousy, as they glance at the numerous women behind him.


 "I don't expect all of you to be strong cultivators," the receptionist admitted. She had thought the two new one should at least be at the Genesis Formation, at best, if not Genesis Gathering. While she is right with one of them, the other one is at the Genesis Core, making her one of the stronger adventurers in the Barony.

 The other three veterans are no slouch either. All of their cultivation had reach the Genesis Foundation, which is even greater than hers, despite her being older than them. She could not help but feel slightly jealous though the feeling was squashed immediately.

 She take a look at them and watched their interaction. Despite only spending a short time with them, she could not help but find their relationship to be both cute and loving. Oh, how she longed for such relationship. 

 Alas, she did not dare to have such relation with anyone after the heartbreak she gone through. Though, she did not mind teasing such handsome young man once in a while.

 "My, would a fine young man like you wish for a night with this experienced lady," she said in a teasing tone, showing of her curves. She expected for the young women around him to bristles while the young man blushing a little.

 "Are you interested in having a relationship with our lover? If so, come and join in," the responds is not what she expected, throwing someone like her off guard.

 "What? You inviting me, to join in?" she asked in confusion.

 "Well, you seem interested," Ina asked her, causing her to lightly blush.

 "I find him handsome but I wish to tease him-" 

 "You will get more than a chance to tease him," Ina counter, causing the older woman to be speechless.

 "You don't mind a used good like me to be with your lover," she pointed out her status as a not-virgin, earning a nod from the fellow brunette. She had to admit, being thrown of guard is an understatement at this point.

 "Well, in such case, you don't mind if I kiss him," Ina rolled her eyes but nodded, "Yes, go ahead,"

 The receptionist walked in a sultry manner, swaying her hips and curves before putting her arms on his shoulder, giving the young man in front of him a kiss. He stiffen before returning it.

 The receptionist took the chance to enjoy his warmth, knowing it would not be long before she was left once more.