After Negotiation

 Ryker had thought they will not agree to such deal. After all, he had already asked a lot. Asking for 5 percents from what they find inside the Secret Realm, it would be too much for them to accept.

 Or so he thought.

 "Of course. It is yours," his surprise must be apparent as the higher-ups laugh at him.

 "If you wish for it, you could enter the Secret Realm and obtained all of the treasures inside, but you decide to share it with us. Since most of the things you asked from us is negligible, giving 5 percent of the treasures found is still acceptable," the Baron clarified.

 Hearing this, Ryker did not plan to argue, though, there is one more thing he wanted to ask for, "In that case, I would like to ask for two more things, though both are connected," the Baron raised his brows before motioning for him to say his condition.

 When he was done, the Baron was in deep thought, "Even if we combined all of the thing you ask for, it still could not compare to what the Secret Realm likely offer. So, we are going to add some more to the conditions.

 The first conditions will be from 24 weeks worth of resources to 48 weeks. The second conditions is for each faction to give two high-grade treasures of your choosing. But it will only be at Grade 5 or below. Then...." as the Baron listed the new conditions, Ryker could not help but find himself getting both surprised and suspicious.

 After all, entering the Secret Realm will give them an opportunity to gain treasures, but it just that, opportunity. There is no telling if they could get anything from the trip. However, he will not correct the man. In the end, it's up to the cultivators to get the rewards of the Secret Realm.


 After the negotiation was over, and Ryker had left, the higher-ups remained as they turned their attention to the Baron.

 "My Lord, may I ask of why you change the conditions that benefits him?" the Elder of Hilus Family asked.

 "Why? Well, it just I want to invest on a talented monster like him, and being mild with the reward is not a way to do so," the Baron replied.

 "What make the young man worth it of receiving your attention?" the Captain asked.

 "You must know I have mastered the Law of Life to the Understanding Realm, so I was able to guess the age of the person correctly, unless they tried to stop me from learning of their true ages.

 I check on his age and color me surprise when I learnt he is only 19 years old," the knowledge of his age cause the others to look at their leader in shock.

 "19 and already at the Genesis Foundation. He must be from a powerful family, or a distinguished background," the Miri Family's Elder said what the others have mind.

 "Yes, and I hope if it is possible, to earn them a favor. After all, there is nothing wrong with such thing," the Baron exclaimed, earning a series of nod from the other higher-ups, with a very complicated look from the Elder of Hal Family.


 "So, they agree with the conditions you put?" Mashia asked, her voice conveying how surprise she was.

 "Yes, though I'm not sure that was out of sincerity or there is more to it," Ryker answered.

 "There is probably more to it, just that we don't have the necessary information," Miriam said, earning a collective nod from the others.


 "Wow, they sure work fast," Ryker admitted, looking at the numbers of storage rings in front of him. It took the higher-ups 2 days to prepare and send the resources he ask for.

 The silver-eyed man soon check every one of the storage rings, to ensure the number of resources is correct. There might be a chance there is someone who wanted to cheat him.

 However, to his astonishment, the number of resources was correct with no deviation from what he asked for. 

 'At least they keep their promise,' he thought to himself before looking at the 6 people who presented him with the high grade treasures. While he would be using some of them for his own reason, namely mastering different Paths, some will be given for his lovers, to help them in their growth and mastery of the Paths they comprehending.

 He take a quick look before choosing the treasures, taking two from each person before sending them away. By the end of it, he was satisfied with his gain, especially for the high grade treasures.


 "So, this is the destruction of the Uru," Ryker said, watching the estates where the Uru Family called home. If he had followed his desire, he would have attacked the place as quickly as possible, to help Era get the justice she deserved. However, seeing them being surrounded by the elites of the Great Families and Barony is almost as satisfying as doing it by himself.

 The Uru's elites watched the forces surrounding them with clear unease, especially as they realize how badly outmatched they will be. After all, the elites of the Great Familes and Barony are all at the Genesis Foundation and above, with their numbers even outnumbering the Uru forces, and that is if they include everyone of the Uru Family.

 Not to mention, the group surrounding the Uru also have more elites in the Genesis Core, ready to strike if the Uru's powerhouse decided to flee.

 Ryker and Era only watch, both not wishing to join in the fight. Though they are interested in seeing the end result which is likely would be the Uru getting annihilated, which they deserved.

 They watched as the Uru's Family Patriarch talked with the experts of the Barony. The talk started peacefully, before it turned heated and the man trying to flee. The attempt, as predicted, ended with failure as the man was struck down but not killed.

 He was glad for the man deserve a long and painful death.

 "Era?" Ryker called out to the blonde, who has a satisfied smile on her face.

 "My family, they finally avenged," she said as she laid her head on his shoulder, her hair tickling him slightly.

 "Yeah," his arm wrapped around her smaller form, "Yeah they are,"