Alchemist Test

When Lisha woke up, it was to a very sore body, one that was in constant agony, even after making the smallest of twitching.

She turned towards the cause of it, Ryker merely giving her a devilish smirk, one that send shiver down her spine, both from fear and arousal.

'No wonder they choose the harem route,' the receptionist thought. If only a single woman stay by his side, she would have died from the pleasure in just a few weeks or so.

Thankfully, Ryker is a gentleman, even though he was not so gentle last night. He helped her bath and wore some clothes, though she doubt she could go to work for the day.

After sharing some intimate moment, the silver-eyed man left her home, letting her rest as she check on her cultivation.

"Huh?" as she did so, she made an astonishing discovery.

"How did I almost breakthrough?!"


 After arriving at their lodging inside the estate of the Hal Family, he cleaned himself up before heading towards his main goal for the day, the Craftsman Alliance.

 Unfortunately, the Craftsman Alliance did not have an establishment in the Mariz Barony with the sole exception being the capital. 

 Unlike their fellow allies, the Adventure Guild, the Craftsman Alliance branches are located only at the cities and towns with high number of resources flowing through them.

 As different profession required different materials of varrying grade to support them, it is understandable to why the Alliance would only found branches at large towns and cities, as smaller settlements could not hope to support a branch, at least that will make it worthwhile.

 The reason for his visit is to be recognized as an alchemist in the eyes of the Alliance, as well as learning of the other professions. After all, his end goal is to reach Grade 4 in all 5 major professions.

 Anyone else would be consider mad to do so as raising a single Rank in any profession took time and effort, along with multiple successes and failure. Not to mention 5 professions at once.

 However, Ryker was sure he could do so. After all, he do possess the Profound Scholar Scripture, which no doubt help him raise his Rank. Plus, he already reach the first step in reaching Rank 4 in Alchemy.


 "I would like to register as a member of the Craftsman Alliance," Ryker said to the man in front of him.

 "Of course. Please fill in the document first," he did as the man said though he do stopped at his greatest achievement. 

 He thought about it before writing it down, before handing it over to the man.

 "Oh, it seem you have manage to concoct a Grade 4 Pill," the man said calmly. Few seconds later, it dawned to him on what he just said.

 "Grade 4 Pills! he exclaimed in shock, before looking at Ryker who still look like in his late teens.

 "Please, do not exaggerated your ability," the man said, not believing the person in front of him had essentially pass the requirement to become a Rank 4 Alchemist.

"In that case, how about I go for the rest then?" Ryker pointed out, earning a thoughful face of the man.

"Sure, follow me then,"


Soon, the two reach an empty alchemy room, though from glancing at the other room, this one is larger.

"Please wait here until I inform the higher-ups of someone taking a test," Ryker merely nodded as he waited for the examiners to come.

In 10 minutes, 4 people entered the room, including the receptionist.

"Please concoct any pills you knew of but it must be at Grade 4," one of the examiners said.

Just nodding to show he understand it, Ryker did not dally and began to look at the ingredients prepared by the staff. It is done so nobody could cheat, not to mention the herbs and fruits are all quality materials.

He used his Fire qi to heat up the cauldron before pouring the first batch of ingredient.

"Excellent skill. There still some things he need to improve but overall, his performance is good," one of the examiners exclaimed.

"Not to mention, he is also a Genesis Foundation expert. It will make things easier for him," the usage in qi have made any professions easier, and the stronger cultivators would have it easier than the weaker one.

"Not to mention the fact his Soul reached the Illusory realm," the others nodded as well to the last examiners words.

For professions, the most important thing for them to focus on raising, aside from their profession skills is their Soul. A stronger Soul is necessary as it allowed one to split up the attention during the delicate process of crafting. When the Grade of the items is higher, the creation process get even more complicated, forcing masters to have great focus and multitasking.

Having a stronger Soul would help that as it made the mental strength of a cultivator stronger. Stronger Soul also made the crafting process easier, allowing a higher success rate and improving the quality of the end product.

 The examiners watched with interest as the young man soon began the final part of the concocting process. Their eyes opened widely as he expertly move his qi in manner more befitting of a master.

Soon, the cauldron began to shake, the sign the concoction process is nearing the end. Few seconds later, the fragrant of the pills emerged from the cauldron, signifying the young man's success.

Without any fanfare, Ryker opened his cauldron and let the examiner to check his pill.

They went towards the cauldron and take a quick look, before nodding.

"This is a genuine Grade 4 Pills. And it's a recently made one as well," one of the examiners said.

"Since there is no foul play and you manage to create a Grade 4 Pills, you are officially a Rank 4 Alchemist," the oldest looking examiner said.

"Please go to the counter to receive your token as an alchemist,"


"So, this is the token," Ryker exclaimed, staring at the token with a cauldron on it. At the edges of the token there are 5 star-shaped holes, with 4 iron star.

"So this means I am a Rank 4 Alchemist," he mused.

"Now you are a member, let me tell you the benefits of being one," as he was in deep thought, the man said.