Taking Other Examination

Ryker nodded, seeing no reason to refuse.

"First thing you need to know is that while money and energy stones can be used to do transaction, the main currency for the Craftsman Alliance is points, which will be stored inside your token.

With points, you can buy get a lot of things from any branches as it is the same in all the different branches of the Craftsman Alliance.

As for how you obtain point, it is by completing commissions. Commissions are request from the people who wanted certam items. There is a commission room in the building so you can go there to search for suitable commissions.

Of course, there is different ranks of commissions. The higher the rank, the more difficult it is. The same is true for the reward as well. Because you are a Rank 4 Alchemist, you can take Rank 4 commissions.

Then, there is the boon offered by the Craftsman Alliance. First is the resources and equipment you buy from any branches will receive a special discount. The discount is the same, though the Grade of the materials will determined if you get a discount or not.

For example, a Rank 1 Alchemist will get a discount for Grade 1 Materials but not for Grade 2. This is true for the other grades.

Besides having discounts for materials, you can also rent rooms to practice your professions. There are plenty of rooms and they are also divided in grades. The better the room, the more expensive it is, as it will have denser energy concentration, as well as better equipment. It is usually cheaper to rent a room than buying your own equipment so most of the beginner Craftsman did just that.

Three, you can ask for guidance from a more experienced expert. They can reject it but they often did not. In fact, most expert alchemist earned a lot of points by teaching their junior.

"That is all the benefits of joining the Craftsman Alliance, not to mention," the man went silent all of a sudden.

"What?" Ryker asked.

"There are boobs if one manage to become Noble and above master," he said seriously, earning a gulp from Ryker.

Noble Alchemist. While he never doubt he could achieve the pinnacle of cultivation once more, to become a Spirit Rank Alchemist, or higher, it is something he is not sure he could achieve.

Though, that does not mean he will not stop trying. After all, being such a master will grant him the recognition as well as a form of immunity, granting him protection.

"Oh, by the way, can I take other examination?" Ryker asked, earning a confused grunt from the man.

"You already a Rank 4 Alchemist, are you actually a Rank 5 Alchemist?" he asked jokingly.

Ryker shook his head, "No, I want to take the other examination of other professions," the man slowly digest what he said before looking at him with the most dumbstruck look he had ever seen someone have.



"Oh, looked like a newcomer entered the Forge,"

"From the look of it, he looked he only dabbled, or just a beginner in Blacksmithing,"

"True. He lack an aura of a true blacksmith,"

"Maybe he wants to start just now?"

The other blacksmiths talked to one another as they eyed the newcomer, who was followed by three people, no doubt the examiners.

As they chattered,they looked at the examination room with interest. After all, it is not often for new person to attempt an examination.

Soon, he come out, heading towards the counter where he received a token. However, instead of heading back to the Forge, he head straight to the Workshop, where the Item Crafters are.

"What is he doing? Is he lost?"

"No you dumbass, he is trying the Item Crafters examination," sure enough, three more people followed him.

"What!? Is he insane? It should be hard to complete two different examination at the same day!"

"Maybe he is not at the Genesis Gathering, he should be way stronger than that," the chatter soon disappear as he walked away towards the counter.

To the shock of the spectators, he received another token, with a knife on it.

"H-he did it?"

"Wait? Where is he going?"

"Is he doing what I think he is doing?"

"He enter the Formation Area!"

"How did he not drained from the previous exam?!"

"Wait a minute. Does he intend to do all the examination of 5 main profession today?"

At the person question, the others let out a startled gasp. To complete 5 examination in a single day, it would be draining to anyone, even for a Genesis Foundation.

They quickly turned their attention to the young man, who entered the exam room of the Formation Area.

After half an hour, he come out before heading towards the counter, receiving another token.

If any of the spectators have any doubt, it evaporated at the scene in front of them. After all, mastering 5 professions is to hard for any of them, even to master in each profession.

They watched intently, wanting to see if he will succeed for the 4th time. As he entered the Inscription Room, the other watched with batted breath, all wanting to see either the man will succeed or not.

Soon, he come out and went to the counter. The receptionist, once again put a token in his hand. The spectators watched him, expecting him to go straight to the Alchemy Room.

To their surprise, he did not go there, instead opting to go out of the building.

"Did he get tired?"

"Maybe he is not that confident in his alchemy skill,"

"True, that make sense,"

"Wait! I see an alchemist token on him!"


"And there is 4 star on it," at once, the spectators turned towards the young man direction, who already disappear from their sight.


"This is worth it," Ryker said, looking at the 5 token in his hand. With it, he can get discount from the different branches of Craftsman Alliance, not to mention, the guidance of senior master is something that will help him raise his profession rank easier.

However, his greatest gain in the end is his understanding the Profound Scholar Scripture. He is not sure of the Paths he will gain after mastering the first level of the Art, but he was sure it will be esotaric in nature.

Though, there is still some way to go before he could hope to reach such level.

"Maybe reaching rank 3 for all 5 professions will do the trick," he mused, ready to rest after an intense session of studying and examination.