Second Part of Trial

Soon, the 10 minutes is over as the two prepare for the next trial.

[ Second Trial: Trial of Sharpness. Cut through the barrier. The further one cut, the better the reward. The trial difficulties will change depending on the strength of the participants.]

"Well, this is more straightforward," Shuri exclaimed, before the landscape in front of them changed.

The simple plain that is before now have several towers with varying height and thickness, with the one further back is actually a city.

"How about you go first Ryker?" Shuri told him, eying her own tower with some slight trembling.

Ryker could understand, as while the trial did say something about making the challenge different depending on the cultivation realm, it still difficult for Shuri, who possess above average talent.

He merely nodded before taking his sword. As this is the Trial of Sharpness, he need to use Metal qi as he doubt any other qi would be able to cut the tower.

He focused his Metal qi on his sword, strengthening it before performing a simple slash, only that it is empowered by Metal qi.

The slash travel through the plain before hitting the tower, cutting it in half.

Shuri looked at him in awe. She knew Ryker is a lot stronger than her, but his display of power always shocked the white-haired young woman.

She then thought about her friends, Ina and Era, who always asked her if she wanted to join his harem. While she admitted to having a crush on the silver-eyed young man, she knew as the daughter of Hal Family, such relationship could be disastrous to her family name.

As she was in deep thought, Ryker's voice woke her up.

"Shuri, try your best!" he yelled.

Feeling her confident rising, Shuri did the same thing as well, not planning to use any Technique. With another slash, the tower in front of her was cut to three pieces, all of it falling to the ground.

Ryker gave her a firm nod before he continue on his next tower, Shuri following suit.


"Huh, huh,this is the 6th tower," Shuri said to herself, eying the 2nd last tower. The tower is the largest and highest so far, with likely even stronger barrier.

Considering the previous tower require her to use one of her strongest Technique, she doubt she could destroy this one. She watched as Ryker cut down his 6th tower with is, before he turned towards her and gave her an assuring grin and a thumbs up.

She turned towards her tower, confidents and determination coursing through her as she prepared herself to break the tower. While she knew her Technique would not be sufficient, she had to try it.

"Metal Claw!" she roared, putting every qi she could squeeze out, comprehension of the Law of Metal, and her mastery of her technique.

It was then, she could feel her Technique changed. The once simple Metal Claw glowed in silverish light, with the claw itself becoming even longer, the power exuded is even more impressive than before.

The Claw flew towards the tower before hitting it, cutting it with ease, to her slight shock. Not for Ryker though as he understand what happened.

"Looks like your Technique had reach the Perfection realm," he commented, causing the white-haired woman's eyes to widen in surprise.

Shuri could scarcely believe what Ryker said, even with irrefutable proof. After all, she knew that there are two main stages in mastering a Technique; Completion, and Perfection.

She had barely reach the Completion stage and had not expect for her most used Technique to reach the Perfection Stage. A grin soon formed on her face, joyful at the sudden increase in her strength.

Ryker merely sighed. While she reach the Perfection Stage, Ryker did not tell her she only touch the first level of the stage, Initial Perfection. Then again, the world seem to not follow the guideline his parents thought him so he did not tell her.

Still, even at the first stage, a Technique that reach the Perfection Stage is far superior than those that did not reach such stage, adding an improvement to Shuri's arsenal.

However, they still need to finish the last part of the second trial, which is the city, no doubt it would be more difficult than the previous tower.

As Shuri thought of ways to finish the final phase, which she doubted even with her Technique reaching the Perfection Stage do much against it, Ryker walked towards her.

"Shuri, comprehend this," he told her before he put a finger on her forehead.

She felt sceptical but accepted it, knowing Ryker would not do anything to harm her.

As the finger touched her forehead, she felt her head splitting, a great headache causing her to clutch her head. Yet, at the same time, she could feel her comprehension of the Law of Metal increased.

She quickly meditate, taking the new knowledge to slowly improve her mastery of Law of Metal, while Ryker keep an eye on her, ensuring nothing will harm the white-haired woman.


"This is..." Shuri exclaimed in trembling voice. She could see in her Inner Realm the formation of a metal slab, the sign her comprehension of Law of Metal had reach the Understanding Realm.

She turned to the one who allowed it to be possible and bowed her head.

"Thank you!" she yelled, tears almost brimming from her eyes due to how shock and grateful she was.

"I promise I will protect you, and I will ame sure you reach the end of the trial," she merely nodded, her lips quivering as tears of joy starting to form.

Inside her heart, the crush she had for the young man in front of her had transformed into love, as he had bestowed her two greatest help she could ever hope for.

"Do the trial first, Shuri. I will follow you afterwards," Shuri nodded before looking at the city in front of her with a determined look.

With no hesitation, the young mistress of Hal Family unleashed her strongest attack, empowered by her newfound mastery of Law of Metal.

Her attack become 10 times stronger than previously said through the air and hit the barrier and the city, creating a massive cut at the center.

Seeing this, Ryker unleashed his own attack, the result being a chasm at the center of the city.

At once, the two people find themselves surrounded by a golden glow before they were transported elsewhere.