Final Trial, Reward

 As they was soon drop to the ground, both of them able to recover faster, though Shuri still suffer from slight headache. Meanwhile, Ryker manage to get a glimpse of the illusive Law of Space during the transportation.

 'It's to bad there is no spatial anamoly or even a permanent portal. That would no doubt help me get my understanding of Law of Space to reach the Elementary Understanding,' he thought.

 The three most esoteric Paths; Time, Space, and Gravity always had been in his sight, just there is no way for him to comprehend them without the aid of some special treasures with their attributes or witnessing a phenomenon related to them.

 After Shuri finally recover, they walked a bit further ahead before another pillar appear.

[ Third Trial: Trial of Resilience. Endure the pressure for the entire trip. The pressure will increase the longer the time went on and the further the participants manage to walk.]

 "I see. All this trial is related to Law of Metal. The first one being how one could sharpen Metal with Metal. The second trial is about the sharpness of Metal, due to it being considered one of the offensive type element, along with being the sharpest of all element. And the last one is the resilience, or the strength of the Metal under pressure," Ryker summarized, understanding the theme of the Trial.

 "The one who created this Secret Realm should have reach the third stage of mastery in Law of Metal," he exclaimed. 

 Shuri looked at him in shock, "The third stage! The Master realm!" Ryker wish to correct her, as the one he learned about, is that the third stage in mastery is called Greater Understanding, but did not do so.

 "Yes, the third stage," he did not tell the whole truth but it does not matter at this point. 

 "We should get ready. Who knew how powerful the pressure would be," he reminded. The white-haired woman nodded before the two take a single step forward.

 No sooner than that, they feel great amount of pressure pressing them. It took all of their strength to not be crushed by it, with Shuri doing her best but feel like she would fail the trial.

 "I-I am go-going to turn back," she manage to say with gritted teeth, trying hard to not bite her tongue from the pressure.

 "Don't," Ryker said, stopping her. "Trust me," he put his hands behind her back and knees before scooping her, earning a light yelp from the young woman.

 Shuri could feel her face heating up. Never would have she expected to be carried bridal style by the man she loved.

 'Is thi-" "This trial will help you a lot. There is no way I'm letting you fail without getting to step halfway through it," Shuri merely nodded feeling touched by his action.

 And so, the duo walked, well, one of them at least, walked towards the end of the trial.


 Ryker pushed his massive qi reserves outward after turning them into Metal qi. From time to time, he also let some of the pressure to hit Shuri, giving her the chance to endure it and strengthened her mastery of Law of Metal, as well as purifying her qi.

 Yet, as they reached the halfway mark, Ryker could feel the strength of the pressure increasing, making it hard for him to take even a single step.

 "Metal Rakshasha Body," he called out, his form turned metallic. Combined with the usage of his Iron Genesis Body, he was able to endure the pressure and move as well, though it consume both his qi and stamina.

 Seeing this, Shuri looked at him in slight hesitation before her eyes turned into one full of determination. Her body glowed, as the pressure around them was reduced significantly.

 "Wha-" at first confused, Ryker looked down to see the metal energy that press on them had been absorbed by Shuri, who refined them, causing her body to glow even more.

 "A Constitution?" Ryker exclaimed. After all, it is impossible for someone at her current cultivation level to absorb the Metal energy without exploding without a Special Constitution.

 Pushing the thought aside for now, Ryker instead took the chance to run, the pressure around them having been reduced to the point running is possible. With her aid and his strength, they were able to reach the end of the trial, the two falling with Ryker being the one on top, his hands besides Shuri's head.

 Both of them were busy recovering, Ryker from exhaustion, while Shuri from absorbing the Metal energy. It took them a few minutes before they realize the position their in, which cause Shuri to blush.

 Ryker did not. He simply lowered his body before giving her lips a light peek, causing her blush to become brighter by tenfold. 

 Ryker then stood up and help her to get up as well, before turning towards the building in front of them.

 "Let's go in," he said, pulling the still shocked woman with him.


 As they entered the building, they were met with the sight of a familiar man, one Ryker recognized.

 "So you manage to finish the trial. In that case, you will be given two rewards,"

 'Only two?' both Ryker and Shuri though, feeling the one who create this Secret Realm is stingy.

 [ The first reward is the core of the Secret Realm. With this, you will be able to open up every places in the Secret Realm and took the treasures you find a liking for. You can also open the barrier permanently though it would not be able to raise if you did so. ]

 The two quickly changed their first thought when they heard of the first reward. However, before they could get the shock out of their system of essentially being given such a vast wealth, the man continued,

 [ The second reward is the key to the final Secret Realm, one where most of my treasures, as well as vast portion of my inheritance is located at. It also detailed the location as well as the compass to find it. May you be the one to receive my full inheritance. ]

 The man soon disappear, leaving both Shuri and Ryker behind, both still shock by what they gain.