Battle Formation

"Mobilize the army!"

"Mobilize the army!"

Two same order coming from two different people echoed through the plains.

The armies of both Baronies nevertheless obeyed, rushing in formation as they head straight towards their opponent.

Despite the disparity in numbers, the Mariz Barony soldiers continue to march towards their goes, causing some of the officers of Esel Barony to snicker.

Nevertheless, they continue to order their own forces to be wary, less they entered the traps of their goes. And enter it they did.

Considering they are inside the Mariz Barony territory, killing formation had been arranged before hand, especially in places that would be a good battlefield for both side. As the Esel Barony soldiers soon find out.



"Run away!"

Screams of terror left the mouth of many Esel Barony soldiers, as the killing formation areanged beforehand took effect.

Some of the killing formation burned the soldiers to cinder, while some froze them. Some even entered an illusion formation and began to hack their allies, mistaking them for foes. Nevertheless, the Esel Barony had prepared for such tactics.

Formation specialist from their ranks were sent to neutralize the killing Formation. Naturally, the Mariz Barony forces will not let such thing happened and send their elites to slaughter the Formation Specialist, so for every Esel Barony's Formation Specialist, there will be two elites guarding them.

So, the first part of the battle was of the elites, revolving between the Esel Barony's Formation Specialist. However, with the number advantage, the Formation Specialist are given a free reign to destroy and neutralize the threat of the Formation, allowing their main army to march towards Mariz Barony's army.

Seeing they could not hope to thin down their enemies any more, the General issued his next command.

"Battle Formation!"

Battle Formation differ from regular formation as it did not need materials to form it's array. Instead it depends on cultivators as it's array.

The soldiers will unleash their qi in very specific way, resonating with the person next to them, who resonate to the person next to them, and so on.

When there are enough cultivators, it could unleash might 100 times greater than the cultivator themselves. Hence, why Battle Formation is considered a staple of any nation, as it allows their low-level cultivators in the form of the their soldiers to fight people way stronger than them, beings that could trample them in seconds.

Naturally, if there are more cultivators, the stronger the Battle Formation in question. Both Baronies field forces numbering in hundred of thousands, but the Esel Barony possessed more soldiers, at least three times the number of Mariz Barony forces.

Battle Formation erupted from the two armies, each one creating a large Battle Spirit with different colour, Esel with their blue Battle Spirit the shaped of an armoured warrior, and Mariz with a white Battle Spirit with a different armoured warrior.

Similar to any type of cultivation, Battle Formation need a certain type of technique called Battle Formation Technique. Battle Formation Technique differ in the form of the Battle Spirit it created as well as it's efficiency.

High-grade Battle Formation Technique would be able to form larger and more powerful Battle Spirit even if the number is similar to the force who practice low-grade Battle Formation Technique.

Considering they are both vassal to different kingdom, their Battle Formation Technique is a handout, often a weaker version of the Battle Formation Technique used by the kingdom they are under.

Since their kingdom are relatively similar in terms of size and might, the Battle Formation Technique they posses is of similar value, yet for some reason the Battle Spirit created by Mariz Barony forces are of the same size as the Esel Barony.

The General of Esel Barony did not have time to ponder such peculiarities and instead ordered an attack.

"Attack!" the army rushed towards the Mariz forces, the Battle Spirit swinging it's blade to Battle Spirit of Mariz. The Battle Spirit of Mariz retaliate, the two Battle Spirit colliding with power that could evenly match with at the peak of Genesis Spring realm.

However, the single attack was enough to shatter both side Battle Spirit, a predicted outcome.

"Change to company sized Battle Formation!" General of both sides ordered.

A large scale Battle Formation is not sustainable for a long time as it require tremendous concentration from all the cultivators using it as well as the control of the leader, the one who would command the Battle Spirit into action.

Smaller Battle Formation, however, while less effective and efficient, can be sustained longer due to less concentration required in maintaining.

In large scale battles between different nations, large scale Battle Formation is utilise first to weaken the adversaries while smaller one is used to break apart the enemies' formation.

Currently, the battle had reached the second phase as the both armies split into smaller groups, engaging one another in intense but smaller fights all over the place.

Often time, the Mariz Barony soldiers will find themselves outnumbered yet for some reason they were able to hold on, not defeated in minutes, which surprised the leaders of Esel Barony.

Not to mention, the Battle Spirit utilise by each group was as strong as the one Esel Barony able to unleash per group.

"Looks like I did not imagine it," the General of Esel muttered. With the soldiers on both side equally match, for reason unknown, it is up for the experts of both side to make their move.

General of Esel soon spot his supposed adversary, General of Mariz, and flew to meet him in combat. The other experts also find their matches, but similar to the battle down below, the experts of Mariz Barony find themselves outnumbered.


"Hahaha! Just surrender and we will let you off!" the Baron of Esel exclaimed to his current foe, the Baron of Mariz.

He, along with two other barons are surrounding the Baron of Mariz, trying to suppress him. Yet, he managed to shrugged it off, though the Baron of Esel assumed it is through the usage of a treasure, or even a forbidden technique.

"Haha! Do you think we are going to be defeated?" the man asked mockingly, causing the Baron of Esel to snort.

"A dead man bluff, do you think we will buy such a thing?" he replied with a mocking tone.

The Baron of Mariz merely shook his head before snapping his finger. At the moment, both experts and soldiers of Mariz Barony stopped moving, before they unleashed their true power.

"Impossible," was the only thing the Baron of Esel could say, watching as the enemy's soldiers and experts becoming way stronger than he thought possible.

The Baron of Mariz playfully smiled at him, though to the Baron of Esel and the other two barons, it might as well be the smile of the devil.

"Round two,"