Genesis Spring Might

The moment the Baron of Mariz said such words, his qi erupted, showcasing his true realm.

"Ge-genesis Spring?!" was the shocked reply of three Barons, staring in horror at the man in front of him.

"Apologies brother Esel, but this is beyond us,"

"I have to leave right now, you are own your own,"

The two barons gave flimsy excuses and tried to leave but they were stopped by the Baron of Mariz.

"Do you think, you can just trot down in my territory and get away with it without any consequences?" the Baron of Mariz said coldly, sending shivers down the spine of all three Barons.

"Brothers! We have to work together if we want to survive him!" the Baron of Esel yelled, causing the two to hesitate before nodding. They could see that the Baron of Mariz has no intention of letting them of.

All three are rulers of nations, one that had existed longer than Mariz Barony, so they are decisive in their action.

"Frozen Sea Sword," the Baron of Esel exclaimed, his sword swirling with Ice qi, before it soon fell upon the Baron of Mariz.

"Dominant Iron Fist!"

"Oceanic King Spear!"

The other two barons did not dally as well, unleashing their strongest techniques upon the Baron of Mariz, who looked at them with contempt.

The three attack, more than enough to harm even the strongest Genesis Source experts sailed through the air as they head towards the Baron of Mariz.

The Baron did not do anything except unleashing his qi around him, causing his surrounding to turn green as grasses and flowers grow in midair.

The three looked in horror as their attacks hit the nearly formed vegetation, yet did not do anything except making some of it flicker and swayed, and nothing more.

"A pseudo-domain," one of the Baron exclaimed in a sense of helplessness.

It could not be helped as he knew what a pseudo-domain entailed.

Domain is the power of Spirit Grand Realm expert and above, one that become even more profound the higher one cultivation are.

As a Genesis Grand Realm expert, one would not be able to touch the level of domain. However, they can touch what is referred as pseudo-domain, at the last three major realm of Genesis Grand Realm.

While it could not compare to a true domain of a Spirit Grand Realm expert, a pseudo-domain is more than enough to defeat those weaker than them without even making any moves, showing that even a pseudo-domain is not something weaker cultivators could handle.

 "Get ready to die," the Baron of Mariz say with no mercy in his tone. His pseudo-domain soon engulfed the three Barons, causing them to be in great pain as his qi disrupt theirs.

 "No, ple-"

 "Have merc-"


 Even before they finished pleading, the Baron of Mariz squeezed his hands, causing the three to explode into bloody mist.

 "Only one of you decided to die with dignity," he exclaimed to the mist of blood before waving his hands away, scattering them.

 He then turned towards the battlefields, his eyes scanning which of his forces required his assistance the most.

 He soon flew towards his Genesis Source elites, who where holding on due to them being in a higher stage than their foes, though it seem they are slowly being pushed back by their opponents overwhelming number.

 He waved his staff, bolt of green-colored qi striking the some of the Genesis Source experts of the opposite side. Before they could even notice it, the qi blasted through them, killing them instantly and leaving a slightly more manageable numbers to his experts.

 The Baron of Mariz soon flew towards the other combatants, not planning to kill all the Genesis Source experts just yet. After all, they would make a good wetting stone for his experts.


 The death of the three Barons were not noticed by their subordinates due to the Baron of Mariz covering their deaths. However, even he could not cover their deaths for long, as some of the higher-ups of the three baronies began to get suspicious at the lack of command from their leader.

 When they noticed the Baron of Mariz flying around, they realize something wrong as he should be engaged with their Barons. If he was allowed to roam free, there could only be one possibility, even though none of them wanted to believe it.

 However, as soldiers, and the highest ranked personal in the military, they needed to be decisive in their commands. With no hesitation, they called out a retreat, one of the officers blowing up the horn.

 Hearing the horn, the forces of three baronies wavered before retreating from the battlefield, their discipline showing at the moment. However, the Baron of Mariz did not planned on letting them go without paying the right price.

 "Soldiers of Mariz, attack them!" he ordered before charging towards them, his cultivation at the Genesis Spring unleashed at full power.

 Seeing this, the higher-ups of the three baronies are certain their Barons had met their end in the battlefield. With no hesitation, they flee, trying to get away as far as possible from the Genesis Spring expert chasing after their tails.

 Unfortunately for them, the speed of Genesis Spring far surpass that of Genesis Source, as the Baron of Marixpz managed to reach them with ease before hitting them on the head with his staff.

 While the hit seem like a light tap, it was enough to explode the head of the Right General of Esel, the body falling to the ground as the Baron of Mariz set out to hunt the others.

 Soon, screams of terror and pleading of mercy echoed through the plain as the enemy forces were routed.



 "He's right behind us!"

 "No! Please spare u-"

 Another group of soldiers were killed as their corpses were covered by grasses and flowers, courtesies of the Baron himself.

 "Another group down," the man exclaimed, sitting down for a while. As a Genesis Spring expert, he did not need get tired easily but once in a while, sitting down just for the pleasure is what he wanted to do.

 "The other forces should receive the news. They will likely pulled out from my territory. I hope they will like the surprise I prepared," the man lightly laughed as he pulled out a Communication Token, sending a message to the person at the end of it.

 "Well, let's see what kind of miracle you can pull out this time,"