Assault of Border City

 The border city of Mariz Barony continued to function as usual. Due to the losses of the armies inside the Mariz Barony's territory, the border city functions are elevated, being the most important stepping stones as well as gateway for the retreating forces of the three Baronies to make their escape.

 With the border city being deep inside the captured territory of the three Baronies, no one in th3 border city expected for there to be any attack unless the entirety of their forces are expelled from Mariz Barony territory. So, it took them by complete and utter surprise when a large explosion occurred in one of the main gate.

 They did not need a genius to know what is happening.

 "Enemy attack!" one of guards yelled before he find himself with an arrow to the throat, dying instantly. The soldiers and guards of the border city soon find themselves being assaulted from multiple direction, courtesies of the elites of Mariz Barony.

As the defenders focused on the attackers, Ryker, Mashia, and several powerful elites remained hidden, patiently waiting for the right moment to strike.


"Enter Battle Formation!" one of the leaders of the guards ordered, the Esel Barony's soldiers using the Battle Formation Technique to even the fighting field.

Seeing this, the commander of Mariz Barony did the same thing.

"Battle Formation!" the elites of Mariz Barony used their own Battle Formation, their Battle Spirit unleashed.

The Battle Spirits of both side soon clashed, yet it was apparent that the Mariz Barony soldiers were the one in holding the advantage.

It could not be helped as the entirety of the soldiers sent to the border city are elites, as even the weakest had reached the Genesis Condensing realm, allowing their Battle Formation to overpower the enemies.

As for the defenders of the border city, they are weaker compared to the rest of the soldiers who entered the Mariz Barony, their cultivation considered just enough to protect an entrances fortress, allowing the more powerful experts to enter the battlefield. Causing them to be overwhelmed when they face of against the elites of Mariz Barony.

Aside from numbers, the strength of the cultivators also determined the might of the Battle Spirit. Which is the reason why the defenders were beaten badly.

Seeing this, the experts defending the border city knew they could not stay at sidelines any longer.

Flying towards the Mariz Barony forces, the experts of the three Baronies began to unleash their attacks, attempting to disrupt and maybe even killed most of the Mariz Barony elites.

However, the Battle Spirits formed had reach the Genesis Foundation, with some even possessing might equal to Genesis Core, making their attack futile.

Regardless of the effectiveness of their attack, the three Baronies experts continued their assault, forcing the elites of Mariz to face off enemies in two different fronts.

Realizing the danger of the situation, the experts of Mariz took action.

Qi of Genesis Core experts erupted as they face off against similar cultivation level opponents. However, the Mariz Barony soon have the edge once more as the strength of their Genesis Core is at the intermediate and late stage while the Genesis Core of the three Baronies were mostly at the early stages.

With the elites being suppressed, experts of Mariz silently waited for the appearance of their next obstacle. Sure enough, the might of Genesis Source expert was unleashed from inside the city.

"Who dares!?" the Genesis Source experts yelled, unleashing his qi as he turned towards the expert of Mariz, who all have a grim face.

Realizing the attackers lack Genesis Source expert, the man snorted before flying towards the ranks of Genesis Core, planning to slaughter them and turn the tide of the battle to his side.

However, the Genesis Core did not waver despite facing someone with one major realm advantage over them.

Three strongest Genesis Core experts flew to meet the Genesis Source defender, before using the Battle Formation Technique.

This give them the strength to contend with expert, even for a short time.

Seeing the white Battle Spirit, the man frowned but continue his attack regardless. The Battle Spirit and expert soon clashed, causing the area around them to explode from their strength.

At the main battlefield, the battle there stabilized as the pressure the three baronies faced eased up due to some of the strongest people of Mariz Barony pulling out, though they still in precarious situation.

However, it seem to change as the three Genesis Core experts soon find themselves overwhelmed by the Genesis Source expert.

"Hah! Die!" the Genesis Source expert exclaimed coldly, his palm heading towards one of the Genesis Core experts.

Seeing this, the other two flew towards the side of their comrade, momentarily forming a Battle Formation to defend themselves.

The hit still send them staggering, the three Genesis Core experts vomiting blood from the impact.

However, they have a smile on their face as the Genesis Source expert had a look on his face, a hand piercing his chest from behind.

The man's eyes flicked before life soon left him, the limbs of the man went limb as he die.

"NO!" a female voice was heard from the deepar part of the city, before another Genesis Source expert emerged from the city.

She had a distraught face before it shifted into rage, eying Mashia with furious eyes. Yet, the dragon girl did not bat an eye against the woman.

Why should she when her strength is already equal to 3rd Stage Genesis Source expert, far stronger than the woman at her 1st Stage.

The woman, enraged by her nonchalant reaction roared as she charged at the blue-haired woman.

However, before she could even reach Mashia, Ryker and his group come out, all of them immediately used their Battle Formation to hold of the newcomers.

Even though the leader, Ryker, is the weakest among the group, at least in term of cultivation realm, he is one of the strongest, as his strength is in par with an 8th Stage Genesis Core experts, allowing him to utilise the strength of the Battle Formation and Battle Spirit to its fullest potential.

Being hold back by the group, the woman's expression changed from rage to fear as she could feel the one who killed her fellow Genesis Source expert is just behind her.

"Rarrghh!" she erupted in full power, hoping to kill of some of the Genesis Core in front of her but her action was too slow, Mashia already clawed her back, cutting through her spine, severring it and killing her immediately.

With the threat of the Genesis Source experts quelled, combined with the dropping morale of their enemies, Ryker roared,

"Attack and reclaim this city back in the name of Mariz Barony!"