What Was the Point of Living

"The use of teleportation around the capital is being strictly regulated and one must have a license. On top of that you are providing false information about your identity over and over again. Identity theft is another charge you're looking at so we're going to try this again. State who you are and what are your intentions?"

It felt like it had been the millionth time the lieutenant of the capital's guards had said that and I was seconds away from knocking him out and just going directly to the king's castle.

I had heard nothing about the capital's security being fortified to such a degree. It used to be so damn common for people to randomly teleport in and out of the area, but it did make sense.

Tensions being high outside my peaceful little town made sense, what with so many royals and high mobility having been kidnapped from acrosd the globe. All at the same time as well.