Sonia's Game Plan

Janice, Lola, and Delores waited for Ace to answer Matthews, but Sonia had already made up her mind. To her, there was no doubt—Ace was the one who had informed the C.I.B. about her father's guild, leading to their downfall.

Through Matthews, she had long since learned that an anonymous message had been sent to the higher-ups in the C.I.B., exposing how the Everhart Guild had taken over the Weasly winery. The message detailed their use of a high-ranking curse array formation and their grim method of farming curse users who arrived to complete exorcism requests.

It didn't take much for Sonia to put the pieces together. Some rat had escaped their net and alerted the C.I.B., setting off the chain of events that led to the Everhart Guild's ruin. At first, she had suspected the Emi Nakamura cosplayer might have been the rat, but now she saw the truth—there hadn't been just one rat. There were at least two. Maybe more.