Dusk Dominion

"Fuck! That hurt," Ace muttered as he slowly sat up, wincing, Janice did not hold back with her kicks. He made no move to stand, though—not when little Ace was brimming with energy.

Apparently, the jolt of electricity that had surged through his body had done more than just paralyze him. It had stimulated him, sending an oddly pleasant tingle straight to his balls.

"Here," Janice pulled a brass compact powder case from her left earring and held it out to him instructing, "Look into it and chant: Mirror, mirror, make me most magnificent!"

Ace shot her a grudging look, making no move to take it. Instead, he pulled out a cleansing talisman, activated it, and let its energy wash over him, removing the spit and footprints that marred his clothes. Then, without a care for the very obvious tent in his pants, he stood up and turned his glare on Sonia.