Chapter 28

It was yet another meeting and the end of it after baskets of contributions got presented. Giving Elijah's idea initially, there were some other preparations and new ideas authorized also.

When the staff meeting had ended, George Freeman was the first to leave with Elijah walking alongside him… while everyone murmured upon their observations, probably jealous.

"Little Elijah!" One commented,in a demeaning manner.

Another chipped in, "Look at him, he's barely spent 3 years in this university and suddenly he's got his heart,"

A lot of words were being said but a more positive one was resounding,"Elijah might still be young but he's very good with his head and what he does. I give him his accolades. Or do we think his idea wasn't it?"

"M mm!" Sounded cleared throats from some whispers when the VC turned back momentarily, his concentration directly on where most of the murmurs came from.