Chapter 29

Matthew grew tired of the solitude in his room, consumed by worry.

Yesterday, Davis had paid him a visit, attempting to mend their petty feud.

Davis urged him to return to the team, even if he couldn't play, and simply be present.

He assured Matthew that their teammates missed him and suggested that Hanna might have a legitimate reason for her absence, rather than intentionally avoiding him.

However, Matthew wasn't in the mood. He felt a sense of sadness and heaviness, causing him to withdraw into himself.

His physical appearance mirrored his state of mind, as he seemed slimmer and lacking his usual vibrancy.

Sensing his friend's despondency, Davis playfully nudged Matthew's elbow and encouraged him.

"Come on, man, you're a cool guy," Davis said, trying to lift Matthew's spirits. "No girl would treat you like that. Maybe Hanna is dealing with something serious. Don't take it personally."