A normal day...with a cheat

Yo author here

I don't have much to say here, I just want to say that this chapter has fourteen thousand words, and you already know, if you want to read three chapters ahead, the Patreon link will be in the comments, anyway, that's it

Enjoiy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time


[Pov: 3rd Person]

"Fuck...I feel like shit."

At that moment, inside his room, Micael was sitting on his bed, with his body leaning forward and his hands around his head.

He had woken up just a few minutes ago, but thanks to, as he said, feeling like shit, he needed to spend a few minutes gathering the strength to move, sitting up after a bit of effort.

And here he was in this position, feeling like a steamroller had passed through his head, feeling tired physically, but especially mentally.

"Ugh, I hope there's still some dipyrone left."

Muttering to himself in exhaustion, he remained in that position for a few more seconds, only then with a languid effort did he stand up.


Yawning as he walked to the bathroom, he idly scratched his messy-haired head as he walked through the door.

Standing in front of the sink, he turned on the tap as he began to wash his face, looking at his reflection in the mirror then he saw his face, looking tired.

Thinking that he didn't want to attract his parents' attention, he began massaging his face and squeezing it with the intention of relieving the tension. After that, and looking at his reflection one last time, he left the bathroom while taking off his sleeveless t-shirt with the intention to take a shower.

[Few minutes later]

Micael had already finished taking a shower, he was sitting on the bed while putting on his sneakers.

Finishing, he got up and went to the wardrobe, opening it and taking out the deodorant, applying it before putting it away and walking once again to the bed, starting to put on the rest of his uniform.

After finishing dressing, he picked up the bag that was on the bed and left the room.

Going downstairs, he threw his bag on the sofa before going to the table to have breakfast, shortly after his father appeared together with his stepmother, with his father sitting at the table and his stepmother saying goodbye as always.

Soon his sister appeared, joining him and his father, his sister and father interacted while he ate in silence, when he finished he went back to his room to brush his teeth, then went downstairs and picked up his bag and then walked to the door to go out but ended up being called by Mari.

"Wait, I'll come with you" — She called out to him, walking towards him while slinging her own bag over her shoulder.

"I thought you were going with a friend of yours this time." — He replied, standing in front of the door, looking in her direction, he imagined that this time she would go with a friend since this had already happened before.

"Not today." — She said as she approached, walking past him and opening the door, then turning around and saying goodbye to their dad.

"Bye dad" — She said, walking through the door then.

"Bye dad" — He said goodbye too, waving his hand at his father, following right behind her and passing through the door.

"Bye to you two"

With his father saying goodbye, Micael closed the door behind him, then walked past the mini gate with Mari, the two then began walking towards the school.

As they walked in silence along the sidewalk, Micael massaged the sides of his forehead, feeling the remnants of his headache, he had already taken the dipyrone, but it would take a while for the medicine to take effect.

"Are you well?" — Walking beside him, Mari asked looking in his direction.

"Yes, yawn~...I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well, so I feel a little tired" — He replied while still massaging his forehead and yawning, then stopping as he lowered his hands and put them in his pocket.

"Hmm...by the way, that was that weird laugh yesterday, what were you doing?" — She asked him next, looking at him suspiciously.

"Ah? Ah, it was nothing, I was just excited about something." — He replied unconcernedly, already expecting this question.


"Yes." — He replied, seeing how she looked in his direction, he took his hand out of his pocket and patted her head before putting his hand in his pocket again.

She didn't respond, just nodded, looking ahead again and continuing to walk.

Micael did the same, walking slowly beside her, giving no idea of ​​conversation, preferring silence.

And so, the two walked without talking, heading towards the school, and after a few minutes they soon arrived in front of that place, seeing other students passing through the gates.

While walking to the gates like the other students, Micael saw the usual two girls who were at the entrance as the students passed by, but this time he wasn't worried, he hadn't attracted attention before and he believed that today was the day.

But as if the world wanted to troll him, when he looked in another direction, he looked away at them to see where they were looking and, to his immediate distrust, the two girls looked in his direction.


Feeling immediately on alert, Micael continued walking calmly without showing any external reaction, despite the desire to return to where he came from, he looked at the two girls, confirming in fact that they were looking at him, then, looking at them for a moment, he looked away then, trying to look as natural as possible.

'Hm?...what the fuck is going on?'

As he continued walking towards the gate and the girls, when he looked away he realized that the students were also looking at him, leaving him confused.

It was one thing for Sona and Tsubaki to look at him, he was already speculating if his eyes might be releasing some aura, although he thought that would only appear if he activated his power, he was already preparing himself in case they tried to approach him at some moment in the day.

But now, what he noticed was how the other students who noticed him were looking at him, and he wasn't freaking out, the other students were actually looking at him and whispering among themselves, obviously talking about him.

"Uh...Micael, is it just me or is everyone looking at you?" — Mari asked as she approached him, speaking in a whispering tone.

"It's not your impression, they are actually looking at me." — He responded in a calm tone, his voice sounding loud enough for the people around him to hear, and he didn't care if they heard him, as he responded to the others' gaze with one of his own, remaining unfazed despite all the scrutiny.

Honestly, it was a little disturbing, imagine you arriving at a place and the people there just started looking at you while whispering to each other, it's a scenario that a paranoid person would definitely go crazy, and he, as someone paranoid, is about to go crazy too with this extremely suspicious situation.

That didn't happen because he's not that paranoid, at least not yet, and also because he believed he already had an idea of ​​what was happening.

All this time as he walked, he was putting together the pieces of what would cause people to look at him like that like he was an alien or something, those two looking at him was one thing, his suspicion was his power, but all world looking at him? It was probably something else.

And in fact, it didn't take long for him to put the pieces together, reflecting on the things he could have done to get that kind of attention, until he had an idea.

'Right, that's probably it'

He remembered that Rias, with all her popularity, could cause this type of reaction in people, and considering the way they interacted yesterday, it is likely that this has already spread throughout the school.

This was the most likely scenario in his head, the scenario where a completely unknown and nameless student was interacting in a very "intimate" and familiar way with one of the untouchable onee-samas, honestly, these gossipy teenagers were very unoccupied if this was the real case.

'If that is the case, these students really have nothing better to do and are definitely very bored, there is no other logical explanation for this.'

Despite the urge to roll his eyes and shake his head at the situation, he didn't show it outwardly as he walked nonchalantly among all the looks he received from the students.

Mari at his side, on the other hand, didn't feel very comfortable with all the stares, even if they weren't directed at her, but in the end she just walked silently beside Micael, her displeasure being expressed only by the slight frown on her face.

Then, in silence, they passed through the gate and the two girls who stood in front of it, Micael also didn't miss the way the two girls' eyes followed him, until he had his back to them, but even though he couldn't see he had sure they were still watching him.

And as he and his sister kept pace, their respective girls talked about him, confirming his hypothesis about the reason for the scrutiny, even though he couldn't hear.

"So, this is the boy?" — Sona spoke, her gaze focused on the boy's back as he walked away.

"Yes, Kaichou, he matches the descriptions." — Tsubaki replied to her, her hand raising her glasses and her gaze also focused on the boy.

"What do you think of the rumors going around the school?" — Sona spoke in a calm tone, her expression the same without revealing her thoughts, her eyes still focused on the boy.

"Completely false, obviously exaggerated by some to create more chaos among listeners, or by others out of envy or jealousy to tarnish his image and make him some sort of public enemy among the like-minded masses themselves, and you, Kaichou, what do you think?" — Tsubaki gave a summary of her opinion, shifting her gaze to Sona as she asked.

Hearing her question, Sona responded in her calm and measured tone. — "It's obviously false, but I'm still curious as to what could have made Rias interact with this boy so casually."

"What do you mean, Kaichou?" — Tsubaki asked once again, expressing her doubt.

Listening to her vice president, Sona finally looked away from the retreating boy's back and looked at Tsubaki, her voice calm as she spoke. — "Rias is an Otaku, Tsubaki, social interaction is not something that interests her, and she is too lazy to worry about it, that is, she would hardly take the initiative to approach someone, especially if that someone were a boy, considering how they normally react to her."

"...Then?" — Tsubaki spoke, tilting her head slightly, waiting for Sona to give her point of view.

"Then..." — She began, her gaze turning to the boy again, just in time to see him entering the school building and then continuing to speak. — "It's one of two, either she discovered something unusual in that boy, like a Sacred Gear, for example, causing her to take the initiative to get closer to the boy, or it's like the rumors say, that she supposedly became interested in him because he could talk casually to her without being affected by her appearance, but I find that very difficult, practically impossible."

"Um, do you think Rias-sama found out something about him?" — Tsubaki asked, her gaze shifting to where the boy had entered.

"I'll have to ask Rias to confirm this, after all, I imagine she's already heard this gossip about her." — Her response was calm, her hand moving and pushing her glasses down her temples in a delicate gesture.

Tsubaki didn't respond verbally, just nodded.

The two girls looked in that direction for another moment, before returning their gaze and adopting their previous posture in front of the gate where they were, returning to observe the other arriving students.

Meanwhile, Micael had already taken off his sneakers and was walking languidly towards his class, the students he passed looked at him attentively, but he didn't care nor was he affected, yawning lazily as he walked.

Mari went ahead, in her own words: "I don't want to draw attention to myself, I don't know what you did, but you can solve this on your own, right? Good luck", before running off, a very adorable little sister indeed.

As he kept up his pace, hands in his pockets and an expression of laziness, he soon saw a certain someone quickly approaching him, that someone, Saji, was running towards him quickly, almost urgently, he could see as Saji approached that his face was serious, as if something really important had happened.

Walking through the school corridors, Micael calmly waited for his friend to get close enough to greet him.

Taking one of his hands out of his pocket, he raised it in a gesture of greeting as he spoke. — "Yo Saji, good morn-Uh!"

But before he could properly greet his friend, said friend ran past him while pulling him by the collar of his uniform, pulling him along, only letting out a few words.

"Come with me."

"Wait asshole, you're going to knock me down!" — Speaking with a slightly irritated tone of voice, Micael tried to adjust himself while being pulled, trying in vain to remove the hand that seemed stuck to his uniform.

"Oh, sorry." — Realizing what he was doing, Saji ended up letting go of his hand and apologizing, his hand rubbing the back of his neck and looking somewhat embarrassed.

Adjusting his uniform, Micael answered him. — "Nah, it's okay." — Finishing adjusting his uniform, he shifted his gaze to Saji, asking with a raised eyebrow. — "So, what was that for?"

Saji didn't respond right away, instead, his expression regained its serious look, turning around, he started walking before saying. — "Follow me."

Seeing Saji acting like this, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes, shaking his head slightly, Micael put his hands back in his pockets as he followed.

[Scene Break]


On the ground floor, above the first-year classes, Micael and Saji were standing, with Saji with his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face, and Micael with his hands in his pockets, his gaze through the security bars behind him to the ground.

Looking down for a moment, taking in the view from above from the ground floor, Micael stayed like that for a moment before turning around and looking at Saji as he said.

"So why did you bring me here? You're not going to confess to me, are you? You already know that I only like women and even if I liked men, you're too ugly for my taste."

"No, it's not-...Ah! Fuck you Micael" — A serious Saji was about to respond, until he processed what Micael said, causing him to curse at him in the end, a vein bulging in his neck as he pointed at him.

"Nah, I'm fine anyway, what's up? Spill it." — Shrugging his shoulders, Micael replied with a slight smile on his face, waiting for him to continue.

Exhaling through his mouth, Saji placed one hand on his nose as he closed his eyes, the other hand on his waist, his body language expressing exasperation, only after that did he assume a calmer posture, crossing his arms and looking at Micael as he responded. — "Are the rumors involving you and Rias-sama true?"

Upon hearing the question, Micael didn't respond immediately, instead, he raised an eyebrow as he questioned Saji with a slight smile that conveyed his thoughts. — "Rias-sama?"

"Kuhum! I meant senpai, Rias-senpai, anyway, what do you have to say about that?" — Saji looked down for a moment, bringing his clenched fist to his mouth and making a clearing noise, before looking up at him with a neutral expression as he responded.

"Well, what are these rumors?" — Micael asked retrospectively, his face now devoid of its smile and expression of calm.

"Rumors are that you and Rias-senpai had a very familiar and intimate conversation, as if you were a couple, and that apparently she is interested in you." —Saji asked, his voice sounding calm, but he was in complete disbelief of the rumors he had heard.

'Impossible.' — Those were your thoughts.

"Huh? What the fuck are these rumors?" — Micael spoke feeling a little lost for words, he imagined that this could happen, but painting the image that he and Rias were some kind of couple was an exaggeration.

"Yes, that's exactly what I thought, after all Rias-senpai is too good for you, you're not worthy of her." — Saji spoke, complementing his words with a few weak nods of his head.

Micael, upon hearing Saji's words, didn't say anything, but his face, which had changed to an expressionless expression when looking at him, already spoke for itself.

"Anyway, yes, we talked, but we didn't even remotely look like a couple, it was just an ordinary conversation, they must have exaggerated everything due to the fact that I was very casual in front of her, without shaking with nervousness or anything like other boys usually do." — Micael continued, shrugging his shoulders, already having an idea of ​​why the rumors were so exaggerated.

"Yes, I thought the same, knowing you as I do, you certainly weren't affected by her appearance." — Saji nodded, a hand on his chin stroking it gently as he spoke, until he stopped for a moment, thinking about his friend's ability to remain unfazed in front of an extremely beautiful girl, leading him to express his personal feelings. — "Tch, bastard." — Clicking his tongue and making a grim face as he spat on the ground next to him.


"Anyway, you know what that means, right? Be prepared to receive attention from a bunch of jealous and envious teenagers in the coming days." — Purposely ignoring Micael's previous exclamation, Saji spoke with his hands on his hips.

"It's not a big deal, it's not like they're going to try to intimidate me...or are they?" — Questioning him retrospectively, Micael expressed his doubts, although he himself didn't think they couldn't do it.

"Ah, my friend, you don't know how crazy these teenagers can be, for them Rias-senpai is practically like a celebrity, they are like those crazy and fanatical fans, although I don't think they tried to intimidate you, they certainly tried to get an explanation from you, and most of them did that would be girls." — Saji spoke, giving his opinion on the matter, complementing his explanation by gesturing with one of his hands.

"Kinda Meh, it's okay, as long as they don't try anything crazy, I can explain the situation to them without any problems." — Shrugging, he expressed his opinion on the matter.

Nodding, Saji took a few steps and approached Micael, he moved his hand to his shoulder, began to pat it while his expression changed to a sympathetic look. — "Well, good luck, you're going to need it, I just know that right now I don't want to be in your shoes."

"Yes, yes, thank you for your kind words, let's go, classes are about to start." — Giving Saji a light punch in the stomach as he passed him, Micael started walking towards the door to leave while calling him.

Saji didn't say anything, just followed behind him in silence, with his right hand resting on his stomach.

As he followed behind Micael, passing through the door that had been opened by him, closing the door behind him and following right behind Micael as he went down the stairs, his mind lost in thought.

'That punch didn't hurt at all'

He was thinking about the punch Micael gave him in the stomach, the punch wasn't strong enough to hurt him, but it was still strong enough to cause at least a little discomfort.

He knew this precisely because it wasn't the first time Micael had done this, he knew that if a punch aimed at the stomach was made without the stomach being tense it would cause a lot of damage, to the point that even a weak punch would cause a lot of pain.

Micael obviously wasn't going to throw a punch hard enough to hurt him, but that punch he threw should at least make him feel something, but that's the point...he didn't feel anything, he was so weak that he just felt as if something had touched his belly, instead of the expected sensation of impact.

'I almost didn't feel that punch' — While walking behind Micael, Saji thought in contemplation. — 'Not only that...before, when I pulled him, I barely felt the weight, in fact I didn't need to use much force.'

Thinking about what happened a few minutes ago, he realized that he really didn't need to use much force to pull Micael with him, as if he had the weight of a small three-year-old child or something.

And with the realization of this fact, realization finally hit him, in reality it was something obvious, but as he was still acclimating to his new reality and perspectives on his future life, he didn't realize it yesterday, but now enlightenment finally hit him.

...He's stronger than Micael.

With that thought fueling his mind, his eyebrows rose and his eyes opened in a sign of understanding.

'On really, I'm stronger than Micael...kekeke~'

Reiterating this point once again, Saji's expression changed, his eyes changed to a half-moon shape, giving the impression that he was smiling with his eyes and his lips opened leaving room for all the teeth that surrounded his face with a huge smile.

'I'm stronger than Micael~kekeke~'

With a huge smile on his face and an expression that resembled a psychopath, Saji felt the pure euphoria that enveloped his body with satisfaction as he repeated this fact, his crescent-shaped eyes changing the focus of his vision to the back of the Michael's head.

And Micael, as if sensing his gaze and malicious intent, at that moment ended up turning and looking at Saji, but when he turned around the only thing he saw was Saji with a strangely soft expression, a gentle smile and narrowed eyes as if he was trying to reassure somebody.

"What's with that expression?" — Asking while expressing his doubt, Micael looked at Saji who looked obviously suspicious.

"It's nothing~, my dear friend, it's nothing~." — Keeping his face with that strangely friendly expression, Saji responded with an almost sing-song tone of voice.

"Huh..." — Looking at him for a moment longer, in the end Micael decided to simply ignore Saji's strange behavior, turning around and continuing down the stairs.

Returning to follow silently behind Micael, Saji regained the big smile on his face, but this time it was much less psychopathic.

The two then continued to walk in silence as they went down the stairs, after a while when they reached the floor, the two said goodbye.

"See you later." — With a brief nod, Micael said goodbye as he started heading to his class.

"Mm-Hm" — With an analasal response, Saji repeated the nod before walking towards his class.

The two then separated, each going to their respective class, but in the meantime with Saji, as he walked silently through the halls, hands in his pockets as he thought about the implications of his increased strength, at least in the aspect of how he could use it to troll Micael.

'Hmm... I'll have to wait for the perfect opportunity to troll him, I can't do that without revealing what happened to me, not that I intend to hide it from him anyway, but I might as well use it to my advantage and give- give him a little humility, hehe'

With a slight smile on his face, Saji was already thinking of a plan, he could call Micael to a fight, thus revealing his true strength and using this as a cue he could complement explaining what happened to him, thus, he would embarrass Micael and then tell him the truth about what happened to him, two birds with one stone.

And yes, he didn't intend to hide from Micael that he was now a demon, Sona forbade him from that obviously, it was against her rules to tell ordinary people, whether family or friends, about the supernatural side of the world, she made that very clear to him, but he intended to break that rule and tell Micael.

There is no very deep reason behind this, he just doesn't want to leave his friend in the dark, of course, he will tell Sona later and she will definitely punish him for it, but he didn't care much about it.

It was somewhat ironic, he intended to tell Micael the truth, but he intended to leave his parents completely out of it, well, maybe because Micael wouldn't have a heart attack when he found out? Perhaps, in any case, Micael already suspected that something had happened, he just didn't know what it was.

And as for your childish and petty attitude of trolling Micael, this will certainly have a high price, Micael may be weaker in terms of brute strength, but he still completely surpassed him in technique and experience, of course, in the face of an overwhelming strength any kind of trick is useless, as Micael himself said.

So, he is completely sure that Micael cannot beat him, but this victory will come at a cost, after all, knowing how he knows himself, he will certainly exaggerate when he defeats Micael, if he reacted normally there would be no problem, but since he probably won't I would resist and rub it in his face.

Which means Micael will get revenge on him later, he's sure of that.

'Even though I'll probably regret this, it will be worth it.' — Nodding to himself, Saji with a resolute face and determined look continued his steps, returning to his class, his mind imagining what his petty prank against Micael would be like.

Meanwhile, with Micael, he was just a few steps away from entering his own class, soon reaching the door, and without worry opening it.

However, he soon noticed the difference, as he was standing there at the entrance to his class, which already had all the other chairs except his occupied, he saw how all his classmates, that's right, everyone, were looking at him, being the source of the focus of so many eyes, he was unaffected, moreover he had already expected this reaction.

Maintaining a calm demeanor, he walked through the door and closed it calmly behind him, looking at the students who stared at him for a moment, then walked to his place at the back of the class in a nonchalant manner.

As he passed the students to his table, he ended up spotting Koneko, who was also staring at him, but not with the same intensity as the others, so he greeted her with a weak nod, the girl blinking for a moment before returning the gesture, her characteristic neutral face present.

Seeing that she returned the gesture, he looked back to his seat and continued walking towards it, when he arrived, he put away his bag, pulled out the chair and sat down.

When he looked up he saw that everyone was still looking at him, you can imagine how disturbing it seemed, to have a lot of people looking at you without saying a word, but as Micael had said before, he was built differently.

"Some problem?" — With a raised eyebrow, Micael returned the others' gaze with one of his own, his eyes wandering from one to the other without focusing on anyone specific, just staring at everyone at the same time, his back pressed against the chair and his voice remaining calm.

Then, as if by magic, all the students automatically looked away, voting to do what they were doing before, acting as if nothing had happened, Micael saw all this without changing his expression, feeling like rolling his eyes, letting out a sigh, he looked away and looked out the window.

Looking up at the blue sky, his mind contemplated what this all entailed.

'What a bummer, I hope things don't get complicated, or I won't be so tolerant, my patience has a limit.'

Looking up at the sky for a moment, hoping it wouldn't become unnecessarily irritating, after a while he looked away and returned to the front, and crossing his arms he sat silently waiting for class to begin.

He'll wait and see how the rest of the day unfolds, hopefully nothing that makes him lose his temper will happen.

[Scene Break]



Currently outside the school, in an open field with an athletics track, the students from Micael's class were randomly scattered around the place, the stretching had finished and the students were waiting for the physical education teacher to return, wearing the uniform of that specific class, which consisted of a white shirt and shorts, Micael was a little distant from the other students sitting on the grassy, ​​sloping floor.

Sitting there, with his body leaning forward on his retracted legs and his forearms resting on his knees, he was silent as he watched his colleagues, his mind elsewhere.

[Pov: Micael]

Observing my classmates here, I've already realized that this is a great time to put my power into practice.

I'm in a somewhat far corner, which means if I use the Byakugan it won't be very noticeable, well, I can cover my eyes with my hands anyway.

And luckily they didn't pay attention to me, it seems that after what happened in the class, when I looked at them without being affected, they decided to leave me alone, some were still looking in my direction, but most seemed to decide to leave me alone anyway.

The same happened here, none of them tried to approach me even though I've been here for at least a few minutes, my classmates seem to have really left me alone without bothering me, but I can't say the same about students from other classes, I'll know when I'm going to eat during the break later.

But anyway, leaving aside the supposed silencing of my classmates, I have to say, these women's uniforms are really something else, seriously, who was the crazy person who thought it was a good idea for a bunch of teenagers to wear these shorts almost showing their butts?

I remember seeing this in the anime, but seeing it in real life is something else, and it's not even the first time I've seen it, but I still can't believe that no one says anything about it, my guess is because no one is forced to wear these shorts if you don't want to, then no one says anything, and there's also the logic of ecchi anime, you can't forget that.

And I know that no student is forced to wear these shorts because Mari doesn't wear them, obviously I would never let my sister wear these shorts, what she wears is basically the same as the boys.

...But, if the girl ends up having a big butt and thick thighs, this could end up highlighting her panties and things like that, which wouldn't make much difference...ah, well, at least in Mari's case, the shorts It's a little loose, which ends up not standing out much.

And it's not like I'm complaining either, if the girls themselves don't see a problem with it I won't say anything, it's just that after all these years I ended up getting into the habit of questioning the non-existent logic of this world.

But that's ok, I should put my monologue aside and test my byakugan soon, well, here goes nothing.

Then, moving my hands and covering my eyes, with my palms over the protruding veins and separating my fingers to see between them, I thought about the skill and soon my vision changed, the students that were there were soon replaced by human outlines filled with blue 'thermal spots'.

Huh, as I thought, it was the same for them and me, with the difference of course being that there weren't two luminescent balls in the eye area absorbing the mana and creating an event horizon.

I can't say if it's a lot or a little, I'll have to see another person with a lot of mana to know, but I imagine this is the standard for humans and the more mana a human has, the more intense the color will be, taking on a darker tone as well a heat source.

Let me see...yes, it's basically the same for everyone without exception, well, apart from a certain little white-haired girl, looking at Koneko from here, I recognized her physical outline easily, not that it was difficult to recognize her, considering her color dark red on its body, contrasting strongly with the others.

So, that was devil energy, huh, I'll tell you, the feeling she gives off, even though I don't feel anything, is a little...well, devilish, if I didn't already know her personality, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw that without being aware of anything and immediately created a prejudice against her, trying my best to keep my distance.

If a human's mana is like a still sea, then the devil's energy is like a turbulent sea, that's the closest image I can think of to what I'm seeing.

And this strange feeling must be because I'm a normal human, my power must not have made me immune to the devil's energy, if I'm not mistaken this is corruptible for a human, and other races too.

But anyway, it's interesting just like mana, I'd like to study this properly, maybe even feel it directly on my skin and see what kind of reaction it would cause in me, but I can leave that for another day, like the day I confront Saji about his change.

And yes, I know what I said about not using my powers at school because of the resident devils as they could sense my power etc.

But after thinking about it a little, with all the potential risk of my family being in danger and everything, I realized that it's better not to hold back and not be so cautious and take risks, after all, I already know that they are good, (probably), it won't make much difference if they find out something about me.

That's why, contrary to all my logic, reason and paranoia, literally contradicting what I told myself yesterday, I decided to use my power at school.

But that doesn't mean I'm just going to show off in front of them, I'm just going to use my power discreetly and wait to see if any of them react in any way.

Okay, shifting my gaze to another girl, I decided to try the same thing I had done at home, then once again my vision changed, the blue filled human outline was slowly replaced by skin and then I started to see the back strap of her bra, my view now covered by the girl's back in underwear.

Well, just like it happened to me, now I'm looking at the back of a practically half-naked girl through her clothes, Byakugan is really something else, I don't need to think too much about what would happen if this ability fell into the hands of someone like Issei, after all that guy he already had the Dress break and the boobligual, what he would do was obvious.

But still, a pink bra and...blue panties? Where's your fashion sense, sister~ hah.

Also, with all due respect, of course, that's a pretty nice ass, a little skinny, but there's enough meat, and those thighs aren't bad either, very nice, you have my congratulations girl.

After enjoying the view in front of me for a moment longer, I deactivate my vision and stop harassing the unsuspecting girl, however, with perfect timing, when my vision returns to normal, out of the corner of my eye I see a group of three girls approaching of me.

Looking away from these clearly suspicious girls approaching, I looked at Koneko to see if she had any reaction, but on the surface it seemed like nothing happened.

Maybe my power really doesn't have any aura or something, or she's just not showing anything, it's hard to tell with that constantly expressionless face of hers.

Looking at her for a moment longer, I turned my gaze to the three approaching girls.

I remain where I am while I wait for them to approach, looking at them, I see that their appearance is ordinary, just like me facially speaking, with thin bodies, hair and eyes in different shades of brown.

I recognize them, but I have no idea what their names are.

The girls soon stop in front of me, a little too close if I do say so myself, but unaffected, I look at their faces from where I sit as I say.

"May i help?"

My tenor voice comes out in the same deep tone as always, as I look at the girls waiting for an answer, then the one in the middle answers me.

"Uh, Micaeru...san?"

I watch the girl respond, her face changing to one of confusion and a little shyness, possibly embarrassed that she can't pronounce my name right.

Sometimes I forget the difficulty that Japanese people have in pronouncing certain letters, as I usually interact mainly with Saji, Mari and Myako who can pronounce my name correctly, I end up forgetting that I am often called Micaeru and not Micael.

Not that I have a problem with that, I think it's a little funny but that's it, I'm not going to make fun of anyone because of that, because I know how difficult it is for them, it took Saji himself months to be able to pronounce my name correctly.

So, looking at the girl with my factory calm face, I respond.


"Uh, sorry to bother you, but...I wanted to know if the rumors about you and Rias-sanpai are true."

The girl said these words slowly, as if she was afraid of my reaction, looking a little tense.

"If you are talking about the rumors that Rias and I are interested in each other, then no, that is just an exaggeration, you must have seen it yourselves, it was just a casual conversation, you know, westerners are more direct and things like that."

With my face now resting on my fist, I responded while gesturing nonchalantly with my other hand.

"Ha! I knew it! See, I was right!"

After I responded, the girl on the left spoke with great enthusiasm, almost as if she had won the lottery or something, while pointing with one hand at the other two.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

The girl on the right responded, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes, obviously exasperated by the other girl's reaction.

"It was obvious from the beginning that these rumors were false, after all, Rias-senpai and Yuuto-Senpai are already a couple, only ignorant fools who cannot accept reality would believe these rumors."

The girl on the right continued, her face taking on a confident expression and a smug smile.

"The only ignorant fool I see is you, who believes this nonsense that Rias-senpai and Yuuto-senpai are a couple."

The girl on the left said in response to the girl on the right's words, her hand on her hip as she rolled her eyes.

"You!-What nonsense are you talking! It's obvious that Rias-senpai and Yuuto-senpai are perfect for each other, they are both beautiful, popular and even go to the same club, she is like a princess and he is like a prince, if not him, then who? Do you think there is anyone other than him worthy of Rias-senpai in this school?"

The girl on the right responded, pointing to another girl and frowning, her voice clearly in an indignant tone.

"No, I don't think so, in fact neither he nor any boy in this school are worthy of Rias-senpai! She is a queen, an idol, truly unattainable, no man in this world is worthy of her, they should be happy just to get a glimpse of her image!"

Speaking in a confident tone, the girl on the left crossed her arms and raised her head as she spoke, seeming to be completely sure of what she was saying.

"What madness are you talking about? Do you want Rias-senpai to be alone? Besides, Yuuto-senpai is clearly worthy of her, don't be stupid."

The girl on the right responded, crossing her arms as well and pouting with a frown.

"Tch, I admit, Yuuto-senpai isn't bad, but even he isn't good enough for her."

Clicking her tongue, the girl on the left rolled her eyes again as she frowned slightly.

Just as the girl on the right was about to speak, the girl in the middle, who had been silent the entire time, opened her mouth and finally spoke again.

"Uh...on really, I think Micaeru-san is a great fit for her."


After she said these words in a soft tone and with her hands clasped in front of her chest looking at the other two, their response was a unison exclamation, the girl on the left looking indignant and the girl on the right looking confused.

And before the two girls could say anything, the girl in the middle continued.

"I mean, they have a very strong point in common, they are both foreigners, that's already a good reason for them to get to know each other better, isn't it? Plus, you saw how the two of them interacted, I felt like they had really good chemistry."

They spoke in the same soft tone, punctuating their words with an outstretched finger, their eyes traveling between them with the girl on the left frowning and the one on the right looking thoughtful.

"Furthermore, he may not be as handsome as Yuuto-senpai, but he is not ugly either, besides having a great figure, being quite athletic and also the most skilled boy in our class, not to mention he also has the best grade, and he even knows how to fight, so if the situation calls for it he can protect her."

Continuing to list her points, the girl in the middle continued to explain in a calm and soothing tone, with the girl on the left now only slightly frowning while the girl on the right looked at the girl in the middle with her hand on her chin and nodding her head.

"Beyond that, he is also super polite and respectful, never looking pervertedly at the girls in our class, always looking into our eyes without straying to our breasts and without acting strangely, he also seems to be one of the few boys in this school who didn't enroll here with the mistaken intention of getting an easy girlfriend."

Finishing speaking, the girl in the middle remained silent, her gaze wandering between the other two, with the girl on the left with her hand on her chin and still keeping her brow slightly furrowed and the girl on the right just nodding her head weakly several times in agreement.

"Yes, I think you are a little right, although I still believe that Yuuto-senpai is the perfect match for her, Micaeru-san is not that bad, I think he would be a good replacement."

The girl on the right spoke, with her hand on her chin and a thoughtful expression.

"I still think no one is worthy of her, but I won't deny that if I were to choose someone it could be Micaeru-san, I admit, he's not a bad choice."

Still keeping her brow slightly furrowed, the girl on the left crossed her arms again as she spoke.

"Mmhm, mmhm."

Nodding her head, the girl in the middle responded with a nasal sound of understanding.

She opened her mouth and raised a finger once again with the intention of speaking, but I decided to interrupt, as this was already getting absurd.

"Excuse me."

Speaking with a calm tone, my face in complete neutrality, I looked at the three girls who were now focused on me.

"I don't think it's cool to talk about other people behind their backs...or in front of them."

After my words fell, I watched the girls tense up for a moment, before each of their faces turned red with a blush.

Honestly, I'm still processing what I just saw and heard, like...what the fuck, were these girls so caught up in the topic of conversation that they forgot I existed?

Is this really possible? Or am I so forgettable?Haaa...anime logic in all its splendor for you.

And these girls talk about Rias like they are real fanboys, or fangirls in this case, they really treat Rias like she is some kind of idol, it reminds me of those crazy kpop fans, uh, there are actually Japanese idols too, right? I had forgotten about that, now it makes more sense.

If they truly consider Rias to be some kind of idol then all this idolization she receives and the scrutiny I received like I kicked a dog makes perfect sense, I guess I underestimated Rias' popularity.

But that doesn't change anything in the end, it's still absurd anyway.

Maintaining silence after saying my words, just looking at the three of them with a neutral expression, I wait to see if they are going to say something.

The first to regain her composure is the girl on the left, forcing a cough into her fist, with a blush still on her face she looks at me before speaking.

"Sorry about that Micaeru-san, it's just that talking about Rias-senpai ends up taking all of our attention, which makes us ignore what's around us."

With her hands on her hips and trying to keep her face calm, the girl explained herself, trying to appear logical, but the blush on her face still revealed how embarrassed she was.

"Y-yes, she's right, we didn't mean to offend you or anything, sorry."

The girl on the right spoke, looking embarrassed with her face red and her hand on the back of her head.

"Y-yes, Micaeru-san, sorry."

This time it was the girl in the middle who spoke, she seemed to be the most embarrassed about the situation, her blush even spread to her ears, she apologized while bowing.

""Right, sorry/Sorry, Micaeru-san.""

Seeing the middle girl's action, the other two did the same, bowing and apologizing.

However, it was a peculiar sight, as the girls were already close to me, they were bending over like this and with me still sitting on the floor, it looked more like they were trying to highlight their breasts, if I lifted them now my face would end up directly on the middle girl's breasts.

I could also see their faces and I noticed that they all had their eyes closed, they clearly didn't realize the position they were in, I think I'll just accept the apology and inform them of their position, they were probably more embarrassed, but this it's not my fault.

"It's okay, besides, you guys should pay more attention, you're too close."

With my words spoken, the three of them opened their eyes and must have realized the position they were in, looking down at me while I was sitting on the floor, and that this pose was highlighting their breasts because their already red faces were getting even redder as they they would straighten up and take a big step back.

After walking away, they remained silent without saying anything else, probably too embarrassed to say anything.

And taking that as a cue, I stood up from my sitting position and stepped forward, wiping the dirt from the floor on my shorts, I looked at the three girls in front of me, my slightly larger stature towering over them.

"Anyway, if you don't have anything else to ask me, I'll go, see you later."

I took a step to the side with the intention of going around them, but I couldn't take another step as I was stopped by the girl on the right.

"Wait, I hope you weren't offended when I said you were a good replacement, I didn't really mean it, I'm really sorry."

The girl spoke with an embarrassed smile on her face, looking truly sorry for what she said.

"Like I said, everything is fine, there's no need to worry, see you later."

Gesturing with my hand nonchalantly, I responded, then turned around and continued walking while raising my hand in farewell.

After taking a few steps and moving away from the three, I turned my head and looked over my shoulder towards them, they were talking to each other, I didn't know what they were saying, but as the one on the right and the one on the left was pointing a to the other and the one in the middle seemed to be trying to calm them down, they must have been blaming themselves, and they still had the blush on their faces.

I'm not going to question the dynamics of the friendship between those three, in any case it was much calmer than I expected, I imagined that I would be attacked by fanatical fans but these girls were calm.

I hope things stay like this, after all there are still the rest of the classes.


I think my yawn speaks volumes about this situation.

[Pov: 3rd Person]


Currently, within a third year class, it was recess time at school, while some students went out to eat in the cafeteria, others remained in the class, and among these others were Rias and Akeno.

With Rias sitting in her chair and Akeno sitting in front of her, facing her, they both silently ate their respective bentos placed on the table that were prepared by Akeno.

Picking up some rice with her chopsticks and bringing it to her mouth, Rias chewed the food silently while absentmindedly looking out the window next to her.

Akeno in front of her did the same, picking up some food with her chopsticks and bringing it to her mouth, she chewed for a moment before speaking.

"Um...by the way, you heard the rumors that are spreading about you, right?"

She spoke with her hand over her mouth, pausing as she chewed.

Rias heard her, turned her head towards her, looking at Akeno, she said.

"Yes, sigh, I heard."

She spoke, letting out a sigh mid-sentence, turning her head and looking back at the window..

"So...what do you plan to do?"

Akeno questioned her back while swallowing the food she was chewing, she didn't question Rias about the veracity of these rumors, she knew they were false, Rias had already explained to her the same day she spoke to the boy named Micael what she had discovered about him.

In fact, she had even warned Rias about the rumors that could arise, but Rias had said that it wouldn't be a big deal, well, apparently she underestimated the situation, the way things were it could lead to something problematic.

"Nothing, I don't intend to do anything."

Moving her chopsticks and picking up more food, Rias spoke before bringing the food to her mouth.

"Mm? You know that the situation could end up getting complicated for him, right? If you don't say anything, the students might take it the wrong way."

Raising an eyebrow, Akeno asked back.

Rias didn't respond immediately, instead she nodded while chewing her food in silence, only then after swallowing her food did she speak.

"And what do you think will happen if I try to explain? They might see this as a sign that we really have something and make the situation even worse."

She replied, her brow furrowed slightly, her lower lip jutting forward in a pout as she picked up more food with her chopsticks.

"Hahaha~ It's true, well, I'm glad I'm not you."

Letting out a light laugh, Akeno laughed at Rias' misfortune with a hand covering her mouth.

"If even though you are my friend you already laugh at my misfortune, I don't even want to know what you would do if you were my enemy."

Rolling her eyes at Akeno's attitude, Rias spoke while stirring the food with her chopsticks.

"Okay, okay, I stopped, but you still intend to do something, right? Even if you're not to blame for any of this, whether you like it or not, it's because of you that he can get in trouble."

Pointing at Rias with her chopsticks, Akeno spoke.

"I know, even if this isn't my fault I intend to resolve it, I intend to talk to him and explain the situation."

"And how exactly do you intend to do that?"

Moving her chopsticks and grabbing more food, Akeno spoke once again with her hand over her mouth.

"Preferably, outside of school, if they saw me interacting with him again it would only make the situation worse."


With a mouth full of food, Akeno just gave a nasal response.

"I was thinking about talking to Koneko so she could tell him to meet me at the club."

With a hand supporting her cheek, Rias spoke while eating lazily.

"This could end up complicating things, right? What if someone sees him when he's going to the old building?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Rias replied without concern.

"Well, if things come to that, I can use magic."

"Mmhm...actually, why don't you let me warn him, given what you said about him, I want to see him with my own eyes now."

Akeno said while smiling slightly.

"If you go, won't you attract even more attention?"

Rias asked back while looking at her with a doubtful look.

"Ah~ Don't worry, I can go unnoticed if I want."

With one hand on her cheek and the other waving weakly, Akeno responded with a soft tone and the slight smile still on her face.

"Of course, of course, if you say so."

Rias just responded without comment, believing that she would simply use magic to go unnoticed.

Picking up some food and bringing it to her mouth, she chewed for a bit before speaking again.

"If that's what you want, then go ahead."

"Thank you, Rias-buchou~"

Bringing her hands together and holding them, Akeno thanked Rias, still with the slight smile on her face.

"You are welcome."

After giving her last answer, Rias just continued to eat in silence.

And Akeno, seeing that Rias was focused on finishing eating, did the same, just eating her own food in silence, of course, all with a slight smile and half-moon-shaped eyes showing her contentment.

[Scene Break]


Meanwhile, in another classroom, second year to be more specific, three students were sitting at a table, each facing the other, however, the air around those three was heavy, as if an atmosphere of mourning involved the three of them, and considering their grim faces, one would think that was so.

The three students in question, Issei, Motohama and Matsuda, sat silently with their arms crossed, their faces were frowning with their foreheads furrowed and their lips curled downwards, their expressions looking like those of someone truly unhappy.

And the reason for this dark appearance was obviously the rumors that spread around the school that Rias-senpai was supposedly interested in a first-year student named Micael.

Naturally, none of the three thought that these rumors were real, because after all Rias never showed interest in any boy, it wouldn't make sense for her to be interested in one now...but the possibility existed, but they preferred to believe that they were just rumors.

Not that it would make much difference if it were true, after all they knew that none of them had a chance with Rias, but they were happy with the fact that no one else would be with her either, which was enough consolation for them.

However, on the slim chance that these rumors had some basis, especially considering that the statement about them talking to each other was supposedly true, then it meant that she might actually be interested in someone, and this conclusion gave the impression that the three they currently had...a dark air coming from envy and jealousy.

Yes, this appearance that someone had died was purely out of envy and jealousy, even if they still believed that it was impossible for Rias to be interested in that boy, just the fact that he could talk to her, even so calmly, was enough to leave the three in this form.

Things before were still perfect, they, Motohama, Issei and Matsuda, arrived at school together, all with smiles on their faces and grateful for the sight that always greeted them in the morning, a sea of ​​beautiful girls, it was a sight that always made them happy and made them smile.

As they walked down the halls, greeting each girl with their charming smiles, heading towards the classroom.

"Good...morning." (Issei)

"Good morning~" (Motohama)

"Good morning~" (Matsuda)

Greeting each girl they saw in the most charming and gentlemanly way possible, with Matsuda even using English, the three moved in a carefree manner, exuding confidence and also as if they were oblivious to the look of disgust or irritation they received every time they spoke to a girl.

The three then went to the classroom, and when they entered it was no different, greeting each girl as they headed to their seats in the back, just before they sat down, however, a girl ran into the room, opening the door with force and advancing towards a group of girls.

"Girls! I have some great gossip for you!"

The girl spoke almost in a shouting tone, breathing deeply as if she had run a marathon, looking excited and shocked at the same time.

The girls just looked at her in surprise at her appearance, not reacting at first, but when they came to understand the word gossip, they quickly asked to find out.

"What?/What happened?"

"Say!/What gossip?"

The girl stopped for a moment to breathe and catch her breath, taking a few deep breaths and only then spoke.

"Rias-senpai...has a boyfriend!!! Kyaaaa~..."

The girl said practically shouting at the end as she jumped and waved her hands quickly.

The girls didn't react immediately, but soon their expressions changed to shock and surprise, soon imitating the girl's action and shouting as well.



While the group of girls screamed like a bunch of... well, girls, the other students in the class were also in shock at this information, and the three in particular at the back of the room were completely still, their bodies unmoving and expressions frozen in a clearly strange smile.

Their eyes however spoke for themselves, at that moment the eyes of those three were empty, as if they had lost their soul, in fact, you could almost hear the sound of glass breaking around them, this sound representing their hopeful hearts shattering.

And that moment was what preceded the current moment, where the three were sitting in silence in this dark atmosphere, naturally, the girl later, after dropping that bomb, explained herself better, telling the entire class what she had heard.

And with this news the trio remained silent, spending the entire class until break without saying a word, a dark atmosphere surrounded them throughout this time.

"Tsk, lucky bastard"

At that moment, among the silent three, Motohama was the first to open his mouth and speak after all this time.

At that moment, more than at any other time in his life, Motohama truly felt that the world was unfair.

"Yes, lucky bastard, tsk." — Matsuda agreed with him, showing the same dark and miserable expression.

"Tsk, damn riajuu!" — And just like the other two, Issei also expressed his inner feelings.

The three remained like that, in that dark silence, without speaking or saying anything else for a moment, until Motohama said something again.

He took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, then uncrossed his arms and lowered them, his grim expression changing to a resigned look as he looked up and a bitter smile on his face as he said.

"We can not do anything with it."

Looking at their friend in silence, Issei and Matsuda didn't say anything for a moment, seeing how their friend seemed to have given up, until Issei spoke.

"What are you talking about?"

Sighing, Motohama looked away at his two friends and seeing how they looked at him in incomprehension, then pushing his glasses up his nose, he replied.

"Don't you understand? It doesn't matter if we are jealous or envious, because in the end, even if these rumors are false, in the end we will still be alone and without anyone."

That was the sad truth for Motohama and his friends, even if the rumors were false, nothing would change in their lives, because after all, they would never be able to be with Rias, in fact forget RIas, even an ordinary girl in this school would be impossible.

They also couldn't go to the boy and try to get some explanation out of him, after all that would be irrational and immature...but the truth is that neither he nor his friends are stupid enough to pick a fight with that boy.

If it had been some unknown and nameless boy, preferably someone who wasn't muscular and didn't know how to fight, they wouldn't have hesitated to look for an explanation, but with that boy, based more on what Issei said about him...yes, better not, he would rather be beaten up by the girls at the kendo club.

"But that's not the point, is it?" — At that moment Matsuda spoke, snapping Motohama out of his inner monologue. — "We are just expressing our dissatisfaction and our repressed feelings so that it doesn't harm us mentally, obviously we can't do anything about it."

Matsuda spoke, looking at Motohama with a raised eyebrow as if pointing out the obvious.

Motohama just looked at his bald friend in silence, lost in thought.

"Okay, Motohama, Matsuda is right, it was you who said that, don't you remember?" — Issei spoke this time as he looked at him.

Nodding his head, he agreed with them, remembering what motivated them to act like this.

This was just their way of expressing their feelings, expressing to the whole world what they felt, without worrying about being judged, going against the world that dealt them a bad hand, this was one of the philosophies that made the three of them who they were.

...But in the end it was just them complaining about the injustice of the quote-unquote world without trying to change themselves, in a very immature and hypocritical way, but meh, if they had the true confidence to change and be better people, they wouldn't be in this state.

In the end, who cares? They are just complaining and being themselves without bothering anyone, there is nothing bad about that.

Nodding his head a few more times, Motohama slowly began to smile until his smile turned into a laugh as he lifted his head.

"Hahaha, you're right! I had forgotten, thank you for reminding me! Indeed, we have to let our grievances with the unfairness of the world be expressed!"

Moving his hand to his glasses, Motohama held them while his head remained upright, a smile on his face and somehow the lenses of the glasses shining reflecting light.

Nodding their heads, Issei and Matsuda expressed their agreement with him, Issei with a contracted face, as if holding back crying, and Matsuda literally with teary eyes, even shedding a tear.

"Ah, how unfair this world is, I, just an ordinary young man, wanting nothing more than to be loved, but these riajuus blessed by the world take it as if it were something easy." — Acting dramatically, raising one hand while the other was on his chest, Motohama spoke in a tearful tone.

Issei and Matsuda just nodded once again, their expressions an exaggerated crying face.

"Yes, that's all I want, is it that hard?" — Still in a tearful tone, Motohama pressed his hand to his chest, the other hand going up further and he himself lifting his face, he bit his lip as if holding back tears, and somehow his glasses reflected the light again.

In fact, even a single tear, who knows how, fell from behind his glasses and slowly ran down his cheek.

While Motohama was lost in all his exaggerated melodrama along with the other two, a voice came from behind him interrupting his moment.

"Maybe if you guys didn't act like a bunch of perverted weirdos it wouldn't be so difficult, although I don't think it would make much of a difference."

Upon hearing those words coming from a familiar female voice, Motohama's expression twitched as if he had swallowed a fly, then lowering his arms and with a sour expression and turning around, he saw the person who dared to utter those words.


Saying the name as if it took a lot of strength to do so, Motohama looked at the girl with brown hair and double braids in front of him, still with a sour expression on her face.

And Issei and Matsuda weren't much different from him, both also with twitchy expressions.

"Hello, Motohama-kun." — With a slight smile on her face as she raised her glasses, her other hand on her hip, Aika Kiryuu greeted him in an almost lazy tone.

"Tsk, what do you want?" — Frowning and speaking through clenched teeth, Motohama asked her.

"It's nothing, it's just that I couldn't stop wanting to comment on something after you said all that nonsense for everyone to hear." — After saying those words, she calmly walked towards them.

In a few steps she reached the table, and at that moment Motohama had already cautiously moved the upper part of his body in the chair away, when she came next to him and turned to sit at the table, he practically jumped out of the chair, and he is not the only one.

Matsuda was cautiously standing still and ready, as if expecting an attack, while Issei, not far from him, was also cautious, with the difference being that he had a faint blush on his face.

The reason for this is that at the moment she approached him, she was very close already making him a little nervous, and at the exact moment she turned around he got a closer view of her back, making him even more nervous and making him blush slightly, but realizing her intention to sit at the table, he woke up from his reverie and moved away from the table as quickly as he could.

That was the reason for his slight blush, but he was trying to act as natural as possible to cover it up.

"Mm? Why all the caution? Don't worry, I won't bite you~ heh." — Crossing her legs after sitting at the table, Aika looked at Motohama with a slight smile as she said.

"Sigh, just say what you want, if you have nothing to say, then don't disturb us." — Motohama sighed as he regained his posture, adjusting his uniform, he pushed his glasses up once more as he spoke.

"Ah, what's the matter, why are you so rude? Won't you tell me you're still mad about what I said before?" — Aika asked while tilting her head a little, looking at Motohama, then turned her head while looking at the other two, saying. — "What about you two? Aren't you going to tell me you're angry too?"

The three of them, who had already regained their calmer faces, upon hearing the words she said, their faces immediately twitched heavily.

Motohama, in particular, had his teeth clenched and was breathing deeply with his nostrils flared.

"It's not...that!" — Motohama spoke through clenched teeth, putting strength into the last sentence, as if he was using all his strength to say those words. 

Aika, upon hearing him, looked back at him, and seeing his expression, raised an eyebrow before saying.

"Really? Are you still mad about what I said before? I told you that you didn't need to worry about it, many girls don't care about size and there are some who even prefer small ones, besides, you are still teenagers, there's still time to grow." — Aika said these words in a carefree tone, one hand swinging from side to side as a relaxed air enveloped her.

Motohama, Issei and Matsuda, upon hearing these new words spoken by her, had their expressions contract even more, while a dark and depressed air surrounded them.

Motohama was clenching his teeth even harder, his breathing even faster as his nose flared and contracted rapidly, he slowly raised his trembling hand as he pointed at her as he said.


Aika, seeing Motohama's behavior, just rolled her eyes before saying. — "Me what? Did you forget who's to blame for me saying that? You were the one who thought it would be a good idea to tease me by saying my three sizes and make fun of them for everyone to hear."

Upon hearing those words, Motohama stopped immediately, remembering in fact that she had only said those damn words because of him.

If he hadn't teased her, saying her three sizes for everyone in the class to hear, and still calling her 'saggy boobs and no ass', she probably wouldn't have said those words, he admits his mistake, he ended up letting his ego do most of the talking louder than his reasoning, which led to those fateful words.

And to think that a simple argument turned into something that practically traumatized them, luckily he and the boys had already recovered from that, but there were still some after-effects that took longer to disappear completely.

Then, with all his fury and indignation deflating like a balloon, Motohama sighed, regaining his calm, lowering his hand and looking at her now with a calmer tone, he spoke.

"Just say what you want, Kiryuu-san."

Aika just smiled when she saw how he was acting, she then spoke in a joking tone.

"Aww~ where's that cute and chivalrous Motohama who asked me out a few months ago."

Issei and Matsuda, who had been silent all this time, now calmer like Motohama, immediately turned their heads at high speed towards him upon hearing these words, both in disbelief and surprise.

And the sight they saw was of a blushing Motohama, trying his best not to look embarrassed while keeping a neutral face.

And the Motohama in question, with as much calm as he could muster, put his hand in a closed fist to his mouth to cough a few times and say.

"Kuhum! Kuhum! I don't know what you're talking about." — He said these words with a face as expressive as stone, acting totally as if his face wasn't red.

Issei, seeing his friend acting like this, raised his hand pointing at Aika, while looking at Motohama with his mouth open and said. — "Motohama-"

However, before he could continue, he was interrupted by Motohama. — "No, Issei, now is not the time." — A hand raised in an offside gesture.

After that Issei just remained silent, Matsuda also had his doubts, but seeing Motohama's state he decided to remain silent, he and Issei could clarify their doubts later.

Aika watched the entire interaction with an amused smile on her face, seeing them act like that was very funny for her.

Then, deciding that she had teased them enough, she jumped off the table, smoothed her skirt and then with one hand on her waist turned to Motohama, looking at the other two just as she said.

"Well, since I'm no longer welcome here, I'll tell you what I came here to do, I came here to warn you not to cause problems with that boy, and especially not to try any of your perversions on his sister, or so It's not going to end well for any of you three."

"Uh? What?" — Motohama questioned her back, his mind still processing the words he heard.

"That's exactly what you heard, if you three value your lives, I recommend not testing that boy's patience or trying anything against his sister." — Aika repeated her words, calmly looking at Motohama.

Motohama, Issei and Matsuda said nothing, remaining still and with strangely expressionless faces as the three processed the words she spoke.

Motohama remained silent for a moment before finally opening his mouth. — "...Why are you saying this?"

"Well..." — Letting out a word, Aika tilted her head a little, looking at him in silence for a moment, her mind wandering to the memory of something she witnessed a few months ago, only after a while did she regain focus, shaking her head slightly. head when responding. — "Let's just say you three won't get a happy ending if you piss him off enough."

"I...see." — With the corner of her mouth twitching for a moment, Motohama pushed her glasses up without saying anything else, fully aware of what she was saying.

But he was also a little confused, how did she know about his strength, had she seen him fight at some point too? That was the most likely scenario in his mind.

Naturally, neither he, Issei or Matsuda were dumb enough to piss that guy off, whether from what Issei told them about him, or the clear threat he made to them, they were completely sure that he would do what he said he would do.

Just like Motohama, Issei and Matsuda at that moment, if they could read his mind, they would completely agree with his thoughts, both decided to just remain silent, their faces expressionless without commenting anything and leaving the rest of the conversation to Motohama himself.

"But well, you're the one who knows that, I'm just fulfilling my role as a helpful classmate, whether you listen to my warning or not is up to you." — Shrugging her shoulders, Aika spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, her gaze slowly wandering between the three.

The other three said nothing in response to her words.

"That's all I wanted to say, well, I'll see you around, see you later." — Aika then said goodbye, walking over and raising her hand in farewell as she walked to the door.

Motohama and the other two just watched in silence as she left.

Sighing and raising his glasses, Motohama turned to the other two as he said. — "Alright, come on guys, let's eat."

[Scene Break]


In the cafeteria, sitting at a table, the three of them were eating in silence while looking in a certain direction, and they weren't the only ones, many other students around them were looking in the same direction, as if something really interesting was in that direction.

And the interesting thing in that sense was obviously Micael, who was sitting at his table while eating in a carefree manner, as if he didn't feel all the gazes that were heading his way, and next to him was a suspicious-looking Saji, looking from one side to the other among the students who looked at them, clearly uncomfortable.

The trio just looked at him from a distance, not interacting with each other, their faces with serious expressions.

After staying like that for a few more seconds, Motohama was the first to speak. — "Sigh, it's okay guys, let's just eat, looking at him like that won't change anything."— He said as he picked up his chopsticks and turned his attention to the plate of food in front of him.

Matsuda soon did the same, with a 'tsk', he also turned to the plate of food in front of him and taking a large portion of food placed it in his mouth while chewing aggressively.

Issei, on the other hand, didn't focus on the food right away, instead continuing to look at Micael as if he wanted to burn a hole in his head, his eyes opening even wider as he clenched his jaw as if he really wanted that to happen.

"Stop Issei, just focus on eating." — Saying this in a calm tone while picking up the food, Motohama spoke to Issei, although contrary to his words his behavior was the opposite, as although he was now eating the food his gaze was still focused on Micael, with the intensity being just less than the Issei's gaze.

"Yeah, Issei, Motohama is right, just focus on eating." —And just like Motohama, Matsuda did the same, despite eating the food his gaze was focused on Micael.

"Come on, guys, maybe if I stare at him a little longer, something will happen." — Issei didn't pay attention to the words said and just continued to stare at him with great intensity.

Motohama and Matsuda didn't say anything else, they just continued to eat while looking at him.

And Issei, whose effort in making something magical actually happen, to the point where his eyes turn red because he doesn't blink, said something. — "Riajuu, explode!" — And to Issei's surprise, something actually happened, but it certainly wasn't something he wanted.

He saw how Micael, who was calmly eating, suddenly turned his head towards them, as if he had heard what he had said or had finally felt the intense gaze in his direction.

And Issei, in probably the fastest way of his entire life, turned to the opposite side almost instantly when he saw that he was looking at them.

And he wasn't the only one, as Motohama and Matsuda did the same, turning to the other side extremely quickly and practically at the same time as him.

Beads of sweat slowly formed on their foreheads as they remained motionless in this position, their bodies completely tense.

While the trio acted like a pack of prey spotting a predator, the quote-unquote "predator" in question looked at them but didn't focus on them specifically.

When Micael looked in that direction, they weren't the only ones who turned their heads in another direction trying to hide it, quite the opposite, many students who were around them did the same.

That's what caught Micael's attention, of course, he also noticed the trio's behavior, but he didn't care, just as he didn't care about the identical behavior that the other students had.

Then, looking in that direction at the students who were acting poorly, he just looked at them calmly while chewing the food in his mouth nonchalantly, after which he just returned his focus to the food and went back to eating as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, the trio remained frozen in their position, not moving a muscle.

"Is he still looking over here?" — Motohama asked in a somewhat nervous voice, a drop of sweat running down his temple.

"I don't know." — It was Issei who answered him.

"Wait, let me take a look." — Matsuda was the one who spoke next, with his voice and face in a serious tone.


"No, Matsuda!"

Despite hearing Motohama and Issei's words, Matsuda still continued to do what he intended, then, turning his head almost mechanically, he looked back.

As the other two watched him in tense silence, they saw how the serious Matsuda slowly relaxed before saying with a sigh of relief.

"Fuuu, it's clean."

Upon hearing his words and seeing him relaxed, Motohama and Issei also turned around, seeing that Micael was now focused on the food.

"Fuuu..." — Exhaling in relief, Motohama placed a hand on his chest as he felt that he had truly gone through a difficult time.

And Issei and Matsuda weren't much different, both looking relieved as they mirrored Motohama's actions.

For a moment, the three just sat in silence, each lost in their own minds, thinking about their less-than-brave reactions.

But this almost depressing stillness didn't last long, as a sound interrupted them.


That sound was laughter, carrying a sense of amusement.

Hearing that sound coming from behind Motohama, he turned his head back while the other two raised their heads and looked in that direction.

And they saw the person responsible for the sound, who was obviously Aika, standing not far from their table while holding a tray of food in her hand.

She had a faint smile on her face as she looked in their direction, she had obviously seen how they had acted, and even though she hadn't said anything, and her smile wasn't mocking in and of itself, it was quite obvious what she thought about it.

Upon seeing her and her faint smile, the trio could only clench their jaws in indignation, a feeling of shame enveloping the three of them, their faces in a clear blush.

Aika just looked at them with her smile for a moment without saying anything, only then did she move, walking in another direction as if she had done nothing wrong.

The trio could only watch her leave in silence, their faces still drawn.

Motohama just remained silent, his face contorting heavily as he tried to regain his composure as he watched Aika walk away.

After seeing her leave the cafeteria, Motohama turned to the table again, seeing that his two friends had faces similar to his.

"Let's eat and pretend nothing happened." — Motohama then said, with Issei and Matsuda nodding, showing support for his words.

Then, the three of them began to eat in silence, acting as if the shameful and embarrassing moment from a few minutes ago had never happened.

[Scene Break]


At that moment classes had already ended, students were leaving or going to their respective clubs.

While walking down an eerily empty hallway, Akeno approached a certain first-year class.

And without much delay she arrived at that class, entering, she saw that the class was almost completely unoccupied, with most of the students having already left.

Searching through the students, she looked for a specific student but unfortunately did not find him, indicating that he had already left.

Then, approaching Koneko who was packing her things, Akeno spoke asking.

"Koneko-chan, has the boy Rias talked to left yet?"

Koneko raised her head upon hearing those words, she had already felt Akeno's presence approaching her, she looked placidly at Akeno as she responded.

"Yes, he's already left."

"Really? What a shame." — Akeno spoke in a regretful tone as she looked around the class, seeing the remaining students preparing to leave.

Koneko didn't say anything, just looked around, seeing how the other students didn't react to Akeno's presence, and feeling the devil's energy coming from her, she imagined that Akeno was responsible for this which made her ask in confirmation. — "Is you?"

"Mm?" — Upon hearing Koneko's question, Akeno looked at her seeing the girl looking at her silently, she naturally understood what she was talking about. — "Ah, yes, it's me, I'm using hypnosis magic to avoid attracting attention."

She replied, and taking advantage of the opportunity, she also began to explain why she wanted to see the boy before Koneko asked.

"Rias wants to talk to the boy about the rumors that have spread around the school, she wants to make sure he is okay, and I offered to invite him to that conversation, and how it would be even more troublesome if the students saw me talking with him, I'm using magic to solve this little problem." — Akeno explained calmly, seeing how the surrounding students not only ignored her, but also ignored Koneko now.

The magic she was using was not a complicated magic, it was a magic that affected herself causing others to unconsciously ignore her, it was not a strong magic as if she bumped into someone the effect would be cancelled.

And if she was talking to someone, she could understand that effect on the person too if she wanted to, as was happening now, with the remaining students starting to act as if Koneko didn't exist and wasn't talking to her.

"I see." — Listening to Akeno's explanation, Koneko responded in a simple tone.

"Haaa~ it's really a shame, I wanted to see him with my own eyes today but it looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow." — Exhaling a whine, Akeno spoke as a hand went to her hip in a relaxed pose.

So, looking at Koneko in front of her, she decided to pass this responsibility onto her, while a plan on how she could have a calmer conversation and get a better sense of the boy formed in her mind.

Then, with a faint smile forming on her face, Akeno moved her hand to Koneko's shoulder as she spoke. — "Actually Koneko, how about you do this for me? When you see him tomorrow, ask him to go to the club after school ends, okay?"

Upon hearing her words, Koneko just nodded and made a sound of confirmation. — "Mm."

"Great, thank you very much, anyway, do you have all your stuff? Should we go?" — Gesturing towards the class entrance, Akeno asked her.

Koneko in response picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder before looking at it.

Akeno seeing this as confirmation turned around and started walking while calling out to her.

Koneko then followed her in silence, walking right behind Her.