Man's in black


Yo, author here

First of all, no, I'm not going to drop the story or anything like that, don't worry, I just want to talk about something that has to do with the chapter release schedule, but before I say that, I want to talk about something that happened to me last week .

Honestly, I'm starting to believe in the fanfic author's curse, why? Well, a few weeks ago I felt sick, I had one of the worst flu I've ever had precisely because of the headache, seriously, it felt like my brain had turned to mush, it was so bad that I couldn't sleep

But so far so good, I went to the doctor, had an injection and it got better, but I ended up with an allergic cough, I spent the whole next week, from morning until night coughing like a dog, it was bad enough to make it difficult to sleep

But then it was ok, I went to the doctor, took the medicine there and got better, but now it was different, literally a week later, I woke up feeling pain in my balls, yes, exactly what you read, my first guess was that I was having testicular torsion , but as I wasn't in agony and the pain wasn't that intense, I thought it was something else

But I wasn't willing to wait to find out, so I went to the doctor as quickly as possible, but as I expected, it wasn't testicular torsion, because before I even got to the hospital the pain was already decreasing, and the doctor saw me (which, by the way , it was a woman) said it was probably just pain caused by pressing my balls somehow wrongly preventing blood flow while sleeping

I told her how I normally slept and everything and she said it might have been because my underwear was a little tight, she said that this kind of discomfort was common among men if they wore underwear that were too tight or too loose.

The lesson here is; Do not wear underwear that is too tight or too loose, use a middle ground, and furthermore, gentlemen, in the name of all that is most sacred, if you feel any pain or discomfort in your balls, seek a doctor immediately, believe me, you don't want to know what the pain of a testicular torsion is like, I've never had it but from the pure agony on my cousin's face he had it, yes, it's not cool

Now, leaving my usual bad luck in my life, I want to talk about the chapter release schedule, so, I decided that I will release one chapter for every two thousand words I write, it became clear to me that my chapters are getting too long and I I don't want to go two weeks or more without posting chapters

The bad side of this is that the chapters were incomplete, the good side is that you didn't have to wait long to read it, if I was a good author with a well-written story, like EvansKannon, I don't think it would have been a big deal to take so long, but since I'm not, I'm going to do it this way from now on.

So tell me what you thought, did you like it or not? Remembering that I've already made up my mind, but I still want to know your opinion, so tell me what you think if you want, if not just ignore it, anyway, that's it

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See tou all on next time


[Pov: 3rd Person]

[Tuesday, one day after Micael killed the "messenger"]

Currently, it is early morning, approximately eight o'clock sharp.

In an ordinary neighborhood of Kuoh, right on the banks of a river that ran in the open.

On the banks of the river, on the grassy ground, there were two men, one standing while the other was crouched near the water.

The man standing was a black man while the crouching man was a white man, they both looked to be in their early thirties and they were both wearing the same type of clothing, a black outfit that resembled a priest's outfit along with a long black coat.

The black man who was standing at that moment had his hands in his pants pockets, a lit cigarette in his mouth, while a long, narrow object covered with a white cloth was hanging on his back.

Slowly releasing smoke between his lips, the man looked almost lazily at the sky above, a contemplative expression on his face.

With striking, symmetrical features, a beardless chin and a trimmed mustache, the man boasted blood-red eyes and a short haircut close to his scalp.

"You know, I've already accepted that he died...but I'm still trying to process that fact." — The black man spoke, his voice was a baritone, while a calm emotion enveloped his tone.

"Hm? So, are you missing him already?" — Speaking in a languid tone, the white man asked sarcastically.

He had his hand in the water, his head down, hiding his features.

"Missing?" — The black man lowered his head, his blood red eyes looking at the other before responding. — "Tsk, what I feel is regret for not seeing the miserable way he died." — Clicking his tongue and frowning slightly, the black man replied.

"Wow, how cruel of you~." — Speaking without raising his head, the white man said jokingly.

Reaching out and taking the cigarette, the black man slowly exhaled the smoke while rolling his eyes upon hearing the white man's words. — "Cruel? Cruel is my absurd beauty compared to other people, you know very well how that worm behaved, Hector."

The white man, Hector, hearing the words spoken, raised his head and looked at him over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised as he asked. — "Absurd beauty?"

Hector just looked at the other man without saying anything else upon hearing his ridiculous words.

The black man, despite being stared at with an empty look by Hector, just maintained an apathetic expression, as if he had done nothing wrong.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" — The black man asked back, his tone as apathetic as his face.

"...No, Francis, if it makes you sleep better at night, believe what you want." — Saying these words, Hector just returned his gaze to the water.

The black man, Francis, didn't say anything else, just puffed out cigarette smoke, keeping an apathetic expression on his face.

After a moment of silence, with a light wind blowing some leaves around them, Francis spoke once more.

"So how long is this going to take? You've already been at it for two minutes."

"Wait a little, just one more moment aanndd... done." — Hector spoke and then took what appeared to be a firearm out of the water.

Rising from his crouched position, Hector turned around and approached Francis while looking at the gun in his hands.

"Then?" — Francis asked, his gaze focused on the water-soaked gun.

Looking at the gun in his hands for a moment, Hector analyzed it before slowly squeezing the trigger.

When a point of light slowly formed at the tip of the weapon, Hector confirmed the unasked question.

"As you can see, it still works." — Responding to Francis, Hector held the gun with his fingertips while raising the other one next to it.

Then, with a small white magic circle appearing in front of his palm, a hot wind soon began to come out of it and dry the weapon.

"So what do we do now?" — Francis asked, his gaze shifting and looking around without a specific focus with indifference.

"We-A...a...atchu! I was saying, I have already informed our superior, he said he would inform the high priest about this, and that for now the two of us should stay here and try to find the culprit until further notice." — When Hector was about to speak, an urge to sneeze came out of nowhere, preventing him from continuing. Right after sneezing and blowing his nose with the sleeve of the arm that was holding the gun, he continued as if nothing had happened.

Ignoring Hector's behavior, Francis just nodded as he said. — "What is the plan?"

"It is not a big deal..." — Finishing drying the weapon and taking the hand with the magic circle to the sleeve of his other arm, he continued. — "Let's just look for the cameras close to the location, as the barrier he set up shouldn't have a very large range, so we just have to take a look at the other cameras that weren't affected by the barrier."

"What if the culprit also avoided the cameras?" — Francis asked back.

"If he avoided the cameras, then we will look for the people who passed by that location." — Continuing to dry his coat sleeve, Hector replied calmly.

Exhaling smoke into the air, Francis didn't take long to question again. — "What if he used magic? He could easily go unnoticed by people."

"Well, we'll know when we search the memories of the people who passed through there, and if that doesn't help we'll have to talk to the high priest, his magic should help with that." — Shrugging his shoulders, Hector responded just as calmly, finishing drying his coat sleeve and placing the gun behind his back.

"Hm, sounds like a plan to me." — Nodding his head, Francis responded in agreement.

Taking his own cigarette and lighting it, Hector put it in his mouth and blew out the smoke and then putting away the lighter, he started walking around calling for Francis. — "Come on, we still have work to do."

Francis followed him and soon the two were walking along the sidewalk by the river, both smoking without caring about being in public, not that there were other people around them.

The two walked casually along the sidewalk, with cigarettes in their mouths, without speaking again, until after a few minutes Francis broke the silence by asking a question.

"By the way, who do you think killed him? My biggest bet is on a non-associate mage, what about you?" — Asking Hector, Francis walked with his hands still in his pockets.

"He wasn't a mage." — Hector replied, his tone highlighting the certainty he had.

"Huh? And why do you think that? It's not because of the way the culprit obviously tried to hide his tracks, right? After all, this could obviously be a misdirection tactic." — Francis asked back, glancing sideways at Hector.


"That's what then?"

"My intuition." — Hector replied calmly in a simple tone.

Rolling his eyes immediately after hearing this, Francis responded sarcastically. — "Yeah yeah, sure, your intuition, now it all makes sense."

Shifting his gaze to Francis, glancing at him sideways, Hector spoke calmly, in an almost neutral manner. — "What's with that sarcastic response? You know how good my intuition is."

"Alright alright, forget what I said, so what do you think it is?" — Waving his hand indifferently, Francis took the cigarette butt in his mouth and threw it onto the ground without a care before asking Hector.

Thinking for a moment, an idea came to mind as he looked at Hector, this time turning his head as he asked. — "Do you think the culprit is a Sacred Gear user?"


"Hmm...this complicates things...and makes everything more interesting, heh~" — With a wide smile appearing on his face, Francis spoke with evident interest, the air around him stirring strangely in response to him.

Ignoring Francis' behavior, Hector commented calmly. — "If he really is a Sacred Gear user, things might get a little complicated, especially if he has some relationship with the devils in this city."

"Do you think he or she has anything to do with the devils in this town?" — With his smile fading and his face returning to being apathetic, Francis asked back in doubt.

"I highly doubt it, if that were the case we could have already been discovered, considering that crazy man's "hobby", the devils could put together a large team just to look for us." — Hector replied, he wasn't worried about them being discovered, after all Kuoh City's administration was very weak, with several cases of stray devils occurring in the city.

If those two girls knew about their existence, it is very likely that they would ask their brothers for help, and then they would be captured, which wouldn't be easy either, since the rest of the team is keeping an eye on any suspicious movement.

"Yes, you're right." — Francis spoke, then spat with his expression changing to a frown and a look of disgust on his face as he said. — "Ptui, I warned that piece of shit that if he kept doing that he would end up getting screwed, look what happened, said and done."

"It is what it is." — Speaking calmly, Hector replied almost disinterestedly.

"Huh, it's still hard for me to understand how the high priest let this guy go unpunished." — Francis spoke, his face now wearing the apathetic expression it had before.

"It's not difficult to understand, for the high priest nothing matters, as long as we don't deviate from our mission and maintain our faith, what we do outside of that is irrelevant." — Hector answered him.

"Hm." — Francis responded with barely a grunt.

"Beyond that, even though he was weak, his barrier magic was very useful, not to mention he was the most devoted among all of us, the high priest himself said that his faith was unparalleled among the messengers."

"Right, there was that too." — Francis replied, before continuing. — "His barrier magic was really useful, his ability to apply different effects to the barrier was very versatile, it often made things easier, that will be missed."

"Mmhm." — Hector agreed with a grunt as he blew out smoke.

"He may have been troubled in mind, but he was truly dedicated to his faith." — Francis continued.

"And that's why we're going to avenge his death." — Hector spoke while throwing the cigarette butt on the floor, as did Francis without caring.

Nodding weakly, Francis was silent for a moment before thinking of something and asking Hector. — "By the way, did you catch that thing?" — He asked, turning his head a little as he looked at him.

Hector, upon hearing him, glanced at him sideways with a raised eyebrow. — "Why you ask the obvious, what else did you think I was doing while checking his dead body?"

"I don't know, maybe you just have some weird fetish, you don't need to be so rude either, I asked just to confirm." — Shrugging his shoulders, Francis replied casually.

"Of course I did." — Snorting, Hector moved his hand to his back before withdrawing it back holding something. — "And what a strange fetish, do you think I'm Toshiro?" — Hector replied looking at him, before looking away at the object in his hand.

He looked at the object for a moment before speaking. — "In addition to knowing the cause of his death, it was more important to know the status of this thing, luckily it wasn't stolen, or the high priest would rip our skin off."

"Right..." — Francis responded in a neutral tone, looking at the disc-shaped object with a jewel in the middle, but only he knew the shiver he felt when thinking about the punishment he would receive if this thing had been stolen.

Even if none of them were at fault, just the fact that Toshiro was in their party would be enough for the high priest to punish them.

"Do you think this thing really works like it's been told?" — Francis spoke again after a moment, his gaze returning to the front.

"The other one we're using works, so this one should, there wouldn't be any point in giving us this thing if it didn't work." — Hector replied as he put the disc back on his back.

"Didn't the leader say it was still a prototype?" — Francis asked back.

"Yes, but he also said that there is no problem for it to work, we just have to wait and if we find someone above our level we will know the answer, which I hope will not happen." — Hector replied calmly, hands in his pockets as he kept up the pace.

"Yes, I make your words my words." — Francis agreed and spoke with the same calmness, walking at the same pace and with his hands in his pockets too.

"I guess I don't get paid enough for it." — Hector said sarcastically.

"...Since when do we get paid?" — Francis questioned him back, her blood-red eyes looking at him blankly.

"Exactly what I meant, I don't get paid enough." — Hector responded calmly, without looking in his direction.

"..." — Francis just looked at him for a moment, then returned his gaze to the front, walking in silence without saying anything else.

Hector also didn't say anything else, walking in silence as well.

The two continued on their way, walking in a carefree manner, getting closer and closer to places with more civilian presence, but strangely the few people who passed by them seemed not to react to their presence, not even giving a single glance.

Almost as if they were invisible.

[Scene Break]


[Pov: 3rd Person]

[Wednesday, after school]

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, Micael was in his room, he had just finished putting the elastic bandages in a backpack.

He was wearing a black hoodie along with burgundy shorts just above the knee and flip-flops on his feet.

Picking up his backpack and putting the strap on his shoulder, he soon left the room and went downstairs.

Passing through the living room and going to the refrigerator, he opened it and took out two large bottles of water, placing them in his backpack.

Walking and heading towards his and Myako's father's room, he opened the door and took a step inside, seeing him in his office which to access he had to go through their room.

As the door was open, he could see the back of his father, who was in front of the computer, so he called him and told him he was leaving.

"Dad, I'm going, see you later."

His father, in response, turned and said goodbye as well.

"Right, see you later."

Nodding in response, Micael took a step back and closed the door.

Without further ado, he soon started walking and leaving the house.

Closing the door behind him and after a few steps passing through the gate, Micael began walking along the sidewalk to his destination.

His exact destination being his "training room", or practically his personal gym.


Arriving in front of what appeared to be a small warehouse, Micael crouched down in front of the rolling gate and unlocked the padlock.

Lifting the gate enough to enter, Micael soon found himself inside the partially dark place, so when he pressed a switch on the side and turned on the light, the place lit up, revealing various weight training and fighting equipment.

Leaving the gate half lowered, Micael walked to the back of the warehouse, where the floor had a red tatami and where the combat equipment was.

Leaving the bag in the corner of the wall, Micael took off his hoodie and folded it, placing it inside the bag, then taking out the two bottles of water and placing them next to the bag.

Last but not least, Micael took his cell phone out of his bag along with a small speaker, unlocked the screen and put it on a music playlist called 'songs to listen to and feel like the final boss'.

Standing up from his crouched pose, with Eminem's 'Lose Yourself' playing in the background, Micael soon began stretching.

With songs from his playlist playing in the background, Micael stretched out in a session that lasted thirty minutes in total.

So, moving on to the warm-up, Micael went to a stand with dumbbells and grabbed a rope that was hanging there.

Returning to his previous position in the middle of the mat, Micael began jumping rope for five minutes to warm up.

Then, placing the rope back on the rack, he returned to the middle of the mat once again and began to rotate his arms.

Honestly, to say he wasn't excited was an understatement, no, he was insanely excited about what he was about to do.

Normally, after finishing the warm-up, he would start a series of dynamic exercises, a mix of calisthenics and crossfit, but today things would be different, he would spend the next few hours training only in combat.

And your training partner, of course, would be someone from a certain fighting manga.

Obviously, it was Baki.

Then, activating his power, thinking of the desired skill, soon a lifelike Baki in a transparent and illusory form appeared before him more than a meter away.

Looking at the slightly shorter guy in front of him, wearing his standard fighting outfit, Micael just watched him as a faint feeling of familiar warmth enveloped his eyes.

It was uncomfortable, but not enough to disturb his concentration and stop him from training, so positioning himself in a boxing pose, Micael took a step pushing forward and attacked him with a punch with all the strength and speed he had.

His fist moved with strength and speed, approaching Baki's face a few millimeters in an instant.

However, when it looked like his fist was going to hit the illusory Baki's face, he dodged it in an instant, his torso and head a blur as he moved to the side.

Being completely open to a counterattack, Micael tried to adjust and mount a defense waiting for the attack to come, but he only had time to see the illusory Baki with a faint smile on his face before his vision became blurred along with the sensation of something hitting him in the face.

With his body being pushed back as he fell to the ground, Micael was stunned for a moment as his mind processed what happened.

His mind clearing, he sat up while cursing.

"Fuck...that son of a bitch hits like a damn tractor." — Leaving these words in the air, Micael put his hand to his nose, feeling the sensation of moisture, he put his hand to his face and saw the blood stain on the tip of his finger.

"...This skill is really something else."

Feeling truly impressed with the image training that Baki managed to do, Micael reflected on the attack he received, which he believed to have been a punch because he honestly didn't see what hit him, but the sensation he had was that of a fist with all his might. certainty.

And this possible punch was without a doubt the strongest he received, and the most impressive thing is that he was sure that the illusory Baki had not used all his strength, because if he had done so his nose and possibly his entire face would have been broken instead of just bleeding.

He was also wondering what the third person view of this would be like, I mean, anyone who saw him would probably think he had been hit by an invisible blow.

If Saji was here, he would definitely be looking at him like he was crazy because he was hurting himself.

In Micael's head, the vision should more or less be of him punching the air, and then out of nowhere his head being thrown back with force as his eyes rolled back, despite nothing material having hit him.

Exactly as it happened with Baki himself.

Putting his hand on his nose, he thought that his nose sank when he was hit, how? He has no idea, but that's how it is, it doesn't make sense, but it works, that's what matters.

Leaving these reflections for later, he stood up, this time adopting the basic muai thay pose, activating his power that he had deactivated after receiving the punch, soon the familiar illusory Baki appeared in front of him again.

Attacking again, this time with a low kick, Micael waited to see what Baki's reaction would be, on high alert to try to react to a counterattack.

This time, the illusory Baki didn't dodge, but stood still, letting Micael's kick hit him, and Micael did, but it didn't have the intended effect.

Instead, eyes widening subtly, Micael felt as if he had kicked a stone pillar as he connected with the side of Baki's thigh.


Cursing out of instinct, he didn't even have time to finish before once again a blurry shape hit him in the face, but this time it was in the cheek and not the nose.

With his head spinning to the side and being thrown back, the rest of his body followed, but this time he didn't fall, taking a large step back with the impact, Micael managed to steady himself without falling.

Slowly turning his torso and head and returning to the straightened position, Micael raised his hand to his cheek, moving his lower jaw in check, looking at the Beki in front of him who still had that weak and relaxed smile on his face.

Obviously this punch was much weaker than the previous one, because besides the pain, his cheek was fine, without bleeding.

If he remembers correctly, Baki's fighting style is usually limiting himself to the opponent's specialty, defeating the opponent at his own strengths, the issue here was that Micael was too weak for Baki to do that.

Basically, Micael was like that brat who got slapped by Baki.

But anyway, the illusory Baki was exactly that, an illusion formed by Micael's own brain, he was the one who decided Baki's strength, but as he wanted to see how strong Baki was compared to him, he imagined him according to his strength and real character without weakening it.

But it was clear to him that even though he was the "real Baki" in terms of strength, he was still holding back enormously.

He wondered what would happen if he imagined Yujiro instead of Baki to attack him, and the answer was obvious, he would die for sure.

If he imagined a Yujiro based on his real character and strength, he wouldn't even know how he died before he, well, died.

He felt like laughing just thinking about it, imagine dying to an enemy that you created with your mind and that literally exists just for you, yes, that would be the most ridiculous and schizophrenic death he could witness.

Shaking his leg a little because of the pain in his shin, Micael once again adopted a pose, this time, his arms were a little relaxed while he was on his side doing small jumps.

This time adopting taekwondo, Micael made a few more jumps before stopping, then slightly lowering his hips, he attacked with a high kick straight to Baki's head.

And this time he hit too, but unlike the previous collision, his kick didn't hit a human limb that looked more like it was made of stone, instead it hit Baki's forearm that he had raised in defense, his forearm now appearing to be just flesh real human.

Still a little hard, but certainly much more tolerable to hit than a little while ago.

After the attack, Micael quickly pulled his leg and threw another kick with the other leg, and in the same way, Baki defended himself with his forearm.

Quickly recovering his leg again, Micael followed up with a quick succession of attacks, quickly kicking him in the head, torso and legs.

And just like before, practically effortlessly, Baki continued blocking the attacks using his arms or legs.

This continued for a brief moment until the momentum of the fight changed, finally fighting back instead of just defending, Baki seized a moment with perfect timing at the exact moment Micael pulled a leg.

At the exact moment that Micael's leg lowered and his toe touched the ground while retreating from the kick, Baki attacked him with a punch straight to the face, it was fast, very fast, but he still had time to react differently from previous times.

Moving his head to the side at the last moment, Micael narrowly dodged when the fist grazed him on the cheek, and as he was putting all his weight on just one foot, he ended up losing his balance as he dodged, causing him to stumble back.

Taking a few steps back until he stopped, Micael brought his hand to his face, feeling the burning there. He wasn't surprised when he saw the drop of blood on the tip of his thumb.

Looking away from the bloodstain and looking at the relaxed Baki in front of him, Micael felt even more how big the difference between the two was, even though the Baki in front of him was weakened, he was still a league above him.

But it had to be like this, after all if Baki was at the same level of strength as him, all this training would be useless, he was stronger, but not at a level that Micael couldn't handle.

Clenching his fists and adopting a pose again, Micael felt a mix of feelings, disbelief at his counterpart's absurd strength, anxiety at the amount of beatings he will take until he becomes strong enough and, above all, excitement.

After all, just thinking about how strong he would become, eventually surpassing Baki in front of him, even becoming stronger than Yujiro and going even further, there was no way he wouldn't feel excited, the excitement he felt when he awakened his power returning for him.

Then, with his heart beating fast with anticipation and excitement, Micael smiled, a big smile that conveyed hunger, hunger for power.

With half-moon-shaped eyes, also smiling, and with a look that also conveyed an immense desire for strength, Micael looked with great intensity at Baki.

If this were an anime, at that moment his body would have an aura effect, with his body surrounded by an intense wave of energy, while behind him a monstrous and deformed face would form as a representation of his spirit.

But this wasn't an anime (ahem), so none of that happened, he was just standing in a fighting pose staring into space and grinning like a psychopath, not that he cared anyway.

But as if recognizing his spirit, the illusory Baki smiled a little wider, nodding his head as if approving.

Seeing the sign of recognition, Micael prepared to attack.

With the opening line, 'I don't know what you heard about me' from 50 cent's song P.I.M.P playing in the background.

Leaving some words out in the air — "As my bro Madara would say, let's dance, motherfucker." — flexing his leg and taking a step, Micael advanced.

[Scene Break]


With the sound of music playing in the background, Micael was lying on his back on the floor.

With his chest expanding and contracting enormously in sequence, he took a deep breath through his mouth, a clear demonstration of his extreme tiredness.

With sweat spreading in large quantities across his body, as if he had thrown himself a bucket of water, a few traces of water covered the floor, with these small puddles scattered next to his fallen body being his sweat.

In addition, bruises also covered his body, spread across his arms, legs and torso, with emphasis on a huge purple spot in the rib area and the purple spot along with the swelling in his right eye.

And as if he wasn't injured enough already, several cuts also covered his body, scattered here and there, the cuts were thin and superficial, as if he had been cut by paper or something.

Also notable was a deeper cut on his forehead, but instead of looking like it was made by paper, it was more like something hard like a rock had hit him, tearing his skin.

Dried blood covered the area, with trails of blood leading from his forehead to his nose.

And in the middle of all these injuries was Micael, beaten like a stray dog ​​and breathing as if he was having an asthma attack.

Honestly, at that moment he was feeling like shit, the headache and pain in his eyes is nothing compared to the pain he is feeling right now.

In fact, his entire body ached and if the huge bruise was any indication, he had obviously fractured his ribs, the way he breathed sending waves of pain with each exhale.

Not just his ribs, he definitely fractured his forearms and shins as well.

This happened at the end of sparring, he still didn't have a strong enough body to fight while he had this type of injury.

And the sparring actually didn't last long, he thought a little more than ten minutes had passed, if the music they were playing was anything to go by.

If it was a normal sparring match, where he would fight against someone of the same level, obviously he wouldn't be like that, but since his opponent was Baki, just the fact that he didn't have broken bones in his feet and hands was already a good sign.

In his current state, breathing while feeling as if his lung was burned and about to explode, with his mind numb from exertion and tiredness, and despite all the pain and discomfort, he was actually somewhat excited and happy.

And no, he wasn't a masochist, the point is that if you're a power-hungry madman like him, or just a person with some absurd ambition, you have to be prepared for pain, be it physical or emotional.

So no, he didn't like the pain, if possible he would have reduced his pain receptors actually, but that wasn't possible at the moment, no, what made him kind of happy and excited was something else.

What made him like this was the growth he would have in terms of strength when he recovered, but not only that, it was because this recovery would be quick, which would make his progress faster and faster, which is what made him excited and happy.

And that was what he was about to do to recover faster, he was resting, recovering some energy so he could use his eyes and heal from his injuries faster.

So, he lay still on the floor, with his eyes closed, he lay still and rested for about twenty minutes while the songs on his playlist continued to play in the background.

Only after that time did he open his eyes, one of them half-open because of the swelling, his breathing now normal and his mind no longer slow.

Remaining lying down and obviously not moving, Micael activated his power, thinking about a specific skill.

Feeling the familiar feeling of activation, Micael soon felt a difference, a slight shiver ran through his body as his breathing changed, as if he was breathing in immense amounts of air despite being breathing normally.

His lung felt like it was carrying some sort of weight as he forcefully moved the diaphragm that now felt like it was made of iron.

With a sensation of electricity coursing through his veins along with a tingling sensation, Micael's body was soon surrounded by a sort of yellow aura that emitted sparks.

Ripple, that was what Micael was using at the moment to heal himself.

And it was working, he could feel a tingling sensation in some cuts spread across his body, which probably meant he was healing.

But there was one small problem, aside from the pain in his eyes, the sharp pain that now surrounded his ribs every time he took a breath really sucked, it wasn't enough to stop him from using the ripple, but it bothered him enough to make him clench his jaw.

So, ignoring the pain, Micael continued breathing and channeling Ripple through his body, with the energy slowly healing him from the wounds.

After a few minutes, he deactivated his power, causing the yellow aura to cease, thus revealing his body now without bruises or cuts.

Micael slowly opened his eyes, a somewhat blurry vision greeting him, his eyes were also watering due to the heat that enveloped his eyes, moving his hands, he massaged his eyes trying to alleviate the pain.

Lifting his torso, he maintained a sitting posture on the floor while continuing to massage his eyes.

Soon, he removed his hands from his eyes as he blinked a few times, seeing that his vision was normal now, and of course his eyes still hurt and felt hot, but it was at a much more tolerable level.

If he hadn't used Baki's skill, the recoil of his eyes wouldn't have been so great after using Ripple.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling a sigh, Micael spoke.

"Haaa...yeah, everything seems to be in order."

Running his hand over his ribs, he examined his body for injuries, but seeing none and no longer feeling any pain other than his eyes, this meant he was officially healed.

Then, calmly washing himself, he jumped up, flexed his arms and legs and then threw some kicks and punches.

Nodding to himself in approval, Micael flexed his hand, he didn't notice much difference in his strength, leaving aside the mental fatigue that prevented him from noticing much, he would probably only see a difference when he fought with Baki.

Naturally, he knew that this full-body callus method was not perfect, Ripple, despite healing and also providing nutrition for damaged tissues to heal stronger, was not perfect.

Despite providing nutrition, the human body was unable to handle this type of energy, which would make this damage and healing process with Ripple eventually increasingly ineffective over time.

Pointed out by the fact that even after years of practice, Ripple users did not get stronger, they just stagnated at a certain point, Ripple did not work as cultivation energy, unfortunately.

But of course, he can get around this rule with his power, using Seimei Kikan for example, he can simply use the technique and manipulate the body to absorb large amounts of nutrients and combined with Ripple, he can create a kind of body cultivation technique from Shopee.

Obviously this is just theory for now, he still needs to test it to see if it would really work as he thinks, and in addition to this method he also thought of some others, he just needs to do some testing.

Anyway, that's for later, now, with all the physical and mental fatigue he feels, he realized it was time to end training and go home.

And doing just that, he went to the small speaker, turned it off and put it in his bag along with the smartphone, then also took the bandages off his hands and put them away.

Taking one of the bottles of water that he hadn't touched yet, he drank it almost completely, also putting the two bottles in his bag afterwards.

Taking the sweatshirt and putting it on, he walked to the gate through the gym, lifting the gate and passing through it, then lowered it completely, placing the padlock and locking it.

Taking a few steps and walking lazily, Micael made his way back home.