Another limitation, another unexpected interaction, and two clearly suspicious men [Part One]

Yo author here

As I said at the beginning of the previous chapter, in case you haven't read it

I'm going to divide the chapters and post every two thousand words so I don't go too long without posting, here's part one of chapter fifteen, anyway, that's it

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you on next time


[Pov: 3rd Person]

[Night, 9:35 pm, Alves de Aoyama Residence, or simply Micael's house]


Inside his room, yawning sleepily, Micael was sitting in front of his computer, while typing a code quickly and accurately.

He was working on another project, the project for that questionable website had already been completed and he had already been paid, what he was doing now was something else, after all, his powers don't give him money, at least not yet.

So, for now and until the short term, he will have to work normally.

And yes, he knows that using any type of electronic device before bed affects sleep, but doing it every now and then is okay.

Then, finishing typing the last sequence of codes, he turned off the computer.

Getting up from the chair, yawning, he went to the switch and turned off the light, then walked to the bed, picked up the sheet and pillow and threw himself on the bed as he lay down.

Activating the alarm on his cell phone, he placed it at the head of the bed, turning to the side and finally closing his eyes, waiting for sleep to come and for him to enter a lucid dream.


Walking lazily towards school, feeling tired, Micael let out his third yawn after leaving the house, Mari once again walking at his side.

Looking at him from the side, Mari asked. — "So, did someone come looking for trouble with you yesterday?"

Looking at her lazily before returning his gaze to the front, Micael replied. — "Nah, they just stared at me like I was some kind of exotic animal, other than that nothing happened."

"Umu, that's good then." — Letting out a 'umu' of contentment, Mari replied.

Walking in silence for a moment, she then glanced sideways at him again, seeing his face looking tired and lazy, she asked curiously. — "What's with that tired face? Did you stay up late again?"

He took one hand out of his pocket and brought it to his head, scratching it slightly. — "No, yesterday I got a little carried away in training, that's why I'm tired, uaah~." — Yawning at the end of his answer.

"I see." — She nodded in response, then, remembering something, looked at him with narrowed eyes as she said.

"In fact, this situation isn't that bad, right? After all, you've become quite popular with the girls, haven't you?"

Micael, who was idly scratching his nose at that moment, looked at Mari with a lost look as he spoke.


Seeing Micael's lost look, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she explained, her gaze returning to the front as she spoke.

"I'm saying that you became popular among some girls, at least it was like that in my class and club, the girls couldn't stop talking about these rumors and speculating different things, curious to know more about you."

Without looking at her, he replied lazily. — "Is that so?"

Upon hearing his answer, she looked at him and seeing his lazy expression, asked doubtfully with a sarcastic tone. — "Mm? What's with that disinterested look? What's wrong, aren't you happy?"

Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, he replied. — "Why would I be happy? It's not like it's going to change anything in my life."

"Are you sure? I'm sure a lot of girls have their eyes on you right now." — Looking at him with a raised eyebrow, she asked with a faint smile with a certain meaning.

Responding once again without looking at her, Micael spoke in the same lazy tone.

"Yeah, I'm sure, it's not like these girls are going to ask me on a date or anything, and even if they do, I'll decline."

"Uh...really?" — She responded in a sarcastic tone again, squinting her eyes as she looked at him suspiciously, implying that she didn't believe him.

Upon hearing her tone of voice, Micael looked at her and ended up seeing her suspicious expression, then returning his gaze to the front while exhaling deeply through his nose, he calmly took his hand out of his pocket.

He calmly raised his arm above his head, extending it upwards.

Mari followed his movements with a curious look, wondering what he was doing.

And soon she had her answer.

Moving his arm back, in a quick and strong movement, Micael swung his arm, with the swing ending in a resounding slap straight to Mari's ass.


With the sound of the slap echoing through the street, Micael continued his steps as if nothing had happened, putting his hand back in his pocket.

And Mari, who at that moment felt a great burning in her ass, was standing in the same place, having been completely paralyzed when she received the slap.

Then, with her mind finally processing what happened, with her teeth clenched in anger, she ran at full speed towards Micael, slapping him hard on the shoulder as she reached his side.

"What was that for!? You son of-That hurt!!" — She spoke with an angry look in an irritated tone, her expression with her clenched teeth visible and her brow furrowed.

Ignoring the burning sensation in his shoulder, Micael responded calmly. — "You were acting jealous and all possessive, I thought a slap on the ass would help you come to your senses."

"You-I was just joking! I didn't need that slap!" — Mari responded indignantly, with her hand on the affected area.

Micael, upon hearing her response, turned his head and looking at her calmly, he replied. — "I know."

Of course, he knew she was joking, she was clearly trying to get some reaction out of him and embarrass him, at least that's what it seemed like on the surface.

The truth is that when he called her jealous and possessive it wasn't an exaggeration, this behavior of acting provocatively was a disguise for her to study her true emotions, it was something she did frequently.

So if he didn't stop her from having these thoughts, she would soon go into a paranoid spiral, looking like a yandere.

He knows she's a bro-con, and he's pointed that fact out to her face before, but the excuse she gave was that she was just a little sister worried about her brother's future, she said she wouldn't let just any girl be his girlfriend.

And she said those words with the greatest lack of shame, as if she wasn't the one who got all suspicious when a girl who seemed interested in him showed up.

Well, she is his sister, her lack of shame is certainly his influence.

Upon hearing his answer, Mari just looked at him blankly for a moment, already expecting that answer. — "You...were just taking advantage of me then? Besides, did you need to use so much force?"

Rolling his eyes, Micael replied. — "I wasn't taking advantage of you, that was a disciplinary act, plus I didn't use much force, if I had done so you would have fallen to the ground."

Narrowing her eyes, she looked at him suspiciously as she responded. — "Okay...and what do you mean by disciplinary act, I'm a child now?"

"For me, you are."

"Hmph, whatever" — Huffing and turning her face away with a pout, she spoke while rubbing her hand over her sore butt.

"...Did you really need to use that much force?" — After remaining silent for a moment, she asked, still with a pout on her face.

"It was to cause as much physical and emotional damage as possible."

Upon hearing his response, her face tightened, feeling the familiar feeling of being left speechless by her brother's behavior.

"Because of you, I think I'll get through classes without sitting upright." 

In response to his words, Micael just let out a laugh.

"Pff hahaha."

"Do you still have the shamelessness to laugh at my suffering?" — She asked as she looked at him, seeing the slight smile he had on his face.

But her words only made him laugh harder.


Looking at him with an intense gaze that promised pain, she spoke. — "You know I'm going to get revenge for this, don't you?"

Laughing for another moment before stopping, keeping the smile on his face, Micael brought his hand to her head and ruffled her hair as he responded. — "Yeah yeah, do whatever you want."

"Stop it, you're messing up my hair." — Slapping Micael's hand, Mari spoke while fixing her hair.

Returning his hand to his pocket, Micael just continued walking in silence, with a slight relaxed smile on his face.

Mari walked beside him, too focused on fixing her hair to say anything else.

So, with this usual interaction between the two, they headed towards the school.


Inside Micael's class, the boy in question was sitting in his chair with his arms crossed and his head tilted to the side, and both eyes were closed.

Yes, he was sleeping.

Or rather, he tried not to sleep, highlighted by the fact that every now and then only one of his eyes would open, before slowly closing.

He had been in this battle for a few minutes, trying but failing miserably.

At the beginning of classes he didn't have any problems, but as if his body recognized that he was about to take a break, as the break was in a few minutes, his body decided to work on its own.

Sincerely, he didn't expect to be so tired, using Ripple to heal himself seems to have been more tiring than he expected, perhaps because his body isn't used to it?

Anyway, doubts aside, he tried to stay awake, but it was difficult.

But it can be said that he ended up receiving external "help", as he ended up being woken up by the teacher.


With a loud, throat-clearing sound, Micael snapped out of his daze, lifting his head and seeing the teacher in front of the blackboard looking at him.

Blinking his eyes as his brain rebooted, Micael asked, still a little drowsy.

"...Can I help you?"

His words resulted in muffled laughter, some of his classmates trying to hold back their laughter as they looked at him.

Not caring about the sounds of laughter or the stares, he looked at the teacher with a lazy expression, looking like he would yawn at any moment.

The teacher just looked at him with a calm expression, then pushing up his glasses, he pointed at the blackboard as he said.

"Yes, Micael-kun, can you help me, please answer this question."

Looking away from the teacher to the blackboard after hearing his words, Micael blinked his eyes slowly as his numb brain processed the question, then he answered.


His response, however, ended up resulting in yet another chorus of muffled laughter from his colleagues.

With the corner of his mouth twitching, the teacher soon spoke.

"We're in Japanese class Micael-kun, not math."


Micael just blinked his eyes slowly when he heard these words, then when he saw the teacher was silent as if he was still waiting for an answer, he then gave him an answer.

"...Omae wa mou shindeiru?"

With those words resulting in yet another chorus of muffled laughter, with some not even trying to stifle it and laughing as much as they wanted, hell, there was a boy who had phlegm bursting out of his nose when he tried to hold back his laughter.

With the corner of his mouth twitching once again, the professor responded as neutrally as possible.

"No, Micael-kun, that's not the answer."

Micael just blinked slowly in reaction to the words, before responding again in a calm tone.

"...Yamete kudasai?"

Soon after he finished his words, chaos erupted in the classroom, the students began to laugh uncontrollably, even those who were holding back or hadn't laughed before were no longer able to hold back.

While the students laughed uncontrollably and some fidgeted at their desks, creating a cacophony of different sounds, the teacher just remained silent, his face calm despite the clear tremor in his mouth indicating his mental state.

Letting out a sigh and pushing his glasses with his hand, the man thought silently — 'I don't get paid enough for this' — Then the man opened his mouth as he said. — "Alright, alright, that's enough, be quiet."

Upon hearing his words, the students slowly stopped laughing, some still struggling and laughing with their hands over their mouths, but most of the class fell silent.

Satisfied that they had obeyed, the professor looked at whoever caused all this, finding him with his eyes closed, his head tilted and his arms still crossed, apparently asleep again.

Opening his mouth, but saying nothing as he was literally speechless, the professor just remained silent for a moment, taking time to recover before speaking again.


When called by his name, Micael, who was already half asleep, woke up immediately, quickly straightening his head as he responded.


"I don't know what happened to make you like this, but I hope this doesn't become common in my classes."

Upon hearing the teacher's words, Micael uncrossed one of his hands, bringing it to his face and rubbing his eyes while yawning, responding in sequence. — "Uaah...don't worry teacher, I ended up getting carried away in training yesterday, it won't happen again."

"I hope so, I'm going to continue the class so pay attention."

The teacher spoke before turning back to the blackboard.

"All right."

Was Micael's response, crossing his arm again as he looked at the clock on the wall above the blackboard, seeing that there were only a few minutes left until the class ended.

Turning his gaze to the blackboard, Micael tried to pay attention and stay awake until the end of the class.







