Another limitation, another unexpected interaction, and two clearly suspicious men [Part Two]

Yo, author here

Nothing to add here, I'm just here to say...

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






At that moment, the canteen was full of students, and among all these students were Micael and Saji in a usual setting, sitting together at a table and eating while talking.

"Anyway, what's with that dead fish look? I was going to ask you before, but I forgot, so what is it?"

Saji asked Micael while taking a sip from the strawberry milk juice box.

Micael, who was taking a sip of his protein shake, put down the bottle and responded.

"It's nothing, I just overdid it with my leg training, what about you? You also look tired."

"Ah, about that..." — Raising his hand, Saji rubbed his head, ruffling his hair as he responded with a faint bitter smile. — "Well, being a member of the student council is more tiring than I expected."

"Mmhm" — Drinking the rest of the protein shake, Micael gave a nasal answer, placing the bottle on the table, he asked in sequence. — "By the way, what exactly do you do?"

" know, things."

Saji responded, looking completely calm and unfazed, placing the straw from the juice box in his mouth and going back to drinking.

"Huh...what kind of things?"

Micael asked back, his lazy look unchanged, he didn't need to raise an eyebrow, his tone of voice and "dead fish" look already spoke for themselves.

" know, ehh...things like doing some menial work for Kaichou and Fuku-Kaichou, bringing her coffee or tea if Kaichou asks for it, helping others members if they need something, you know that kind of thing."

Fumbling a bit as he thought of how to respond, Saji looked strangely from side to side before responding, his hand moving again and this time scratching the side of his head with his finger as he responded.

Micael, without commenting on his strange behavior, placed the cap on the bottle and slowly rotated it as he responded.

"So, you're basically the intern."

"Mm, yeah, you can say that."

Shrugging, Saji replied simply while still drinking the juice from the box.

Finishing twisting the bottle cap and placing it on the table, Micael spoke while looking at Saji with a slight smile.

"Congratulations Saji, you are already developing your corporate slave skills, the Japanese government would be proud of you."

Upon hearing Micael's words, Saji's mouth twitched and in response he showed him the middle finger.

Finishing drinking the juice from the box with a sucking sound, he kneaded the box in sequence as he said.

"Corporate slave my ass."

Micael just let out a light laugh in response to him.

Placing the juice box on top of a tray that already had what looked like crumpled packaging on it, Saji stood up and walked towards a trash can.

As he watched Saji walk away, looking at his back, Micael covered his eyes and activated his power for a single second before deactivating it, turning his gaze elsewhere later.

'Yeah, it's like Koneko'

He was obviously talking about the dark red energy that filled Saji's form, it looked exactly like Koneko.

'And I can't see anything else either, like I thought.'

And in this case he was referring to his inability to see Saji's Sacred Gear, since he didn't see any kind of shape or object in his hand, which wasn't strange since as far as he knows the Byakugan can't see souls.

Which served to confirm something he already expected, that his eyes were not a Sacred Gear, but something else, he just needed to find out what it was.

He intends to use some other ability if he can remember one later so he can see or at least feel the Sacred Gears, but for now he will only use the Byakugan.

With these thoughts in mind, he watched Saji walking back to the table, then stood up and waited for Saji to reach him.

With Saji arriving at the table, Micael began walking towards the cafeteria entrance with Saji walking alongside.

They soon reached the hallway and with a fist bump, they split up following different hallways.

'It seems like he didn't feel anything either.'

In Koneko's case he might have had some doubts, but with Saji, if he had felt something he would have been unable to hide it.

Saji is many things, a good actor is not one of them.

'My hypothesis that they can't feel anything or that my power doesn't release any aura seems to be correct, but I need one last test to be sure, I just don't know what I'm going to test it with, should I test it with Koneko again?'

With his hand scratching his chin, Micael reflected upon returning to class.



With the sound indicating the end of class playing, Micael got up from his chair as he prepared to leave.

As he was putting away his things, he saw someone approaching him from the corner of his eye, and when he raised his head to see who it was, he came across Koneko.

With the neutral-faced girl standing next to him, she looked him straight in the eyes as she said.

"Micael-san, can you come with me for a moment please, Rias-sam-senpai wants to talk to you."

Looking at her in silence for a brief moment, thinking about this unexpected approach, Micael responded to her.

"Alright, let me finish packing my things."

With a curt nod, Koneko took a step back.

Putting away all his things and putting the bag strap on his shoulder, Micael turned to Koneko and spoke.

"Lead the way, please."

Without saying anything the girl turned around and started walking towards the door as she spoke.

"Follow me."

Following a little behind Koneko, Micael and she soon left the class, walking through the halls towards the old school building.

As he followed not far behind Koneko, just three steps away from the girl, Micael's eyes darted from side to side, his expression calm, but his mind already focused on the anomaly that surrounded him.

As they walked down the hall, passing other students, strangely they didn't react in any way.

Obviously, Koneko did something, instead of the students staring at him for being together with yet another idolized girl at school, they were literally ignoring him.

But that wasn't the point, the question was...shouldn't he be affected too?

With his eyes moving erratically, his perception of time altered, Micael studied the students' faces, seeing that they didn't really react to their presence.

'They're not really reacting to her presence...but what's my case, my power gave me magical resistance? Resistance to illusion, perhaps?'

Deactivating his power, he looks at Koneko's back.

'She doesn't seem to have felt anything either, even though she's so close, my power really doesn't release any kind of aura?'

Looking away from her, he looked around randomly, without a specific focus as he thought.

'So my power seems to have some kind of resistance against mental attacks or illusions, at least I hope that's it.'

Those were Micael's thoughts at that moment, he wasn't sure if this was a new feature of his power or something more, but as always, he couldn't confirm anything, and as for the fact that he wasn't wondering why Rias wanted to talk with him?

The truth is...yes, he thought about that possibility, and if that's the case there's not much he can do, what should he do, run away? This is unnecessary, he will simply refuse if she offers him to become a devil.

Instead, he will offer his own offer that he has already planned, as he said before, Rias' help may be needed to protect his family.

But if the worst happens, if for some reason Rias tries to make him forget what happened using magic or something, he also has a plan for that, but he hopes that things don't come to that because there will probably be a lot of pain for those involved, including himself.

Anyway, let's cross our fingers and hope that things aren't that bad, and of course the other possibility and the one he most believes to be the reason for her call is the gossip that has been spreading.

She'll probably explain herself and maybe even apologize (although she has nothing to do with it) for all the attention he's been getting.

She probably thinks he's having some problems because of these rumors, and that might be why she wants to talk to him.

Regardless of which one is between these two scenarios, he is already mentally prepared for whatever happens, if it's the first, he has plan a, b and n, if it's the second...well, he'll simply be himself, in the words from Saji, he will be the..."Pussy Scarer".

'Tsk, motherfucker, pussy scarer is my balls.'

Losing focus for a moment, with his mind wandering elsewhere thanks to him remembering that nickname Saji gave him, Micael internally insulted him, remembering that he still hadn't gotten enough revenge for Saji giving him that ridiculous nickname.

'Whatever, I can think of a way to humiliate Saji another time, now is not the time.'

Regaining the focus of his mind to the present moment, Micael silently followed Koneko, with the two soon leaving the school building and heading towards the old building.

Walking along the tiled road surrounded by grass, Micael soon found himself in front of a giant building that looked like it came straight from medieval Europe.

Looking at the building as he approached, he analyzed the structure thinking it was truly beautiful architecture.

With the two arriving in front of the gates, with Kaneko opening the gate for him to enter and closing it after he passed.

With the girl climbing the stairs to the next floor silently, he followed her in the same manner.

Soon, the two were walking down a long corridor with a chessboard-style floor, Micael followed Koneko and the two soon stopped in front of a double door.

Koneko knocked twice on the door, immediately receiving a response.

"Come in."

A female voice responded and, like Rias' voice, it had a rather beautiful timbre, but he realized it wasn't Rias.

Koneko opened one of the doors, revealing the inside of the room, and Micael, who was behind her, could see what was inside.

The first thing he noticed were the two sofas placed facing each other with a table between them, together of course, with the girl with appearance and beauty compared to Rias, with black hair, violet eyes and a slight smile on her face with a soft expression.

Taking his eyes away from the girl and looking at the rest of the room, he saw that there were no windows and that in the corner of the room on the other side there was a door, and that the lighting in the room was provided by a chandelier connected to the ceiling.

'Yes, it looks like a nobleman's fancy room, and there are no escape routes either, I don't know what that door is for.'

While Micael thought of possible strategies for the most efficient escape possible and pretended to look distractedly around the room, Koneko in front of him spoke to the girl sitting on the sofa.

"Akeno-senpai? Where is Rias-buchou?"

"Well, Koneko-chan, Rias had something to do last minute, so she asked me to entertain our guest for now."

Akeno responded calmly, her tone almost sing-song thanks to her timbre, a faint smile still on her face and her overlapping hands placed on her thighs in her sitting position.

After answering Koneko, his gaze changed from her to the boy, seeing how he had one hand on his chin and looked curiously at the chandelier.

'Hmm? What is this, is he shy? It shouldn't, considering what Rias said, hmm...what is he trying to hide?How curious~.'

With these thoughts in mind, her droopy eyes that highlighted her soft beauty narrowed slightly as her faint smile widened a little wider.

Koneko, listening to Akeno's explanation, responded after a brief moment of silence.

"...I see"

After saying that, she turned to the boy behind her, seeing that he had his hand on his chin and looking up, without questioning what he was doing, she spoke.

"Come in, Akeno-senpai will keep you company until Rias-senpai arrives."

Stepping to the side as she walked away, she stepped out of the way of the open door.

Micael, whose thoughts were...

'If she uses this, I can kick her in the chest, it hurts a lot, not as much as a kick in the balls, but it should be enough to disorient her, if it's not enough I can use the thousand years of death and...'

...Of a questionable nature, he had his reflections on fighting tactics interrupted by Koneko's voice.

Looking at the smaller girl who had walked out from in front of the door, he watched as right after she said those words, she bowed slightly before saying goodbye.

"Excuse me."

Saying those words, Koneko turned around and started walking towards the end of the hall.

Micael watched in silence as the girl left, then looked back into the room, at a softly smiling Akeno who watched him calmly.

Gesturing one hand in a surprisingly soft gesture reminiscent of a noble lady, she pointed to the sofa in front of her as she spoke.

"Come in, please."

Upon seeing her gesture, Micael took a step forward and walked through the door.

"Excuse me."






