Another limitation, another unexpected interaction, and two clearly suspicious men [Part Three]

Yo, author here

This time, I have a serious question for you...

In a fight between Goku and Saitama, who would win in your opinion?

In my opinion, Saitama would ONLY win if Goku gave him time to get stronger, otherwise, Goku could easily defeat him using his strongest attack right from the start, and you, what do you think?

I'm asking this because I had already seen a short film on YouTube where the YouTuber discussed this precisely, I saw a lot of people agreeing and disagreeing with him in the comments, but I agree with him personally, anyway, that's it

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






"Close the door, please."

He looked at her for a moment upon hearing what she said and saw that she kept her expression and smile soft, then without saying anything he turned and closed the door.

Turning back around, he walked over to the couch, sat down, and placed his bag next to him.

With his back resting on the back of the sofa, crossing the fingers of both hands and resting them on his thighs adopting a calm posture, Micael looked at Akeno.

Akeno, seeing this as a cue, pointed to the teapot on the table as she asked.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Of course."

Was Micael's simple answer.

Moving, Akeno picked up the teapot and calmly poured the tea into the two cups arranged on the table, she did this using both hands and despite it being a simple act, she carried an air of elegance.

Getting up from the couch, she picked up one of the cups and placed it closer to him before picking up the other cup and sitting down again.

As he leaned forward and picked up his own cup, Micael reflected on this scene he had just witnessed, how the girl's every action while serving the tea seemed to have an air of elegance, she truly gave the impression of being a noble lady.

...As well as the next act, which in addition to having this elegance, also had a certain sexual appeal, honestly, he doesn't blame the girl for that, the girl had such a sexually attractive body that even a simple act like bending over- if on the table it almost seemed like an act of seduction.

He had noticed the same thing with Rias when he talked to her before, but as she didn't move much it wasn't that obvious, but certainly that appeal was in her as well.

He normally wouldn't focus on that kind of thing, not looking at a girl's body any more than necessary, but damn, it's hard not to notice when the girl in question has such big breasts, and the tight uniform doesn't do a lot to hide it too, on the contrary.

Then, even if it was for a brief second, he ended up looking at her breasts, of course, he looked away the next moment and focused on the cup, but he was sure she noticed, even if they were a little far from each other, women are very good at noticing when someone is looking at them, even more so when it's in front of them.

So it ended with the two of them sitting there saying nothing, with Akeno apparently deciding not to comment on her apparent carelessness, and he himself wouldn't take the initiative to talk about it.

'It seems like my self-control failed for a brief moment, well I'm not perfect.'

Blowing on the tea a few times, Micael brought the cup to his mouth and took a sip.

Tasting the tea, he raised his eyes and looked at Akeno, who had the same expression as before, then he spoke.

"This tea is very good, what is it?"

Akeno, who strangely still had the same soft expression on her face, spoke before taking a sip of her own tea.

"Fennel, green leaves and a little honey."

She replied, closing her eyes as she lifted the cup to her mouth elegantly.


That's what Micael replied, his eyes changing to the light brown liquid.

'So the semi-sweet taste is because of the honey.'

"Excuse me, Micael-kun."

Upon hearing his name being called, Micael looked away to Akeno, seeing her move the cup and place it on the table, then crossing her hands again and placing them on her thighs.

Seeing that she had his attention, Akeno spoke.

"It's okay if I call you Micael-kun, right?"

Micael watched Akeno ask this, her face still soft with the slight smile, he wondered why she was acting like this, what exactly does she want?

'She's either acting really strange or I'm thinking too much.'

"No, it's okay, you can call me Micael directly, without the kun."

"I see, in that case, let me introduce myself, my name is Akeno, Himejima Akeno, and I'm a third year student, just like Rias."

Akeno responded by moving one hand and pushing her hair behind her ear, tilting her head slightly to the side as her eyes blinked softly, then she moved the same hand to her chest as she introduced herself.

Then she lowered her hand and placed it back over her thighs, speaking the following words.

"I imagine you already know, but it was Rias who told me about you, that's why I know your name."

"I thought that was it."

He responded with a curt nod, before speaking again.

"So Akeno, I can call you directly Akeno, right?"

The girl responded by giving a brief wave as she moved her hand and picked up the cup and brought it to her mouth.

"So, what do you want from me exactly, Akeno."

Micael asked directly as he looked her straight in the eyes, taking the cup to his mouth himself and taking a sip.

Akeno, hearing this question, calmly lowered the cup, still maintaining eye contact, then in a smooth movement, her tongue passed calmly over her lips before returning it to her mouth, ending this action with a slight smack of her now shiny lips.

Then, as if she hadn't done anything strange, she tilted her head a little, the hair in her bangs swaying gently accompanying this act with the slight smile returning to her face, she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I could be wrong, but I have a feeling you're hiding something."

Micael spoke as he took a sip, his eyes focused on her.

"Oh, really? But I didn't do anything wrong, did I~?"

Akeno asked back, moving her hand and placing a finger on the corner of her mouth in a gentle gesture.

"No, it's just that I feel like there's something wrong, I'm sorry if I seem suspicious, but I feel like you're hiding something."

Micale spoke calmly, one arm placed on the back of the sofa as he crossed his legs looking relaxed.

Despite his relaxed posture, however, he was on alert, even though he thought it was nothing dangerous for him, he felt that there was something suspicious about it all.

"Really~? fufu~"

She spoke as her eyes squinted softly, then with the hand that had her finger under her lip lowering, she took the cup with both hands and drank calmly.

Looking up from her cup, she looked at Micael with a soft smile returning to her face as she said.

"No, you're right, I'm really hiding something, but it's nothing serious."

"It's just that, when Rias told me about the conversation you two had, I was curious to meet you, that's all."

She explained clearly, her face still maintaining its soft expression.

Micael just looked at her when he heard that answer, thinking that he was right, and that it really wasn't a big deal.

Then, bringing his arm from behind on the sofa and placing it over his thigh, he asked.

"I see, so what's your first impression of me?"

He asked, bringing the cup in his hand to his mouth.

"Well, based on what Rias has told me, and this brief conversation we've had, you seem like someone who is very calm and self-assured."

She replied softly, her eyes twinkling and highlighting her long eyelashes.

Thinking for a moment upon hearing what she said, Micael nodded his head as he said.

"Yeah, you're right, that's a good description of me."

"I can see that, but then, what other characteristics would you say you have?"

"Well, I would say I have a lot of flaws too, my friend would definitely agree with that."

Looking at the tea that was almost finished, Micael replied without looking at her.

"Really? And why is that?"

Looking away from the cup and looking at her, he saw her with a curious look, that soft expression still present.

"Well, he often calls me a shameless bastard, there must be some truth to that if he does it so often."

"Oh, really?"

Akeno spoke, both of her eyebrows rising a little.

"Yes, but I would say the biggest positive about me is my humility."

Micael replied, nodding gently a few times to complement his words.


Akeno asked as she leaned forward a little, blinking a few times as she tilted her head a little to the right and looked at him doubtfully.

"What do you mean why? Isn't it obvious? If I allow my mentally challenged friend to be graced with my presence, am I not humble?"

MIcael said these words with the greatest naturalness in the world, as if he were really saying something he believed in.


Akeno just didn't know what to say when she heard those words, her mouth was slightly open as if she was going to say something, but no sound came out of her mouth.

It was so abrupt and unexpected that she just didn't know how to react.

And all the calm with which the boy said these words didn't help either, making her mind wonder if he was serious and causing an awkward silence, at least for her, to envelop the room.

Then, after a few seconds, deciding not to let the boy be embarrassed by his failed attempt at a joke, she recovered, returning the slight smile to her face as she said.

"Well, it seems like you also have the quality of being funny, ufufu~"

She replied, her hand covering her mouth gently with her fingers.

On the other hand, Micael didn't respond, drinking the rest of the tea he had in his cup, his posture still calm and relaxed.

"That was a good joke."

She spoke in sequence, more out of politeness than because she actually believed it.

She looked at him with a calm look on her soft-expressed face, trying to look as reassuring as possible.

Micael, who had finished drinking his tea, calmly lowered his hand as he shifted his gaze to her, then opened his mouth and spoke calmly.


He saw how she blinked her eyes a few times in reaction to his word.

"I was completely serious."

Finishing the words spoken in a clear and concise tone, Micael looked her directly in the eyes without changing his expression, implying that he was serious.

Akeno just looked at this without reacting, her mind had difficulty processing the situation, the boy's calm expression along with his serious demeanor seemed like he truly believed in what he said.

'Is he...really serious?'

She questioned herself, looking at him.

So the situation remained like this, a deafening silence enveloped the two as they exchanged glances.

But that moment that lasted a few seconds and seemed to last an eternity, ended abruptly because of Micael. 

"Hahaha, you should see your face now, that wordless expression is really funny."

With his silence being broken by a laugh, Micael spoke to Akeno as a smile appeared on his face, he laughed shamelessly at her reaction.

Akeno didn't react immediately, only seeing how the boy in front of her laughed and smiled as he looked in her direction, so when her mind managed to piece together the situation, she felt even more speechless.

'This boy...'

Squinting her eyes, she looked at the smiling boy and wondered how she fell for such a simple trick.

Seeing his calm and relaxed demeanor, she had an answer for that, the boy seemed so confident that she ended up being influenced to believe it too, this boy's charisma was no small feat.

In the end, it was just an error in judgment, nothing serious.

'His friend is right, he is really shameless, but this only makes him more curious to me~'

Regaining her composure, Akeno placed her hand over her smiling mouth as she looked at Micael with half-closed eyes, her eyes seeming to have a hidden meaning.

"Ufufu~ you really got me~."

Shrugging, Micael responded calmly, despite noticing the change in behavior.

"It was just a joke, I hope you don't take it personally."

"Don't worry, I won't take this personally~"

Nodding slightly in agreement, Micael leaned forward with the intention of placing the cup on the table.

As he moved, Akeno spoke again, her eyes seemed to have a gleam of unknown intent as she looked at him.

"Ara ara, Micael-kun~, you are a really...curious person."

Micael, who was incensed almost touching the cup on the table, stopped the moment he heard that sentence.






