A no-return decision and a mutually beneficial agreement [Part Two]

Yo, author here

I'm just here to say, enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






Sitting on a wooden bench in the middle of a silent park, Micael looked around calmly.

He had specifically chosen a more secluded place in the park to sit, other than a post not far from him, the only things around him were a few trees and some bushes.


Feeling the cold night wind brushing his skin and making the leaves of the trees move, Micael couldn't help but think that the place he was in was perfect for a murder.

Well, at least that was the impression he had, the place was completely silent, had little light and was very isolated, in fact it seemed like a perfect place for a murder.

...Or for a "night adventure" so to speak, he was sure that many couples used places like this for certain activities, luckily there were none of those when he arrived.

Leaving aside the suspicious atmosphere, Micael took his hand out of his sweatshirt pocket, taking out the piece of paper.

Bringing it in front of his face, he looked at it silently, thoughtfully.

'Let's see how things evolve.'

Taking his other hand out of his hoodie pocket, he brought it closer to the paper. 

Honestly, he was a little curious as to who would show up, although that didn't really matter either since he had plans in mind in case something went wrong somehow.

Again, he doesn't think the situation will develop this way, based on what he's seen from them so far, but as always, there's nothing wrong with being cautious.

So, with the curiosity of who could appear in his mind, he was just thinking about how the conversation could develop, if it's Kiba or Koneko it shouldn't be anything complicated, but if it's Rias or Akeno...especially Akeno.

Things may develop in an unnecessarily subjective context given their last encounter...or not, maybe he's just being very imaginative and Akeno doesn't consider him some kind of target...hopefully.

Either way, he's also prepared for this, so refocusing his mind, he moved his hand over the paper.

With the nail on his index finger lengthening and sharpening, he calmly pierced the tip of his thumb, as he removed his finger, a drop of blood appeared and slowly ran down the finger until it fell onto the paper.

When this happened, the paper, which until then seemed normal, began to slowly glow, the symbol drawn there releasing a red light.

Standing up from the bench, he placed it on the floor in front of him and took a few steps back, then with the symbol becoming even more illuminated, he watched as the symbol expanded, leaving the paper and spreading across the floor quickly as it rotated.

With the symbol reaching its full size, he watched as a luminous humanoid form appeared.

Just from the shape alone he could tell it was a woman, and from the look of the long, loose hair that reached down to her calves...yes, that certainly seemed strangely very befitting.

When the luminous shape stopped shining, a girl appeared, with her long red hair, Rias was silent, looking at the person in front of her with wide eyes and her mouth slightly open.


With the symbol below her shattering and strangely making a sound like glass as it shattered, she looked in surprise at the boy in front of her who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

And with that raised eyebrow being the only indication of her "surprise", she watched as he returned to his usual calm expression, raising one hand and greeting her.


With a calm greeting, Micael observed Rias who was in stunned silence.

The girl stood there, looking at him with a surprised expression, her brain probably trying to process the current situation.

And that's exactly what happened, Rias was in a stupor as she processed the unexpected situation, she could only ask a silent question between parted lips.


Upon hearing the girl's tone, and seeing that she was still stunned, Micael decided to speak so that she could regain her calm.

"How? Aren't I the one who should be asking questions here? So, could you start by explaining to me what's going on."

He told her with his calm tone of voice, a slight smile on his face, looking carefree.

Hearing and seeing his face, Rias finally regained her composure, making a clearing sound with her fist over her mouth as her face changed to a calmer one.

"Kuhum, I'm sorry, I was caught off guard."

With a slightly embarrassed smile, she answered as calmly as she could, then, with a hand on her hip, she asked him with a weak smile.

"So what would you like to know?"

She asked in a calm tone, acting with the familiarity they had developed in the few interactions they had, but despite her calm demeanor on the outside, internally she was still in a state of shock.

'How?...Why?...What made you do that?...'

These were just some of the questions that were in her head at that moment, she was trying to understand what would make him do this.

She knew that these invocations were common among humans, but Micael didn't even fit the profile of the type of person who would do something like that, she knew she shouldn't judge the book by its cover, but still...

'Wait a minute...he's strangely calm, even though he's a calm person in general, remaining unfazed even in the face of the supernatural is a bit...'

Rias felt things falling into place in her mind as she believed she understood the situation...


However, her thoughts were interrupted before she could come to any conclusions. 


Blinking her eyes in confusion, she regained focus from her thoughts to the present and saw that the boy was looking at her with a slight smile that conveyed amusement.

"I'm not part of the supernatural, if that's what you're wondering."

She blinked again upon hearing that answer, she opened her mouth about to ask what he meant, but he continued

"I discovered this side of the world a few days ago, in fact, not even a week ago."

Upon hearing his explanation, she felt that things made more sense now, her previous conjecture falling apart, but this opened up the possibility for something else.

'He has a Sacred Gear?...but Koneko said he was normal...'

Although she had a possible conclusion, it didn't completely alleviate her confusion, so she could only give a simple answer.

"I see..."

Seeing how the girl still looked a little confused, Micael continued.

"I imagine you still have a lot of questions and I can answer them, but first, how about you explain to me what exactly you do and what that role was?"


Upon hearing the boy, she regained focus of her thoughts again.

'No need to think too much, I can just let him explain to me…'

Turning around and heading back to the bench, Micael sat down on the bench and patted the space next to him as he said.

"Sit down and we can start talking."

Seeing the boy's action, she looked at him for a moment, before moving and sitting next to him, a small distance separating them on the bench.

Looking at the boy a little from the side, she saw how he was leaning against the bench in a relaxed posture, his hands in his sweatshirt pocket as he looked at her calmly.


Seeing the boy looking at her waiting for her to speak, Rias took a deep breath and exhaled as she opened her mouth and spoke.



A few minutes later, she finished making a basic summary, explaining what she was, what the paper with the magic circle was and what it was for.

Looking at him with her hands peeling on her thighs, leaning against the bench in a calm pose just like him, she saw how pensive he looked while staring at nothing in front of him.

He stayed like that for a moment before shifting his gaze to her and then speaking.

"So, you're a devil, that was a magic circle and you use it to make magical contracts with humans in exchange for their mana?"

Rias just nodded her head in agreement

"And these magical contracts are made according to the wishes of the contracting parties?"

He continued, and although his tone and face remained calm, she could feel the unspoken question in his gaze.

So naturally, she explained before he could get any wrong ideas about it.

"Yes, but that doesn't include things of a sexual nature, obviously there are some devils who do that, but neither I nor anyone of my peerage does that."

"So, depending on the nature of the request, you may not accept?"

"Yes, we don't need to do everything that is asked of us, it is entirely up to us to decide whether we want to do that or not."


With a nasal response of understanding, she watched as he returned to that pensive gaze of staring into space, before looking at her again and saying.

"By the way, what is a peerage?"

With that question asked, Rias immediately felt a faint wave of excitement wash over her, her mind already thinking of a possibility as she responded with a smile appearing on her face.

"Peerage is what we, in the society of devils, call those who go through a process called reincarnation and are integrated into society as devils reincarnated under the one who reincarnated them."

With a calm look, Micael answered her.

"In other words, a subordinate or a slave?"

Upon being stared at by him and hearing his response, Rias felt her lips tremble for a moment as he wasn't exactly wrong, but she immediately explained herself so that he wouldn't get a bad perspective.

"Well, you're not exactly wrong, but it also depends on the character of the devil, for example, I treat all members of my peerage as if they were my family."

She explained, keeping her smile as professional as possible and trying to look convincing.


But the response he got didn't contain much enthusiasm.

Feeling like her lips were going to tremble again, she continued while gesturing with her hand and tilting her head.

"Indeed, you've seen it with your own eyes, neither Koneko nor Akeno seemed to be under bad care, right?"

"I realized, does this mean that all the members of the occult research club are devils?"

Upon hearing what he said, Rias realized that she might have been talking more than necessary.


"And from the way you said it, you seem to want me to become a reincarnated devil?"

Micael looked at her with a silent and calm look.


Feeling a little self-conscious, Rias tried to maintain her composure externally while regaining focus internally, she was realizing that she was strangely excited about the situation when she should have kept her mind calm.

"That's without even knowing what I can do, shouldn't you be more cautious about this situation?"


Feeling her embarrassment rise, she gave a bitter smile as the boy looked at her silently, then, clearing her throat, she concentrated on keeping a cool head as she responded.

"Kuhum, sorry, you're right, I just got...a little excited."

Looking at the girl next to him, who seemed to have regained focus smiling with calm and indistinct grace, Micael decided not to comment on her strange excitement moment and instead spoke.

"So, you want to know how I ended up in this situation?"

He spoke as he regained his gaze at the specific nothingness in front of him.

"Of course."

Rias replied, she was about to give her sales pitch, preparing to explain things and convince the boy, but since he was willing to explain how he ended up in this situation, she was more than willing to listen.

With her curiosity and interest piqued, she looked at the boy waiting for him to start talking.

"Well, it all started on monday…"







