A no-return decision and a mutually beneficial agreement [Part Three]

Yo, author here

I'm just here to say, enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time







"Yeah, uh."

After hearing his explanation, Rias didn't know what to say, honestly, it was so unexpected and absurd that she was speechless.

First of all, since when are there exocists in Kuoh City? Didn't these guys completely disappear with Cleria's death?

Also, an ocular Sacred Gear? She only knew one of this type, and it was very strong, but from what Micael said, his didn't seem to be that strong, unless of course he was hiding his real ability.

"So, that sums up my current situation, I have this strange power in my eyes that I don't know what it is or where it came from, and I could possibly be in the crosshairs of some crazy supernatural group, which is the main reason that led me to use that paper."

Turning her eyes to him, she saw how he was still staring into space as he continued to explain.

Then, deciding to address the topic she had in mind, she spoke.

"Indeed, I think I know the nature of the power of your eyes."

"You know?"

Nodding her head at his look of curiosity, she continued

"Yes, it's called Sacred Gear, in short, it's something created by the biblical god to help humanity survive against other races."

She explained with her index finger extended and maintaining the slight smile.

"Biblical God?"

She saw how he asked with a slight look of incomprehension.

"Yes, by the way, all myths, legends and supernatural tales are real, and magic is real too, as you just witnessed."

She explained, pointing to the ground where she had emerged from the magic circle.

"Hmm...i see."

She watched as he adopted a thoughtful look again, with the hand on his chin scratching it lightly.

She was eagerly awaiting the next question, figuring he would start asking about the supernatural side of the world so that this time she could start her sales pitch properly.

But her wish was frustrated because instead of asking to know more about magic or other things, he focused on the initial question.

"You said what I have is a Sacred Gear, right?"

Groaning internally in frustration, Rias responded with the smile still on her face.


"And how are you sure about that?"

Seeing his doubtful look, she explained calmly.

"Well, this is something that can be easily proven, as Sacred Gear users have an aura that is indistinct from other humans."


At his thoughtful response, she saw once again how, instead of asking about the supernatural side of things and seeking more information, he just focused on the doubts he had.

She felt that he was a little too relaxed around her, she imagined that he would be more cautious, but that didn't matter either, even if he didn't ask, she would naturally explain everything to him.


Suddenly, she saw how he laughed lightly for a moment before looking at her with a faint smile as he asked.

"So how do you feel this aura, do I use my power or something?"

Without questioning why he laughed out of nowhere, she nodded at him as she responded.

"Yes, that would be enough for me to know."

With him nodding in agreement, she watched as he raised his hand and clenched his fist, he punched the air and with that fire came out of his fist like a flamethrower for a moment before stopping.

Turning his head and looking at her, he asked.


However, Rias didn't respond immediately, she was still processing the display she had just seen and especially the fact that she didn't feel any aura.

'I didn't feel anything...it's not a Sacred Gear?...so what is it?'


With him asking the girl who remained silent, she snapped out of her pensive state as she responded.

"I...didn't feel anything."

She replied, stopping mid-answer, her mind trying to understand what it could be.

'A magical bloodline, perhaps?'

"What do you mean?"

With him asking back while raising an eyebrow, Rias looked at him while answering.

"Maybe it's a magical bloodline."

"Magical blodline?"

Nodding at him, she placed her hand on her chin in a thoughtful pose, tilting her head slightly as she responded.

"Yes, like the descendants of the heroes of ancient myths, perhaps this is your power, a unique magic belonging to your bloodline."


With his response seeming less than enthusiastic, she looked away at him, seeing that he seemed unaffected by her hypothesis.

"Aren't you excited?"

From what she could tell, not even the prospect of being able to use magic was enough for him to break his calm demeanor.

"Mm? Oh, not exactly, I was excited, especially in the first one, but today I'm calmer, and honestly I had already thought about the possibility of my power being some kind of magical thing."


Responding with a muttered 'mm', she heard him ask next in a tone of intrigue.

"By the way, can you explain to me what a Sacred Gear is?"

Upon hearing the question he asked, Rias could already feel the smile automatically appearing on her face.


With a soft smile on her face, she began to explain in the calmest and most natural way possible.

"But of course, Sacred Gears are…"


"Mm, understood."

With Rias finishing explaining something he already knew, Micael nodded as he responded.

"So, Micael, there's something I'd like to ask you."

Looking sideways at the girl, he saw how she still had that smile and soft demeanor and acted like some sort of sales professional.

Without the girl even speaking, he already knew what she was going to ask.

"You want me to become a reincarnated devil, don't you? And may I join your so-called peerage."

Nodding to his question, she replied still smiling.


Without changing his expression, he continued.

"Again, even though you don't know exactly what I can do? Aren't you being hasty again?"

Unaffected by the somewhat inquisitive question, Rias was unaffected like last time and responded by maintaining a calm and relaxed demeanor.

"No, you can say I'm just following my intuition."

Looking at her with an expression of not believing her, he asked.

"Oh? Really? What your intuition says about me."

With the smile on her face getting a little wider, she replied.

"She said you have a lot of potential."

She looked at him with her smiling expression, her eyes looking at him as if trying to show her seriousness, her face seeming to say, "Believe me!"

Micael didn't respond anything, just stared at her with his face unchanged, blinking calmly, remaining silent for a moment before separating his lips to finally speak.

"You know, if I weren't conscious of my appearance I might think you fell in love with me, that seems like a more plausible excuse than using your intuition."

He spoke with a slight tone of humor, a sideways smile on his mouth, even though he knew that the girl was in fact being sincere.

At the words he spoke, Rias saw her sincere demeanor break for a moment, her smile cracking a little with the twitch at the corner of her mouth.

She felt all her momentum wither, her sincere behavior being met with a joke left her speechless for a moment.

Then, deciding to respond in kind, she rolled her eyes as she said.

"I'm not that easy, I don't fall in love that easily, besides, you're not my type, I'm sorry."

She replied, regaining her smile, crossing her arms.

With his eyebrows rising a little at her response, Micael replied while maintaining his sideways smile.

"Wow, am I being rejected without even trying? Now I feel really bad."

"Come on, it's not a big deal..."

Looking away to the side, Rias placed her hair over her ear, feeling a little bad for him.

So, feeling a little embarrassed, she decided to give her honest opinion.

"Listen, it's not that I don't find you attractive, it's just..."

She said in a slightly weak tone, then, looking at him from the corner of her eye to see his reaction, she ended up stopping.


Looking at him from the corner of her eye in silence, she saw that he now had his arm resting on the back of the seat, supporting his head with his hand and looking at her with a full smile.

"So, you mean you find me attractive~? Hmm, that's good to know, come on, keep going, I'm listening~."

With her face now expressionless, Rias turned to face him fully, watching him with silent scrutiny.

However, unsurprisingly, the boy was unaffected and continued smiling at her.

Snorting at this, Rias decided to leave what she was going to say to lift the boy's spirits and pretended nothing happened while she responded.

"Hmph, whatever, it doesn't matter."


Micael just let out a brief laugh at the girl's response and reaction.

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes once more, Rias shook her head at his behavior before adopting a more serious expression, frowning slightly as she spoke.

"But I'm serious, Micael, I really want you to become a reincarnated devil in my peerage."


Seeing his face return to calm and hearing his mumbled response, she continued.

"You know, there are many advantages to becoming a reincarnated devil."

"Like what?"

With a now calm expression, but maintaining the same supported position of his head, he asked Rias, already imagining what she was going to say.

"Well, an immediate increase in power, access to magic exclusive to devils, an increase in life expectancy and to top it off…"

She began to speak punctuating with her outstretched finger, stopping at the end with a smile appearing on her face before continuing.

"You can have a harem~."

Looking at him with a smile, she waited for his reaction and was not disappointed.

"A harem?"

Seeing him ask in a curious tone and with a raised eyebrow, she believed he had been hooked.

"Yes~ a harem."

"Mm...Nah, i pass."


Exclaiming in surprise, she ended up blinking her eyes at this unexpected answer, so she asked back.

"What do you mean...you pass?"

"What are you referring to, the harem or me becoming a reincarnated devil?"

"...The harem."

She replied in a weak tone, honestly, she was surprised more by the fact that he seemed to have no interest in a harem than by the fact that he had rejected her invitation again.

Looking at him in a soft silent state of daze, she saw how he shrugged his shoulders before responding.

"It's really simple, I have no interest in a harem, to be more precise, I'm not a harem seeker."

Upon hearing his answer, she blinked her eyes a few times before squinting them, looking at him in doubt as she asked.


"Make no mistake, I'm in favor of a harem like all men of culture in this world, but that doesn't mean I'll seek to have one, I'm not an anime protagonist who can make something like a harem that magically works effortlessly."

"I see, that makes more sense."

Nodding with a thoughtful look and a hand on her chin, she continued.

"You're not against the idea of ​​having a harem, but you believe you don't have the capacity to have one work, so you're not looking for one, is that it?"

"Yes, and I also don't mind having just one woman for the rest of my life, regardless of whether I can have a harem later."

"I understand."

Nodding at him, she looked at him with a thoughtful face, indeed, monogamous couples still exist, although harems are more common in the underworld.

That he had this kind of vision didn't surprise her much now that she heard his explanation, there are also men who have no interest in a harem, usually in these cases the promise of power is what attracts them, but it seems that in this case it didn't seem to interest he.

She then decided to explain in more detail the advantages of becoming a reincarnated demon to try to at least make him a little interested, but as if he could read her mind he spoke first.

"It's okay Rias, it's not that I'm not interested, it's actually very tempting, but I'm just not willing to lose my freedom and have to serve someone else, no matter what you offer me."

Hearing him, she opened her mouth to respond, but he continued before she could even begin.

Leaning forward, resting his elbows on his thighs, he spoke.

"And even if I believe that you treat the members of your nobility like family, that doesn't change my mind, I have no interest in following anyone's will but my own."

With his hands clasped over the other clenched in front of his face, he turned his head to look at her as he continued.

"I apologize, but nothing you say will change my mind."

"No, it's okay, I just...feel like it's a shame."

With a bitter smile appearing on her face, Rias answered him, she felt that it was truly a shame, as she truly felt that she was missing an opportunity.

Looking at her, Micael wondered if she wanted him to join her so badly.

'Is she desperate or what?'






