Another unusual monday [Part Five]

Yo, author here

I'm serious, you sons of bitches, have any of you seen the song in the link I left? If you train like me, you want this on your playlist, so show off your parenting and listen to this shit and then give me feedback, okay? thanks

So, enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






Closing the door, she walked past him without saying anything, heading up the stairs.

And he silently followed her upstairs.

Soon, stopping in front of the familiar double doors he had seen yesterday, he was treated to the view inside after Koneko opened them.

Entering the room, he was faced with an almost identical sight that he had witnessed before, with the difference that Rias was in Koneko's place.

"He's here."

Uttering these words, the expressionless little girl approached the sofa where RIas was, sitting silently next to her, and picked up the bowl full of cookies that was on the table, eating them.

"Thanks for bringing him, Koneko and...what happened to your hair?"

Rias thanked her with a smile, changing to a curious expression with a raised eyebrow upon seeing her.

The girl stopped momentarily upon hearing Rias, a cookie just inches from her mouth, then responded simply, going back to eating.


Despite her response, the girl glanced at Micael for a moment before looking away.

Seeing this, Rias shifted her gaze to the boy who was still standing.

And the boy responded by shrugging his shoulders as he said.

"Nothing much, I just patted her on the head, anyway, can I sit down?"

He asked at the end while pointing to the sofa.

And Rias, who had been thoughtful for a moment upon hearing the explanation, regained focus, smiling as she responded.

"Sure, sit down."

She said as she patted the sofa seat next to her.

Micael then did as he was asked, placing his bag on the floor next to the arm of the sofa, he sat down, a reasonable distance between him and Rias separating them.

Looking at the girl next to him, who was smiling in his direction, he greeted her with a casual hand gesture and a curt nod.


"Hahaha~ Yo for you too."

She responded with a light laugh and a greeting in kind.

Turning to the other two on the other sofa, he greets them in the same way.

"Yo, you two."

"Hello to you too, Micael-san."

"Hello, Micael-kun."

Kiba greets him with a slight nod and a polite smile, with Akeno greeting him and smiling softly with a brief nod.

He gave the two a brief nod of acknowledgment, with Kiba now directly calling him by his first name because they had talked about it yesterday, and Akeno for some reason still insisting on using the honorific.

He figured it was just some kind of petty revenge for what happened the last time they talked, he just didn't expect the girl to stay like this for so long.

Anyway, he can talk to her about it another time, so, turning his eyes to Rias at the side, he asked.

"So where is this supposed 'expert in magic' you spoke of?"

"She's already coming, shouldn't take long."

Were the words that fell from her parted lips as she blew the hot tea from the cup she held in her hands.


That was the answer he gave, remaining silent afterwards.

When she finished blowing, Rias took a sip of tea while tucking her hair behind her ear, then turned to him and asked.

"By the way, do you really not want to do what I suggested?"

"No, I will not use mind control magic on my family."

Resting his arm on the arm of the sofa, he rested his head on his fist and placed one leg over the other, looking at her as he responded.

Holding his gaze, she responded calmly while gesturing with her hand.

"Are you sure? I know it's not very pleasant, but it would be safer for them this way, you know that, don't you?"

Holding her gaze, he said nothing for a moment, just looking at her calmly until he took a deep breath and exhaled heavily through his nose and then responded.

"Not just the issue of it not being correct, I understand that it would be a more logical choice to tighten protection on them, but I just don't feel comfortable with it."

Micael responded calmly, giving the same answer he had already given before, but only he knew that this was pure nonsense.

At least part of that reason was.

Now that he had a way, one of the first things he thought of was using his powers on his family and leaving Kuoh City, but if he had already been prevented from enrolling in another school before, it wouldn't be difficult to deduce what would happen if he tried to leave the city.

Even though he was against the idea, he also knew that it was a very logical decision to make and that he wouldn't necessarily have to leave Kuoh to protect them, he would just have to hide them somewhere.

This was the initial plan he had before talking to RIas, but after thinking more about it, he had another idea, after all he doesn't need to wait for them to attack him, as they say, whoever attacks first wins.

So he thought of another plan, a much riskier plan, for him of course, and intended to discuss the details with Grayfia when she arrived.

And even if he knew that the protection of an Ultimate-level Devil was no small feat, and that he even thought that this plan he had wasn't that necessary, he would still put it into practice.

That, and lastly, he obviously had his own plan B regarding protecting his parents and Mari, but he didn't intend to tell anyone, more because he didn't feel it was necessary than anything.

After all, if the plan he was going to discuss with Grayfia worked, his plan B to protect his family would be unnecessary.

He then spoke once more, continuing after giving the previous answer.

"Anyway, I think this woman's protection will be enough, if what you explained to me about the strength of an ultimate class devil is right."

"But of course, she is strong enough to hold the title of 'strongest queen' in the underworld."

Rias responded with a proud smile appearing on her face, as if she was talking about a personal achievement.

"And there's something else I want to discuss with her too, a plan I've thought of."

Looking at him curiously, she asked.

"Plan? Plan for what?"

Without looking at her, he replied calmly.

"It's just something I thought, you'll know when she arrives."


Murmuring in a thoughtful tone, she looked at him for a moment longer before focusing on the cup in her hands, returning to drinking.

After this exchange of words, a silence enveloped those present in the room, apparently unanimously choosing to wait in silence until the aforementioned woman arrived.

And they didn't have to wait long, after a minute, when Micael was about to ask if Rias would receive a warning message or something, a silver glow appeared from the ground.

Behind the sofa he was on and next to the office desk, a silver glow appeared from the floor, forming what appeared to be a magic circle.

And said magic circle slowly rotated as it expanded until it stopped, just like what happened to Rias, and a luminous humanoid form began to emerge.

And the figure, although she was wearing loose clothing that made the lower part of her body indiscernible, the upper part of her body was clearly discernible, being feminine.

The light from the luminos figure began to dim, soon revealing her appearance.

There, within the silver magic circle, was an adult woman, who looked to be no more than twenty-five years old, with silver hair and eyes and dressed in a traditional French maid outfit.

And of course, also possessing a supernatural beauty, with the bonus of a mature charm that only older women have, and also following the pattern, possessing a pair of large breasts, however...they were impressively smaller than Akeno's and from RIas...

Okay, he stopped moving his eyes quickly and imperceptibly between the respective women's chests to compare them, he focused back on her and noticed something else, she was tall, like, taller than him.

He and RIas were the same height, but this woman seemed to be a little taller than him, maybe two or three centimeters.

Anyway, she had the complete package of a dxd heroine, a woman with beauty, attractiveness and abnormal appeal, but other than that, he also noticed the regal aura that surrounded her, reminding him a little of Sona.

And with all these thoughts running through his head as he analyzed the woman, and with the silver-eyed woman looking at him in the same scrutiny, they looked at each other in silent analysis, each forming an understanding and creating a first impression of the other.

And while this was happening, the others got up from the sofas, with Micael doing the same.

After he stood up, it was only here that the woman looked away, switching to the girl next to him.

And the girl in question, Rias, as if she had been expecting it, greeted her with a smile appearing on her face.

"Grayfia-nee, good morning~"

The silver-haired woman, Grayfia, returned the greeting by bowing slightly, her hands clasped in front of her.

"Good morning, Rias-sama."

Her voice in a calm and soft tone, and an equally calm expression when responding to Rias.

Rias just nodded in acknowledgement, still smiling.

Micael just silently observed this interaction, until the girl in front of him turned to him with a smile on her face as she spoke.

"Well, Micael, let me introduce her to you..."

She spoke before moving away from the sofa, going over to Grayfia, stopping next to the woman, with one hand gesturing towards the woman next to her, she continued to speak, still smiling.

"This is Grayfia Lucifuge, my esteemed older sister, my brother's piece of queen, the one called the 'strongest queen' and servant of my family, and of course the one who will help you, oh, and before I forget it, an ultimate class devil."

With Rias finishing Grayfia's introduction, Micael walked towards them, arriving in front of Grayfia and greeting the woman, slightly bowing his head along with his torso before extending his hand, greeting her.

"Nice to meet you, Lucifuge-san."

The woman returned the gesture, slightly tilting her head and torso first, then extending her hand and accepting the shake, responding.

"Likewise, Alvez-san."

Finishing the handshake, he spoke next.

"By the way, you can directly call me Micael, without the honorific if possible."

She nodded before responding.

"I understand, you can also directly call me Grayfia, I'm just a maid, there's no need to be so polite to me."

'"Just a maid", yes, let's pretend that's all you are.'

Despite his inner thoughts, Micael responded to her words with a calm nod.

After the introduction between the two ended, he looked away to the girl next to her, who had her hand on her hip as she looked at him.

Seeing that Micael was looking at her, Rias raised an eyebrow as she spoke.

"You weren't so polite when you met me."

Raising an eyebrow of his own, Micael replied calmly.

"Because I didn't know who you were, I thought you were just an ordinary human teenager, and have we already agreed to use our first name without honorifics, or do you prefer the opposite?"

The girl shook her head in denial as she responded.

"No, it's okay, I don't care about it anyway."

'Then why are you talking about this?'

That was Micael's thought, looking at the girl with a blank look after hearing her answer.

"But you didn't really react, did you? Don't you ever break that calm mask?"

She spoke next, crossing her arms with her hands on her elbows.

Looking at her in silence as he tried to understand what she meant, until he tilted his head and asked in confusion.

"What? What do you mean?"

Seeing the confused look he had on his face, Rias just stared at him silently, then pouted for a moment before sighing, saying in an exasperated tone.

"It's nothing, forget it."

The confused look on Micael's face became even more confused, he saw the momentary pout she made, and along with her sigh and exasperated tone, it only served to leave him lost.

Feeling like scratching his head, Micael tried to internally understand what that was.

'Does this have something to do with how mysterious she was acting about Grayfia's identity? Did she expect me to react more strongly to her? Why? Why is she a maid despite how strong she is?'

He reflected internally, trying to find logic.

'Does this have something to do with her still trying to convince me to become a devil? Like, one of the strongest beings in the underworld and among other races is my maid, incredible, right? Or something like that.'

'That must be it, I don't think she expected a reaction from me to Grayfia's beauty, considering how I reacted to her and Akeno.'

'That's probably it, I mean, if I hadn't already had prior knowledge, I would certainly have been much more tense in the face of someone so strong that I didn't know anything about.'

'But that's also just from her point of view, it may seem like I'm calm, but Grayfia has certainly noticed that I'm still a little alert despite also being relaxed, her experience showing her about that, I trust Rias, but old men habits die hard.'

He concluded to himself, believing this was it, that Rias wanted a reaction from him when she found out about Grayfia's strength and status and potentially try to convince him to become a reincarnated devil, but this was obviously unsuccessful.

'I already warned her that this is useless, but well, I told her to feel free to try, so I think this is my fault, I wonder what else she tried to do to convince me, I hope it's nothing that gives me a headache.'

While Micael was lost in thought reflecting on the meaning of Rias' actions, he missed the look that Grayfia and Akeno gave the girl.

Grayfia, next to Rias, gave her a sidelong glance, her expression remaining unchanged, but those who understood her well knew it was an act of disapproval.

'Sigh, Rias, you never really change.'

Her thoughts were like those of a mother appalled by her child's childish behavior.

And with Akeno, the girl had a slight smile on her face, a sense of amusement in her eyes as she watched Rias' behavior.

'Fufufu~ I can already imagine what's going on in her head.'

She thought in amused humor as she shifted her gaze to Micael.

'I wonder what he understood from that, for those who don't know her it may seem serious, but it's far from that, fufufu~'

Meanwhile, with Rias, her thoughts were a little... different.

'Haaa, and here I thought I might get some reaction from him, but it looks like it will be harder than I thought.'

She thought internally, feeling a little frustrated.

She was like that because, as she already mentioned, she wanted to see him lose his composure, perhaps looking surprised or even .mbarrassed.

And what made her want that, well, after Akeno told her about the conversation they had, and also thinking about what had happened yesterday with Koneko, she realized that she was the only one who couldn't get some unusual reaction out of him.

She also realized that this kind of thinking didn't make much sense, considering that in both situations it was an accident, she still felt a strange sense of competitiveness.

So, thinking about it, she had a passing idea of ​​trying to see if she could get some unusual reaction out of him, even from the little she knew about his personality, it would be useless.

'Sigh, I think I got carried away.'

She thought to herself, feeling as if she had been carried away by a passing thought and was impulsive, driven by an emotion she didn't understand where it came from.

She had also thought about what 'onee-san' should be like here, but with his personality it is practically impossible for her to be a 'senpai' with him, Akeno is proof of that.

In the end, she has to be careful in these attempts to provoke him or she could end a friendship that is just beginning, but she believes that she will eventually be able to make him lose his composure, if she just keeps trying.

With these thoughts running through her mind, she also felt like smiling bitterly, she realized how controversial it seemed, but well, that's how she was, anyway, she could do it.

With different thoughts running through everyone's heads, Rias, who was questioning the illogical nature of her own thoughts, continued to speak, seemingly looking completely fine outwardly as she smiled.

"Well, let's sit down and talk, we still have a lot of things to discuss."

With Micael and Grayfia agreeing with her, they returned to the couches.







