Another unusual monday [Part Six]

Yo author here

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






"Mm...yeah, I think that's good enough."

Micael spoke with his hand on his chin in calm contemplation, his gaze focused on the woman sitting on the couch in front of him.

And the woman in question nodded in agreement with his words, sitting upright on the sofa.

With her posture impeccable as she remains seated, Grayfia is besieged by Akeno and Kiba who were standing next to the sofa, silently following the discussion that was taking place a few minutes ago.

And with Micael, Rias was sitting next to him, occasionally participating in the discussion alongside an equally standing Koneko, silent and observing.

With the subject of protecting his family already being addressed and discussed previously, Micael and Grayfia were going over in detail what she would do with each spell and reinforcement of the protection she would use.

And with all these details discussed, this led to the current situation, where Micael was in agreement with everything, proven by his previous answer.

But with that subject closed, the pretext opened for another subject he wanted to discuss, the plan he had thought of.

Then, without further delay, the words fell from his lips as he began to speak.

"With that matter already discussed, there is something else I would like to discuss with you, Grayfia."

Seeing that Grayfia was looking at him attentively, he continued.

"There is a plan I have thought of, in fact, it is something that could completely resolve this situation if it works, and I would like to discuss the details with you."

With a look of silent understanding dawning on her face, she asked him, her melodic timbre sounding calm.

"I see, and what plan would that be?"

"Yes, what plan are you talking about?"

And with that second voice sounding in a questioning tone, Micael looked to the side seeing Rias' curious expression on her face.

Looking at her, he replied calmly.

"It was something I thought about yesterday, I didn't tell you because I intended to discuss the details in this conversation with Grayfia.

With a look of understanding and nodding, she replied. 

"Mm, i see."

Since she was his family's main source of protection, it was natural for him to tell her the plan he had in mind for her, even though she probably doesn't agree, In the end, the logic and effectiveness of the plan speak for themselves.

In fact, this plan is even a way to confirm Rias' character once and for all, whether she is a good person or not.

Maybe it will even help him better understand how this girl sees him, he still thinks she doesn't like him, but with these strange signals she's giving him, things are a little confusing in his opinion.

He's not optimistic about this and is most likely misinterpreting it, but he'll see what happens and eventually understand.

Because at the end of the day, he's not the protagonist, he's not Issei in his plot armor, but who knows, maybe he'll have a little luck with that...or not.

Anyway, all of this for now is just speculation in his head and a secondary matter, so, deciding to continue what he started, he shifted his gaze to Grayfia as he began to explain.

"The plan I thought of is as follows…"


Currently, it was past noon, the sun was high in the middle of the sky as it released heat to the world below.

And in front of the ancient building, faint sounds of footsteps were discernible behind the front door as someone approached it.

And predictably, the sound that sounded when the handle was turned and the door opened was confirmation of that fact.

With Micael passing through the open door, he took a few steps forward before turning around, looking at the person who had accompanied him there.

Seeing the worried expression that still persisted on Rias' face, Micael spoke calmly with his hands in his pockets.

"I already told you, Rias, you don't need to worry, my plan has at least a sixty percent chance of success, and even if it fails, I still have a backup plan."

With a slightly furrowed brow, Rias spoke in a frustrated tone.

"And you think telling me that will make me calmer?"

With a nonchalant shrug, he replied.

"I have to be realistic and, like I said, I have a plan B."

Crossing her arms with her hands on her elbows, she gave him a blank look, one eyebrow raised as she spoke.

"And does this plan B have a greater guarantee of success than the first?"

A smirk appeared on his mouth as he responded.

"There are more guarantees of success, but the price to pay is equally high."

She just stared at him blankly when she saw his expression and the carefree way he spoke, sighing, she placed her hand on her forehead, speaking.

"Sigh, I'm not even going to ask what this plan is like so I don't have any more headaches."


He only chuckled briefly in response to her.

Raising her head and looking at that shameless boy, she continued.

"But I'm serious Micael, this is a very dangerous plan, you can't put your life at risk like that, we just made an agreement and you already want to die?"

Knowing that trying to explain himself or continue trying to convince her would only prolong the matter further, he gave a simple answer.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on dying, at least not now."

Looking at him silently and seeing that nothing she said would change his mind, she sighed softly as she said.

"Sigh, I just think you should be more careful with your life, how do you think your family would react if something happened to you?"

With her frowning slightly and speaking in a more serious tone, Micael observed the girl's actions for a moment in silence until he responded.

"I'm not going to die, Rias."

He said in a calm tone, looking straight into her eyes to convey his message.

With her feeling the confidence that sounded in his calm tone, she simply returned his gaze silently.

A tense and serious atmosphere arose between them as they looked at each other, until it was broken by him.

"After all, I can't die without getting a girlfriend, my bloodline can't end me, hahaha~."

A good-natured laugh was what left his lips after saying those words in a light tone.

With the serious atmosphere being ended by him with this stupid joke, the girl just looked at him with a blank stare for a moment, then rolled her eyes as she said.

"Yes, yes, that's a great reason not to die."

"What? Not a bad motivation, is it?"

He asked with a slight smile on his face.

And in response, she just snorted before speaking.

"Humph, whatever you say, you would seem more convincing to me if you hadn't asked me to take care of your family if something happened to you."

Pushing her hair behind her ear, she returned her hand to her elbow as she shot him a dry look.

Raising his hand to his chin and scratching it in thought, he replied, still smiling slightly.

"Well, even if I believe everything will work out, that doesn't mean I can't prepare for the worst, right? The possibility always exists, as the saying goes, expect the worst, assume the best."

She just continued to stare at him upon hearing that answer, feeling tired of him, she sighed one last time, this time deeply.

"Haaa, whatever, I'm not going to stress about you anymore, come on, go away, shoo shoo."

She spoke as if she were tired, bringing the door as if to close it and gesturing with her other hand as if she were chasing away an animal.

Shaking his head while laughing, he turned around and waved his hand in farewell.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, bye."


Was the answer she gave, looking at his back as he walked away, then closing the door.


With the door closed in front of her, Rias stood in front of it with her head bowed, her gaze unfocused as she was lost in thought.

Then, another soft sigh fell from between her lips, with that act seeming to carry the weight of something.

Snapping out of her reverie, she heard the sounds of footsteps approaching from behind, making her turn around.

And she came across Akeno who was approaching, getting close, the girl in question spoke to her.

"By the look on your face, I can see you couldn't change his mind?"

Resisting the urge to sigh, Rias placed a hand on her hip as she responded.

"No, he is very stubborn, he didn't want to listen to me."

Laughing a little, Akeno spoke.

"Haha~ well, the situation isn't that bad, Grayfia will help you, everything will be fine."

"Not exactly, Grayfia herself said this plan was risky."

"Just like she said she would keep an eye out for anything so we could rest easy."

Remaining silent for a moment after hearing Akeno's words, Rias looked thoughtfully into the air above as she spoke.

"I know, but that doesn't stop me from worrying."

Seeing and hearing how Rias was acting, a small smile appeared on Akeno's face, her eyes squinting a little as she spoke playfully.

"Don't worry, Rias-chan, boyfriend-kun will be fine~."

Hearing Akeno's words, Rias looked at her, seeing the amused expression on her face, she looked at her calmly with an eyebrow raised as she said.

"That joke again?"

In response, Akeno shrugged her shoulders as she replied.

"Well, it's not my fault you sound like a wife worried about her husband who went to war."

With her eyes rolling in exasperation, Rias' words came as an answer to her.

"Don't overdo it, besides, just because I show a little empathy and kindness to a boy I just met, does that mean I like him?"

With a confused expression on her face, a finger on the corner of her lip, Akeno responded with a question that sounded more like a statement.

"Yes, isn't it?"

Looking at her with a silent gaze, she decides not to answer, instead asking a question, tilting her head a little.

"And you, aren't you worried?"

Shrugging her shoulders softly, Akeno replied, still with a soft smile on her face.

"Yes, I'm worried, but I also trust him and Grayfia to keep him safe, so I believe everything will be fine."

Seeing how she seemed to truly believe what she said, Rias commented to herself with a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I wish I had that kind of confidence."

Akeno opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Rias who didn't want the girl to make another joke about her liking Micael.

"Alright, there's no point in talking about it anymore, we just have to see how it goes."

Walking, she passed Akeno as she spoke.

"Come on, we still have things to do."

With her following upstairs.

With her turning around after being called, Akeno followed her while saying in a sing-song tone.



Now back at home, Micael was sitting on his bed while texting Saji.

[Micael: Yo, I'm leaving now, will I stop by your house or will you meet me there?]

Staring silently at the message he sent for a moment, he shifted his gaze to the large bag next to him on the bed.

Inside that bag, besides the gloves and water bottles, there were other things he intended to take to the gym.


Feeling the vibration in his hand and hearing the notification, he opened the cell phone screen to see the message.

[Saji: Go ahead, I'll meet you there]

[Micael: 👍​]

Sending the reply message, he put his cell phone in his bag, putting it on his shoulder and leaving the room.

With his footsteps echoing across the floor and then up the stairs, he moved with the intention of leaving the house.


Walking along the sidewalk leisurely, Saji felt a little nervous.

And no, it wasn't because he was about to reveal that he was no longer human or all that other supernatural stuff to Micael, he was more nervous about the fact that he was going to troll Micael before revealing it.

After all, he knew Micael well enough to know how he would react, or react calmly and question him rationally...or make some ridiculous joke like saying 'Ok, and?' while making a strange expression.

His nervousness was because he knew that the revenge he would receive from Micael would be really bad, since that miserable guy was really petty.

He could make it seem like he was planning something for days or weeks just to make you confused and paranoid and then when you finally relax he actually does something, he's petty like that, he himself has said that he loves the tactic of giving hope only to mercilessly crush it later.

And yes, he literally said that, even acting like he was a Disney villain, evil laugh and all.

But even with his nervousness, he had already made up his mind and, as a man, he would not go back on his words!

...And no! He wasn't sweating with nervousness! He was simply feeling hot, believe it!

In any case, with the determination to do what he intended, he approached the small warehouse that was Micael's gym with silent steps.

Arriving close to the half-lowered roller door, I could already hear the muffled sound of what seemed to be music.

Bending down and passing under the gate, he came across a familiar sight, something he hadn't seen in a while, a place full of training and combat equipment.

His gaze wandered a little as he walked, soon focusing on the sole owner of this place as he approached him.

However, as he got closer, he began to pay attention to the music that was playing, because, despite being in a foreign language, one of his current racial characteristics was a kind of automatic translator.

In other words, he managed to completely understand the absurdity of what was being sung.

With Micael sort of having his back to him, he thought he hadn't noticed his arrival...or maybe it was because he seemed so immersed in the music as he sang along.

Coming a little closer and stopping, Saji had a blank expression as he looked at Micael who was singing along to the song, his brain taking a while to process the lyrics he heard.

"Eu te traí, mas juro foi sem querer~."

("I cheated on you, but I swear it was unintentional~.")

"Eu não olhei pro rosto dela e achei que era você, eu não entendo-ooo~."

("I didn't look at her face and think it was you, I don't understand-ooo~.")

"Por que você ficou tão puta~? Foi só uma comidinha, teve nem tapa na bunda~."

("Why were you so mad~? It was just a quickie, there wasn't even a slap on the ass~.")

Watching silently as Micael sang these... moving lyrics, he saw how he slowly turned around, pointing in his direction, implying that he had noticed his arrival.

But Saji didn't even have time to open his mouth and say something, as Micael continued singing while bobbing his head to the rhythm of the music.

"Você fala de-maiiss~, bem que eu dei uma estranhada~."

("You talk too-muuuch~, I thought it was weird~.")

"Tava quieta de-maiiisss~, cê nunca fica calada~."

("You were very qui-eeet~, you are never silent~.")

"Então vou pedir desculpas, e não, não adianta, desculpa pela Roberta, Patrícia, Renata, Silvana~, haha~..."

("So I'm going to apologize now, and no, it's no use, I'm sorry for Roberta, Patrícia, Renata, Silvana~, haha~...")


Saji spoke in a hollow tone, but the only response he got was a raised finger, as if Micael was telling him not to interrupt him as he continued to sing, ignoring Saji.

"São muitos nomes~, é difícil de lembrar~."

("There are so many names~, it's hard to remembe-eeer~.")

"Eu não faço mais isso ~, por favor, não me mata-aaa~."

("I don't do this anymore~, please don't kill me-eee~.")

"Abaixa essa mão ai~, sei que tu ia me espanca-aar~."

("Put your hand down~. I know you were going to hit me-eee~.")

"Essa situação é difícil~, mas deixa eu me explica-aar~."

("This situation is difficult~, but let me explai-iin~.")

"Eu te traí, mas juro-."

("I cheated on you, but I sw-.")


Saji interrupted him by speaking in a stronger tone before he continued to sing.

And with that, Micael looked at him, then, picking up his cell phone from the floor, he paused the music, greeting Saji with a simple.







