Another unusal monday [Part Thirteen]

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






The contact of their bodies apparently worked like pouring gasoline on a fire, what she felt from it seemed to excite her even more.

But regardless of all this, with all the calm that one would expect from him, Micael calmly, with a firm grip, took his hands off the girl who was holding him and walked away, taking another step back.

Now, although he was in favor of having that kind of intimacy with a girl, that didn't mean he would allow himself to be harassed like that by a random girl either.

If he was going to have sex, it would at least be with a girl he liked or had at least some affection for, not with some girl who was clearly a slut, because obviously, if that weren't the case, he wouldn't be a virgin.

As for not having any reaction, it's not that something like that couldn't affect him, he simply had too much emotional and, in turn, bodily control to allow himself to have an erection so easily, and he was already kind of used to it too.

So he turned away from her, intending to be more proactive in his refusal this time.

But he barely took a step back and had to move further away, because, as he expected, she reacted strongly to this, advancing aggressively again, but he was quicker to move away, however, he had forgotten about the tree behind him.

With his back touching the tree behind him, he watched the girl approach, but unlike what Micael expected, she didn't try to kiss him, instead, she placed her hand on the tree next to his head.

With a thousand-yard look, Micael saw himself suffering a kabedon.

When the girl saw that he was about to move away again, she reacted quickly, intending to arrest him again, but he was quicker to move away, however, as he had the tree behind him, he didn't go very far and she took advantage of the opportunity.

Applying a reverse kabedon, she pinned him sideways with her arm on the tree, then approaching again, she positioned one leg between his thighs, standing just a few centimeters away.

With their bodies almost touching, one knee close to his private parts, she smiled playfully and lasciviously, moving her free hand and cupping his chin as she spoke.

"You don't get tired of running away, do you~?"

With her nails touching the skin of his face, she saw how unshakable he still was, his calm seemingly unbreakable.

Suddenly, an overwhelming desire to break this irritating calm arose in her, so with an idea popping into her head and following it, she didn't wait for a response from him as she moved her hand.

With an expression now of amusement and excitement, she smiled over her moist lips and looked expectantly with her droopy eyes under the exhalation of heat as she waited to see how he would react.

And she wasn't disappointed, she watched with growing satisfaction as that calm expression of his broke, his eyes widening in shock at what she had just done.

With his eyes wide open due to the unexpectedness of what happened, Micael felt the shock emotion of being caught completely off guard when he looked down.

His vision was focused on what she had done with the hand she had removed from his face, she was literally holding her hand over his cock and balls.

Exactly that, she now had her palm and fingers gently holding his "brown eel" and his "crystal balls".

Honestly, he didn't expect the girl to be so brazen, but it seems like he still underestimated her, this is undoubtedly a perverted lucky event, and it is officially at the top of his list for being the most absurd thing that has ever happened.

He really didn't expect to be harassed at this level, with a girl directly touching him on his private parts.

And as Micael processed the situation, the hand holding him tightened a little, with the girl apparently wanting to stimulate him.

And in fact, with the sensation that came from her hand, she discovered to her satisfaction that the boy was quite "voluminous", so, deciding to discover his full potential, she began to massage the area to stimulate him.

And she soon felt it, the familiar sensation of something hard and cylindrical in shape coming from her hand, and the size did not disappoint, looking down, she licked her lips in anticipation as she saw the clearly discernible bulge that traveled to the corner of his pelvis.

Lifting her eyes, she looked at him with renewed intensity, exhaling with excitement as she spoke in a voice almost as if she were drunk.

"Nnhn~ you have a big surprise here, don't you~?"

Raising his own eyes, Micael saw the girl's thirsty expression, now also accompanied by a blush, her expression was as if she was drunk with lust, but he himself, despite the pulsing erection he had, was not influenced by the horny.

Then, regaining his calm expression, he gave her an answer.

And the girl, who was saying something, was interrupted mid-sentence.

"So~? how about you-!"

Stopping in shock, her thirsty and lascivious expression broke with surprise at the boy's action, lowering her gaze, she found the boy's hand under her skirt, touching directly to her vagina.

Exactly that, he was touching directly on her "white shell".

Feeling those fingers on the skin of her lips, the slight rough sensation that came from them along with the heat, she felt her shock and surprise soon give way to the return of her lust and horniness.

Lifting her eyes from that vision and looking at him, she met that unnervingly calm look and, as if expecting it, he spoke.

"You have completely crossed all limits, but unfortunately, or fortunately in this case, two can play this game."

She just stared at him stupidly while he said those words, and after he finished them, she felt the fingers that touched her rubbing her, the middle finger rubbing her harder as if he wanted to penetrate her, a slight shiver ran down her spine at that.

And while the girl felt a mix of emotions, in the corner, the one who witnessed all this unfolding, had the biggest expression of shock on his face.

Before, with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open, Saji already looked quite shocked, but now, it seemed like he had seen the most unbelievable and absurd thing in the world.

With his eyes even wider to an almost comical level, his mouth completely open and both arms raised behind his head.

This expression was the definition of the words "absolute shock".

But Saji's utter shock aside, he was completely ignored by the two who were left in a brief standoff, the girl still frozen at the feeling of his fingers on her.

And with Micael who calmly rubbed his fingers against it, feeling the sensation of the fabric that was damp along with the heat of that specific part.

A look of calm silence was what the girl received as he touched her, but he also didn't try to remove her own hand, which was still on his parts.

With his hand still there, the girl slowly regained consciousness, she came out of her daze as her lust and horniness returned with a vengeance as she felt his hand, but not only that, an overwhelming desire to dominate him also arose, causing the hand that was still on him to twitch.

Without noticing the reaction in her hand, which was apparently shaking with anxiety, she regained her smile and thirsty expression as she spoke.

"What are you trying to do~? are you teasing me~? because you're only making me more excited like this~."

But the only response she received was a silent look along with the continuous rubbing of his fingers.

With another small shock running down her spine, she realized it wouldn't take long to reach orgasm, but instead of trying to stop it, she just let her excitement guide her, her heart racing along with her growing lust.

Biting her lip, the feeling of her heart's rapid beat and her pulse quickening flooded her mind with lewd thoughts, making her unaware of her actions.

Her hand, which was shaking, was a subconscious act because she usually did something in that same position, something she usually did as a form of intimidation or domination with a boy.

So, practically like an instinct, and because she was dominated by the sensations in her body and strong emotions, she didn't notice the action her hand was making.

Then, apparently without noticing how Micael's eyes slowly widened, she spoke, exhaling hot air of excitement.

"So~, how about we-"

Until she was interrupted by a punch.

With his knuckles hitting hard on the soft skin of her face, the girl was unceremoniously thrown to the ground.

And someone, faced with this completely unexpected turn of events, can only exclaim in dismay and shock.

"Man! Why!?"

Exclaimed Saji, pointing his arms at Micael while wondering why he punched her.

And Micael, who at that moment was bent over with his hands on his crotch, raised his head, looking at Saji and speaking with his jaw clenched.

"What the fuck do you think, she squeezed my balls! ugh."

And with the answer given, Saji's shock and indignation died instantly, his expression returning to calm as he spoke placidly.

"Ah, understandable."

He could only agree, especially seeing the state Micael was in, feeling a phantom pain in his own balls.

'Yes, she definitely deserved it.'

Was his internal thought, his legs instinctively closed as a cold shiver ran down his spine.

However, Saji wasn't the only one who was shocked by this unexpected development.

The girl with double buns was currently looking with wide eyes and her mouth slightly open at her friend who was unconscious on the floor.

She was completely shocked by this turn of events, her brain still processing what happened.

At first things were going well, her own excitement increased when she saw how the boy seemed quite passive, the final act where he acted aggressively only fueled her excitement even more, she already imagined several things they could do, but this punch that came out of nowhere completely took her out of her fantasies.

While still staring in silent shock at her fallen friend, she heard what the boy said, even finding his reaction understandable, but still exaggerated.

Naturally she wouldn't let something like that go unpunished, even if it was her friend's fault, she wouldn't be a good friend without at least trying to avenge her.

Then, with all her previous excitement disappearing and her expression adopting a frown, she advanced towards the still hunched over boy, exclaiming.

"You asshole!"

With her scream alarming Saji, who quickly moved out of her way, the girl soon caught up with Micael performing an ax kick.


With a low thud, the only target her foot found was Micael's palm that held her heel.

The girl, seeing her attack being easily blocked with him not even raising his head, and feeling the firm grip of his hand on her leg, she felt a bead of cold sweat break out on her forehead.

If it were any other time, she would love to feel that firm grip on her ass or breasts, but at that moment she just felt a terrible premonition of it.

And as if reacting to her thoughts, she saw the boy slowly raise his head and look at her, his intense, frowning gaze along with the prominent veins on his forehead were an obvious indication of what he thought of this attack.

Feeling like she was really fucked, and not in a good way, she could only adopt an awkward, strained smile as she apologized.

"Uh, I'm sorry?"

And also internally wishing that the full view the boy was getting of her panty-covered ass and vagina would appease the boy's anger.

Unfortunately for her, it didn't work.

Micael who was holding the girl's leg tightly wasn't as angry as he seemed despite the bulging veins, he felt mainly irritated with the girl who was already on the ground, but that didn't mean he would let this kick go unpunished.

So, despite being in front of a privileged view of the girl's private parts covered by her black panties, a view that he would normally enjoy at another time, he did not feel any type of appeal or interest before responding without the slightest hint of excitement.


And with a low thud, the girl was met with a punch to the face in response, her body soon falling to the ground next to her friend.

"And here's one more."

That's what Saji said with a weak tone of humor, a strange smile on his face, not knowing how to feel about this situation.

Looking away from the fallen girls to Micael, he saw that he was still bent a little, seeming to still have difficulty moving.

Approaching him, he patted his shoulder as he asked.

"Are you okay?"

"Hngh, not counting the pain in my balls, yes, I'm fine."

He first heard a low growl followed by words in response, then he frowned a little and asked in doubt.

"Is it that bad?"

"If I hadn't reacted quickly enough, hngh..." — He straightened up, letting out a grunt from the effort. — "She could have crushed one of my balls."

He finished saying, straightening up completely, tilting his head back and taking a deep breath.

Saji felt another cold shiver run down his spine upon hearing those threatening words, shifting his gaze to the girls on the ground, the small pity he had for them disappearing completely.

With his hands on his hips as he looked up and tried to overcome the pain, Micael commented to himself.

"If I lost one of my balls, I would only be half the man I am, I would no longer be Micael, I would just be Mic without the ael."

Looking away from the girls, Saji looked at Micael who seemed to be rambling to ignore the pain.

Letting out a weak laugh whose act made the pain increase a little, Micael continued in a tone of dry humor.

"If Gojo is the sliced ​​one, I would be Micael the mono ball, haha."

Lowering his head, he placed his hands on his hips for a moment, taking another deep breath and slowly took a step forward.

"Can you walk?"

Saji asked seeing how he was taking slow steps and walking in circles in the same place.

Micael didn't respond immediately, instead, he started stretching his legs, doing stretches and testing to see if the pain increased, after a while he stopped, turning to Saji and responding along with a thumbs up.

"I can."

"Are you sure about this?"

Saji questioned him back in confirmation.

"Yes I do."

Receiving the confirmation response, Saji looked back at the fallen girls and asked

"And them, what do we do?"

As he spoke, Saji tried not to look at the girls' exposed panties because of the way they had fallen.

Finishing stretching his legs, Micael looked at Saji about to respond, but he stopped, seeing how his eyes kept moving downwards several times.

Following his line of sight, he came across the girls' lifted skirts and exposed panties, just shaking his head at Saji, Micael replied as he moved towards them.

"Come on, help me here, let's put them against the tree, let's make it look like they're just sleeping."

"Oh, okay."

Coming out of his daze after failing miserably trying not to look at the girls' panties, Saji approached the girl with the double bun and carried her to the tree while Micael carried the other.

With them positioning them against the tree in a position that looked like they were just sleeping, Saji asked as he cleaned his hands.

"Are you sure we should leave them like this? They can report what happened to the teachers."

"It's okay, I don't think they'll say anything, and if they do, well, don't worry, the blame will fall entirely on me."

A calm response was what came from Micael, his gaze focused on the girls leaning against each other and against the tree.

Saji just nodded in understanding.

"Okay, let's go."

Micael called him while returning to the school building.

He walked slowly, his hands eventually going to his balls due to the slight discomfort he felt.

Seeing Micael's actions, Saji asked while raising an eyebrow in clear doubt.

"Bro, are you sure you're okay? Don't you want to go to the infirmary?"

A shake of the head came before a response.

"Nah, I'd adapt, hah."

"...Okay, whatever that means."

Accepting Micael's answer even without understanding, Saji and he continued towards the building, and after that they continued the rest of the day as if nothing much had happened.


Saji spoke while looking at him sideways upon seeing the expression he had on his face.

"And you still have the audacity to smile so carefree even when one of your balls was almost crushed?"

And the response he got was a laugh accompanied by words in a tone of carefree humor.

"Hahaha, what can I say? Things happen and it could have been much worse."

Saji said, grimacing at those words.

"Could it be worse? I can't imagine anything worse than having my balls almost crushed."

"There's one, having your balls actually crushed instead of almost crushed."

Saji only managed to maintain silence by pausing before expressing his agreement.

"...I can't disagree with that logic."

After Saji's words, they remained in a characteristic silence as they didn't have a topic to talk about until something came to Saji's mind, prompting him to comment.

"By the way, we were very lucky, those girls didn't really say anything to anyone."

Micael nodded at those words. — "Yes, we were lucky, or in this case, I was lucky."

'Or bad luck, considering I really wanted to get kicked out of school.'

With Micael's thoughts portraying his other opinion about what happened, since at that time, what led him to not really do anything was that he wanted to be expelled, thus not having to deal with Rias and the others.

But unfortunately, as is already obvious, this didn't work.

"Yes, I'm surprised they didn't say anything, I think they changed schools since I never saw them again." — That's what Saji said as he continued the topic.

"Yes, that's what happened, I looked to see if there were any rumors about it and found out that they had dropped out of school, requesting a transfer."

"Hahaha, you really traumatized them in that case." — Saji commented with a light laugh.

"They were probably really scared of me, which isn't too surprising in my opinion."

"I'm still surprised they didn't lose any teeth when you punched them." — That's what Saji said before drinking what was left in the cup.

Micael just nodded his head in agreement with his words.

"That sweet taste is starting to make me sick." — Saji spoke after taking a sip from the other cup he picked up, his tone making his unhappiness clear.

Micael looked at him when he heard those words, seeing his frowning face, he patted his shoulder saying. — "You can do it, just one more cup left."

"Seriously man, I feel like if I drink one more of these I'm going to throw up, my belly is already full."

"No pain, no gain, so don't complain Saji, it's not like you haven't already put worse things than that in your mouth."

"...What the hell are you talking about? Don't make things weirder, you son of a bitch."

"Hahah, what are you talking about? What I meant is that you have probably eaten mud or dirt in your childhood, besides, see it as training, who knows, maybe one day you'll have to lick the pussy of a girl who hasn't showered, I'm sure it tastes worse than this shake, as I was told it smells and tastes like cod."

"...Man, shut the fuck up, I'm really going to throw up like this."


"Ugh, great, now I can't get the image out of my head, I can even taste it, blergh."

"Pfft hahahaha."

With Micael shamelessly laughing at Saji's disgusted face, they stayed like that, talking while Saji finished drinking all the glasses.

And after finishing, he said goodbye to Micael, returning to his home.

And Micael, after saying goodbye to Saji, closed the gym and returned home himself.







