Another unusual monday [Part Fourteen]

Sorry guys, this weekend was really busy, I had to go to a wedding, then practice driving and then test on Monday, I barely had time to write, anyway, here's the chapter

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






Now, it was eight o'clock at night, Micael was in his room in front of the computer, with his cell phone in his hand as he typed.

He was talking to Rias, more precisely, confirming his understanding after she sent a message, what a message it was.

[Rias: By the way, my brother wants to talk to you, but since he is very busy this week, he only has time on the weekend, is that okay with you?]

[Micael: ...Yes, it's okay, it's not like I have the ability to refuse an invitation from literal Satan.]

[Rias: Hahaha~, don't worry, he's just a little overprotective, you'll be fine]

[Micael: ...Was I supposed to feel safe with this message?]

[Rias: Hehehe, anyway, I have to go, good night~]

[Micael: ...Good night]

Sending the last message, Micael could only shake his head and exhale through his nose at the girl's behavior.

He then placed his cell phone on the table, preparing to go back and watch videos on YouTube, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Turning towards it, he exclaimed asking.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Micael, can I come in?"

Came the answer from behind the door, a female voice that he recognized as, of course, Mari's.

"You can come in."

After his response, he saw the doorknob being turned and the door opened silently.

And passing by, with equally silent steps, was a barefoot Mari.

However, he immediately noticed an incongruity.

Her hair was the first thing he noticed, because instead of a ponytail, her hair was tied up in a bun, completely exposing her neck and collarbone, followed by her clothes.

Normally, the clothes she wore to sleep were short shorts that reached mid-thigh and a loose shirt, which happened to be his, but this time it was different.

Instead of her usual clothes, she wore much shorter black shorts that barely reached her thighs, and most importantly, they were made of a thin, somewhat transparent material, which meant he could vaguely see the outline of the white panties underneath.

And in addition, on top there was a shirt with thin straps, made of the same black and somewhat transparent material, and like the shorts, it didn't serve to cover what was underneath.

Which meant that, thanks to the thin thickness, not only could he see the outline of the girl's nipple, since this crazy girl was clearly not wearing a bra, but he could also even see the aurela of her nipple.

Speaking directly, the girl was basically wearing a babydoll, as far as he knew she didn't have that kind of clothing, which meant that she bought it or got it from Myako, but since it would be strange to get it from Myako, it was more likely that she had bought it secretly.

And her intentions clearly weren't pure if she had come at him like that, but deciding to see what exactly she intended to do, he didn't question her directly like he normally would, instead, he just pretended not to notice anything and calmly questioned.

"What's the matter?"

Upon hearing Micael's question, and seeing that he didn't question it directly as expected, Mari smiled carelessly as she answered him.

"Nothing, I just decided to come here and see what you were doing before bed."

She spoke as she approached him in silent steps, her feet sliding across the wooden floor with her arms behind her back.

Arriving next to him, pretending not to see his raised eyebrow as he looked at her, she leaned forward, one hand pointing at the screen as she asked.

"What is that?"

A question asked by her in a relaxed tone, as if asking about the weather, but the way she was positioned was what made the situation ambiguous.

Micael, whose face was now expressionless, had a full view of Mari's breasts positioned literally next to his head.

Obviously, this was due to the girl's forward lean as she reached his side.

Looking at her from the side, thanks to the thin material of the nightgown and the leaning pose she was in, he could see a larger part of her breasts, a small part was visible from the side and the front had cleavage, and not only that thanks to her proximity, he could also smell her scent, which he recognized.

The smell wasn't perfume, it was soap, the issue here was that she was showering at the same time as him, that is, she had probably already showered again before coming to him.

And another thing he also noticed, if the nightgown fell lower, he would be able to see the areola of her nipples, and yes, because she was so close, the view of her nipples underneath was even clearer.

Still maintaining the act of ignorance and without commenting on the matter, he returned his gaze to the screen where she was pointing, answering her.

"It's a drawing tutorial video."

"Oh, and this one?"

"It's a drawing tutorial too."

"Mm, what about this one?"

"...It's a Pewdiepie video."

Answering her one last time, he turned his chair towards her, deciding to ask her directly since she clearly wasn't going to explain herself.

"Okay, what's the game Mari? What are you trying to do?"

Looking her directly in the eyes, without looking anywhere else, Micael kept his eyes fixed on her calmly waiting for an answer.

And Mari, faced with Micael's direct questioning, calmly straightened up, tilting her head a little, keeping her arms behind her as she asked in a tone of false confusion.

"What do you mean?" — A soft blink of her eyes combined with an innocent expression, as if she had no idea what she was doing.

He just stared at her silently for a moment at those words and actions, until he lowered his head, placing his hand on the tip of his nose as he sighed.


Raising his head, he looked at her still with a calm gaze as he leaned back in his chair, speaking.

"Is this your revenge for the slap the other day?"

In response to his words, the girl just smiled with her lips closed without saying anything, this gesture speaking for itself.

Understanding that she intended to act as if she had no idea what she was doing, he spoke in an almost tired tone of resignation, questioning her again.

"Okay, I accept my "punishment", but don't you think you're exaggerating a little?"

The tone of his question was due to the fact that it was not the first time that she had "punished" him, since as in a commom relationship between siblings, they often had disagreements and fought for stupid reasons, on his part because he liked to irritate her and on her part because she was a brat.

But the point is that, in those other moments when she "punished" him, nothing was of such high sexual content, at least not at the level where she would be wearing that type of clothing.

The closest thing to something with a sexual content that happened were the times she sat on his lap, without touching his crotch, of course, a way that she also clearly used to take advantage of him.

Since he wasn't attracted to her because she was very young at the time, and knowing this, she used his logic against him, saying something like, "since you're not attracted to my too-young body, you're fine with me sitting on your lap, right?"

Naturally, he only allowed her to do this because she never went too far, doing nothing but sitting on his lap without trying anything intimate, and other than that the other "punishments" were something like him having to feed her, give her a massage or let her eat the food he saved for himself.

He never really cared about these things, without taking anything seriously, but these things also stopped a while ago, it's been a year since something like this happened, but there was an incident and she kind of walked away from him for a few months.

In short, although it was common for them to have this type of interaction, she, despite clearly taking advantage of him, never tried anything serious, so her appearing dressed like that was certainly strange.

Faced with Micael's question, Mari's answer came with a significant mischievous look in her expression when speaking.

"I don't know what you're talking about, my clothes are as usual, anyway, yes, I came here to avenge the slap and your punishment will be…" — Approaching him, she supported herself on the arms of the chair as she leaned in close to his face, continuing. — "Let me sit on your lap until your legs go numb."

A still closed-lipped smile was what she had on her face, her eyes curving with the smile as she looked straight into his eyes.

Seeing her mischievous and amused expression, Micael just stared into her eyes in calm silence, without commenting anything.

Just looking at her for a long moment and already knowing that nothing he said would change her mind, he simply gave in, however...

"Alright, go ahead."

That didn't mean he would just go along with whatever she intended to do.

"Hehehe~, thank you~."

With a light, teasing laugh, she happily turned around before slowly bending down.

With an expressionless face, he watched as she tilted her ass in a clearly provocative manner and purposefully lowered herself slowly.

Looking calmly at her ass as well as the outline of her white panties beneath her semi-transparent shorts, he moved one of his hands, placing it on her lower back and saying.

"Too close."

"Oops~, sorry~."

Acting as if it hadn't been on purpose, she no longer tried to sit directly against his crotch and just sat on his thighs.

And with her finally sitting down, feeling the somewhat soft and flexible sensation of Micael's thighs, Mari made a point of stirring, rubbing her ass in a gesture of comfort as she spoke.

"Oh yes~, very comfortable indeed."

With his expression still expressionless, Micael just watched in silence as the girl did this, feeling the soft, smooth sensation coming from her ass himself.

And thanks to that, no matter how great his self-control was, a certain part of his body began to awaken, causing him to use his power to not have an erection.

As he had said before, the other times this happened, she was younger and didn't awaken any desire in him, but since it's been over a year, she changed a lot, he didn't expect his training tips to turn against him.

After she finished rubbing herself, she leaned against him, her back resting against his chest as she moved her arm back and stroked his head.

"Thank you, Chair-kun~."

If his face wasn't already expressionless, it would now be due to the girl's words and actions, he just remained silent in the face of it.

As she finished stroking his head, Mari pulled her arm back, then, as if it were natural, she took his earphones and put them on, then she changed the video he was watching and put it on another, starting to watch a video herself relaxed.

Seeing her actions, Micael just exhaled through his nose, moving one hand and patting her head.

From the corner of her face, he could see how her lips expanded, increasing the smile she had, obviously happy with his gesture.

Finishing patting her, he finally noticed the smell that was coming from her and that thanks to her proximity it was stronger, and in addition because their heads were aligned, her neck and shoulder were completely exposed to him.

Despite all this, he didn't take any initiative, as it seemed to be what she wanted, so, wanting to see how far her patience went, he just stood there without doing anything else.

And so they remained, with Micael serving as a chair and Mari silently watching videos.






