Days pass, unusual interactions and a prelude to a... [Part Nine]

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






[Wednesday, Academia de Micael, two o'clock]

[Pov: 3rd Person]

Inside his gym, positioned on his mat, wearing only his training shorts, Micael was in front of the well-known Baki.

Both in combat stance, and although both had calm faces, Micael's slow and deep breathing denoted his tiredness.

The fight between the two had been going on for a few minutes, this being another one of Micael's usual combat training sessions.

Taking one last deep breath, MIcael advanced in an instant.

Arriving at Baki, Micael attacked with a punch, Baki blocked, Micael followed with another and Baki dodged.

Switching to his legs, Micael kicked which Baki dodged, throwing a punch that was then blocked, alternating between the lower and upper limbs he attacked.

Thus the exchange of blows ensued, almost like a kind of dance with its own accelerated rhythm where Micael struck quickly and accurately and Baki just blocked or dodged.

But even taking a defensive stance, Baki was not so passive.


With that sound being the air quickly expelled through the nose, Micael quickly dodged with his torso like a blur as he avoided a punch.

Then quickly go back to attacking.

And so it continued, with Baki attacking more and more until it became an exchange of blows where both sides dodged, blocked and hit each other.

The scene that followed was that of two martial arts experts performing strikes at a superhuman pace.

If Micael from the first combat session saw Micael now, he would give a satisfied nod because his evolution was obvious, both physically and especially in technique.

For someone who could barely withstand a punch, his current ability to fight on equal terms with Baki was commendable, of course, the Baki in front of him was not at one hundred percent of his strength.

Micael knew that the Baki in front of him had about twenty percent of his real strength, which was quite impressive for Micael himself.

In a week, Micael could assume that his own strength had increased one hundred percent, it would be perfect if it was like this every week, but he knew that his progress would slow down as it usually does.

But overall he was satisfied, it was continuous progress at a good speed, even though it was "weak" compared to others around him.

Then, the sparring session continued for a few more minutes before ending.

With the illusory Baki disappearing like smoke from his vision, a sweaty and deeply tired Micael, covered in bruises and blood, slowly moved towards a bench.

Falling onto the bench without power, Micael took out his cell phone and opened LINE, sending a message to Rias, he waited until she responded.

[Micael: I finished my training, so what did you want to talk about?]

His message was because she had sent a message wanting to talk to him, but since he was going to train, he said he would talk to her when he was done.

[Rias: I wanted to ask you something, but I decided it's better if we talk about this in person, can you come to the orc tomorrow?]

[Micael: ok, see you tomorrow]

[Rias: Alright, bye (≧◡≦)]

Shaking his head at her message, Micael put away his cell phone and got up, preparing to close everything and go home.


[Friday, Two o'clock, Kuoh Academy]

[Pov: 3rd Person]

Inside the Kuoh Academy grounds it was already late, the sun was high in the clear sky, projecting its heat onto the ground below.

And on the grounds of the aforementioned academy, in an area with a stone tile floor, on a bench with their backs facing the lawn, Micael and Rias were sitting.

With their backs resting on the bench, Micael and Rias stared absently at the clear sky above.

The two had just arrived there, without exchanging words until now.

"So why did you want to talk out here exactly?" — Micael asked, keeping his eyes on the sky.

With Micael's question reaching her ears, Rias didn't respond immediately, instead, her lips retracted into a thin line as the cause appeared in her mind.

"Well..." — With her eyes turned to the side, Rias responded slowly. — "I kind of, like...just wanted some fresh air?"

Looking away from the sky, Micael turned his head as he looked at her, only for the girl to do the same movement while looking to the side, avoiding his gaze.

Faced with her clearly suspicious behavior, Micael just raised an eyebrow without understanding anything.

And Rias had her face turned away, her lips drawn back and bitten as she felt his gaze on the back of her head.

Knowing full well that if she continued to act like this she would only attract more suspicion from him, despite her internal shame, she tried to act normally.

That's why, when she turned her face and met his gaze, she spoke with a slight smile. — "Anyway, that's not important, so let's just focus on what we came to talk about, okay?"

With her looking at him, she saw how Micael just looked at her silently, without showing any reaction.

Her smile began to tremble as she tried to keep looking into his eyes as much as possible without being overcome with embarrassment.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity to her, he finally responded.

"Of course."

At his confirmation, Rias' head spun almost in a snap as she quickly looked forward.

With the faint smile frozen on her face, Rias looked straight ahead as she tried to stop the blush from appearing on her face, her thoughts turning to the cause of her behavior.

It was clear that Micael's involuntary "strip tease" video on her cell phone, honestly, she imagined that it would be difficult to talk to him after that, but she still underestimated her feeling of shame.

After all, even talking to him via text message reminded her of those images, it was difficult for her to control herself and not blush with embarrassment when she saw him in person.

Fortunately, it had been a few days and she was now better, but it was still difficult as she thought it would be.

'Alright, calm down girl! It's just some images, it's not even the real deal! Per Satan, relax!' — Rias thought as she once again tried to compose herself, taking a slow deep breath, her slight smile becoming natural as she spoke calmly. — "So, I wanted to talk about you helping deal with the Stray Devils in town."

But even though she calmed down, she could only speak without looking directly at him, keeping her eyes straight ahead, after all she hadn't completely recovered.

Seeing how Rias was still acting strangely, Micael wondered what the problem was, since tuesday, the few times they spoke via text, he had the impression that something was wrong.

This became obvious when he arrived at school on thursday, but for some reason the girl wasn't even at school, in the end, he ended up having an awkward interaction with Akeno.

The girl smiled strangely while talking to him, and when he asked what it was she just laughed without explaining anything, In the end he took advantage of the moment he was already there and got her number, Koneko's and Kiba's.

And now, on Friday, when she asked him to come back, she barely looked him in the eye, leading to the current situation.

For now, MIcael decided to just observe, depending on how this conversation developed he might have an idea of ​​what happened and if not he will just question her directly.

"What happened? Did you receive news about any stray devils?" — Micael asked as he looked at her.

"Apparently, Sona discovered some things, she believes one might be in town." — Rias replied, still keeping her gaze forward. — "But she's not sure, she said she'd let me know when she found out more."

"Hm." — Micael murmured in understanding, then, looking away from her, he spoke. — "You already know my answer to that, I will help you with whatever you need, if you want me to do those contract jobs that others do or exorcise something or whatever I will do."

Rias nodded upon hearing his words, after all they had already discussed this.

"So, is that all you wanted to talk about?" — Micael asked as he looked back at the girl and raised an eyebrow.

Upon hearing Micael's words, Rias immediately tensed, there was no way she could say that one of the reasons she wanted to talk to him in person was just to see him.

"Yes...that's all." — Rias responded calmly, however, her act of turning her face to the side didn't convey much credibility.

'Damn girl! Calm down, it's just a damn image! Control yourself!' — With her internal screaming at herself for her lack of self-control, Rias completely froze upon hearing Micael's question.

"Rias, are you sure you don't want to tell me anything?"

"Of course not, why do you think that? ha-haha." — Rias replied, feeling like hitting herself for her inability to speak normally.

And pointing this out, Micael spoke. — "If nothing happened, then why do you seem unable to speak without looking me in the eye? That nervous laugh of yours didn't help much either."

With her still feeling that his gaze was on her, Rias didn't have the courage to turn around, much less respond.

Looking at the girl who still had her face turned away, Micael thought silently, then moved his gaze forward and spoke while scratching his chin. — "Does this have anything to do with me? Because look, if I offended you or-"

"No! You didn't offend me or anything!" — Rias quickly stopped him, turning to him and speaking urgently. — "It's just that I...ugh."

However, she wasn't able to look at him for long, causing her to turn her face forward, her lips twitching at her own behavior.

Observing her behavior once again, Micael thought about what he should do, whether he should leave it at that or do something to at least return her to normal.

After thinking for a second, he decided on the second option, even though the method he would use had a possible negative consequence.

Then, raising his right hand, he lowered all his fingers except the index finger and did as he planned.

While Rias was still in the midst of her internal conflict and trying to regain her calm, she ended up feeling a poke in her side that startled her and made her lean over.

"Kya." — With a sharp and short scream, she looked down, only to see Micael's finger near her rib, looking away from him, she raised an eyebrow as she asked. — "What was that for?"

However, instead of responding, Micael, with a calm face, moved his hand again.

"Kya." — Letting out another weak scream when she was poked again, Rias frowned as she slapped Micael's hand and spoke. — "Don't do that, I'm sensitive."

Facing the boy with a frown, the only reaction she got from him was the raising of an eyebrow and a question in a curious tone.

"Are you sensitive?"

With that question asked in that tone and seeing something in his gaze, Rias said in warning while raising her finger. — "Look Micael, don't-!"

But she was interrupted by Micael's hand touching her side, and she didn't even have time to say anything when his fingers started to move.

"Kya-ahahaha-stop!-hahaha-no!-hahaha..." — And just like that, Rias was subjected to a relentless tickling attack, making her laugh uncontrollably.


With the girl laughing, Micael deftly moved his fingers along her side, of course, being careful not to touch her breast, after a moment, he moved his hand to her neck.

Brushing aside her long red hair with a deft movement, he touched the soft skin on the side of her neck and began his attack, Rias barely had time to catch her breath from the previous attack before she was subjected to another.

"Kyahahaha-Micael you!-ahahaha..."

With his hand on her neck, Rias moved her own hands and grabbed his forearm, but didn't try to pull him away, even if she could.

She left his hands there, probably enjoying the tickling of her own accord.


After a while, Rias realized that she was taking too much advantage of the situation and quickly regained focus, moving his hand away from her neck.

Looking at the smiling Micael, Rias frowned in disapproval, but she would have been more convincing if she wasn't red in the face.

Acting as if she wasn't blushing, Rias asked in a serious tone. — "What the hell was that for?"

With a slight smile, Micael replied nonchalantly. — "Well, when my sister wouldn't talk to me for some reason she couldn't be bothered to say, I just tickled her until she spoke, so far it's been foolproof, as you can see."

Upon hearing Micael's response, Rias snorted while rolling her eyes, she couldn't deny that she was calmer now, but on the other hand, embarrassed and irritated.

Keeping his gaze on her, Micael spoke again. — "You can let go of my arm now."

Doing so, Rias let go of his arm, turning forward and starting to fix her hair, she said. — "Don't do that again." — Her brow was still furrowed, her blush fading.

"All right all right." — Micael responded without much care, looking at his hand and flexing it, he ended up saying what he had in mind. — "You know, the smoothness of your body is impressive."

Upon hearing Micael's words, the blush that was fading from Rias' face returned with a vengeance as she froze, then slowly went back to fixing her hair without saying anything.

"The impression you gave me was almost as if you had no muscles or bones underneath, it looked like you were made of pure fat."

And at that moment, Micael's words made Rias freeze completely, mechanically turning her head, she asked with a tense smile. — "Sorry, what did you say?"

Looking away from her, Micael saw that she had a strange expression, so, realizing how his words might have sounded, he explained himself. — "Fat is the main responsible for softness, just observe that places where there is more fat tend to be softer."

But her answer, no matter how logical it was, didn't have the desired result, instead, with a strange air around her emerging, Rias asked slowly. — "...Are you calling me fat?"

And with Rias saying this, Micael just looked at her silently, his face slowly becoming expressionless as he found this situation extremely familiar.

With a now neutral face, he spoke in an equally neutral tone of voice. — "No, Rias, I'm not calling you fat, I literally just said your skin is soft."

Seeing how she still had that strange smile and aura, Micael rolled his eyes before saying without caring. — "But yes, you are definitely "fat" in one part of your body, at least that's what that mound of flesh on your chest indicates."

Rias froze again upon hearing his words until her blush returned with a vengeance as she stared at him in disbelief as she stuttered. — "Y-you!, h-how y-you-"

With her unable to utter proper words, Micael decided to apologize. — "Okay, I apologize for that, I overreacted." — He rested his arm on the bench and his head on his fist as he continued. — "But you were about to throw a tantrum over something I didn't even say, I couldn't let you do that."

Rias ended up stopping, finding herself unable to deny what he said, in the end she could only pout and huff, turning her face away, not denying it but also not admitting it. — "Hmph."

As Rias pouted, she ended up feeling the familiar sensation on her side.

Twitching in response, she turns her incredulous gaze to Micael who just smiles amusedly at her.

Frowning and this time without blushing, she spoke to him irritably. — "Seriously Micael, stop it." — Her hand grabbed his and pulled it away.

"Ok, ok, sorry, I stopped this time." — Micael spoke, recognizing that he was going over the limit, but seeing that she was still holding his hand, he spoke. — "You can let go of my hand now."

His words made Rias look at the hand that was still holding his forearm, when she was about to let go she noticed something making her keep holding his arm.

And seeing this strange behavior, Micael tried to pull his arms but he didn't even move, raising an eyebrow, he spoke. — "Can you let go of my arm?"

But what Micael didn't know was that Rias had made a discovery at that moment, or rather, she remembered something that was reinforced by his failed attempt to free himself.

She was stronger than him.

And with that she also realized something, making her look away from Micael, seeing how the boy stared at her without understanding anything, Rias felt her lips slowly stretch into a thin smile.

Micael seeing that smile and her curved eyes, and considering how she now held his arm tighter, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

But he didn't even have time to question her when the girl made a move.

Placing her left leg on the bench and facing him, with speed and precision, Rias extended her right arm and touched Micael's left side.

With a mischievous smile on her face, she looked at the confused Micael as she began her attack.

She tickled him.

...Well, she tried.

As she moved her fingers, the only reaction she got from Micael was to raise his other eyebrow while he looked at her in silence, making her slowly stop.

With him looking at her silently, he asked. — "What are you doing?" — Causing a blush to appear on her face as she felt embarrassed.






