Days pass, unusual interactions and a prelude to a... [Final Part]

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






But she didn't let herself be dominated by this feeling because she still wanted her revenge so, biting her lip, she tried to think of a solution until something made her eyes open.

With the thin smile returning to her face in an instant, Micael only had time to catch a glimpse of it when a tickling sensation on his side made him twitch.

Taking her hand and looking, he saw that it now had a pink aura.

Looking away from her, Micael spoke without words. — "Really? You're using magic?" 

Smiling in amusement, Rias answered him. — "What? This isn't any kind of competition."

"Yes, but I didn't use my powers." — Micael gave her a narrow look.

Smiling brightly, Rias replied to him. — "Yes, but what does that have to do with me?"

With a vein bulging on his forehead, Micael spoke. — "You-"

But he didn't have time to finish the sentence because Rias didn't allow it, she let go of his hand and resumed the attack, tickling him with her hand covered in magic.

With his eyes widening, despite resisting for a moment, Micael soon found himself laughing involuntarily.


He laughed uncontrollably for a moment before quickly controlling himself, closing his mouth and pursing his lips so as not to make a sound.

With the veins in his neck standing out from holding back his laughter, Micael looked intensely at the smiling girl in front of him as he tried to move her hands away from his side.

But unsurprisingly, he found himself unable to push her away, her hand seemed immobile.

In the end, he only saw another alternative and went for the counterattack, in a quick movement, his hand went to the girl's neck and started his own attack.

Moving his fingers skillfully, Micael began to tickle her too.


And Rias in turn found herself unable to contain the laughter that escaped her mouth for a moment, Micael didn't need to use any power, her sensitivity made it unnecessary.

Biting her lip as she held back her laughter, Rias looked intensely at the boy as she increased her attack.

Writhing in reaction, Micael increased the intensity of his own attack, making the girl lean her head over his hand.

And then, for a short but difficult moment, the two tickled each other while staring at each other intensely with irritated gazes, like two idiots.

But Micael knew he couldn't stay like this any longer, so, changing tactics, in a quick movement and taking her by surprise, he released the arm she was holding.

And even more quickly, literally at superhuman speed, he began his attack, using both hands to tickle her while quickly alternating between her neck and sides.

Rias being completely taken by surprise, she was unable to react in time, and under Micael's intense attack, she found herself unable to resist.


Despite her request, Micael ignored her and instead continued his relentless attack while gritting his teeth; he was clearly angered by what she did.

"Ahahaha-No!-ahahaha-Stop you!-hahaha..."

As she squirmed under his relentless assault, she tried to move away from him, causing Micael to slowly approach her and stand up slightly on the bench.


While feeling a mix of irritation and embarrassment, Rias realized that she couldn't stay like this, so she had the idea to escape from his hands and simply get away from him.

As she squirmed under his attack, she slowly turned onto her side, preparing to run away from him, however, because she was squirming, her body was spasming.

Which means that, in a completely involuntary act, her leg that was on the bench ended up kicking Micael's left leg, precisely the leg he was using as support.

Which resulted in Micael, who was already leaning towards her, ending up falling towards her.

And ironically, even though she was stronger, she weighed less than him, which meant Rias couldn't do anything but be held down by him.

But that wasn't all, when she fell, as her body was positioning itself before being able to leave the bench, she was about to fall to the ground, causing her to instinctively turn around quickly and place her left arm on the ground for support.

And the result of that was that she had the right side of her body pressed against the seat and the left side outside of it, but that wasn't the worst of it.

With her mind short-circuiting and her heart racing, Rias breathed hard along with the blush that appeared on her face, all because of Micael's body pressed against hers.

Slowly moving her eyes to the side, Rias looked through her strands of hair at Micael's face, which was just inches from hers.

And as she did this, her mind was becoming aware of various sensations.

The smell of him came first, followed by body heat, but then it moved on to the hard feeling of his chest on her upper back and his hard abdomen on her lower back. 

And, most importantly, something soft and thick, along with two other semi-hard things directly touching her ass.

Rias didn't have to try very hard to know what that was, which caused the blush on her face to increase even more and her eyes to tremble with her racing heart.

And while Rias screamed internally, Micael just stood there in disbelief, however, he didn't waste much time in his reflection as he became aware of his position.

Feeling similar sensations to Rias, such as her smell and heat, the counterpoint is that her body was soft and smooth, It was that same but extreme softness and smoothness that surrounded his member that made him conscious.

With that familiar and extremely pleasant sensation sending signals to his brain, Micael soon felt the blood flow downwards, his member slowly waking up.

And with that, even though his mind for a brief second told him to continue enjoying the wonderful feeling of Rias' ass, Micael quickly pulled away.

From Rias' perspective, she saw Micael's slightly widened eyes and slightly open mouth in shock change to a calm face before he quickly turned away from her.

With Micael moving away from her, he raised his arms in surrender as he watched the girl quickly stand up as well.

With her face completely red, Rias awkwardly adjusted her clothes without looking at him.

Micael observed her behavior with his arms raised before lowering them and starting to fix his own clothes.

That done, a strange atmosphere remained between them, Micael looked at her with a tense smile and Rias looked at anything but him.

Seeing how incapacitated she looked, Micael spoke with the corner of his mouth twitching. — "I think I better go."

Upon hearing his words, Rias looked at him, blinking her eyes quickly before smiling, brushing her hair behind her ear, she said as calmly as she could and with a huge blush. — "Yes, I'll see you later."

With a nod, Micael said goodbye. — "Bye."

Rias responded with a nod as well, still smiling. — "Bye." 

She then started to walk away, walking towards the school.

Soon, her steps increased in speed, quickly turning into a run.

Looking at the back of the girl who was running, seeming to run away from him, Micael ran his hand through his hair while muttering. — "Well, that escalated pretty quickly."

Soon, he himself started walking towards the school exit.


As he walked down the sidewalk towards his house, Micael reflected on what had happened a few minutes ago.

Honestly, he was speechless, he was already used to his supposed perverted luck but it still always surprised him with how ridiculous it was.

He just hoped that Rias wouldn't stop talking to him because of this, especially considering he didn't even know why she had avoided him before, there was no way he could continue the subject.

But how she reacted, looking quite calm despite everything, the situation is probably not that bad, he can only wait and see.

He will naturally talk about it with her, but of course only when the situation improves.

"Sigh." — Sighing, Micael walked with his hands in his pockets and a tired look, his mind focused on this situation with Rias.

And it was thanks to this unfocused state in his mind that he didn't notice the change around him.

Stopping, Micael slowly returned his focus to the environment around him, noticing the strangeness, making him look suspiciously as he found the situation familiar.

"Okay, something's wrong not is right." — Mumbling under his breath, he looked around cautiously, until he heard footsteps slowly approaching.

Moving his gaze forward, Micael saw two men appearing from seemingly nowhere, but that wasn't the biggest problem, it was the clothes.

Upon seeing the familiar clothes that the two men, one white and the other black, wore, Micael could only give one answer.

"Fuck." — He said with an expressionless face.