New Capsule

(Morning, 8 am)

Daniel stirred awake as a gentle ray of sunlight peeked through the curtains and warmed his face. A yawn escaped his lips as he stretched.

Wanting to take a shower, he made his way to the bathroom. He stepped inside the compact bathroom, the familiar scent of his shampoo greeting him.

He turned the shower on and washed every corner of his body cleanly.

"Ahhh~ Nothing can compare to a fresh morning shower!" Stepping out of the shower, he grabbed a fluffy towel and patted himself dry. With a satisfied sigh, he rummaged through his clothes, settling on a bright yellow t-shirt that were a perfect match for his black pants.

Hunger gnawed at his stomach, so he headed to the kitchen after putting the clothes on.

After toasting some bread, he went to the dining table and ate all of it with butter and a cup of coffee before heading back to his room.

He checked his phone and went to see the results of the auction on the website. His body was trembling with fear and excitement.

"Ohh!" His jaw dropped upon seeing the amount of money he gained from the auction. "Holy moly!" A grin appeared on his face as he looked at the unbelievable auction results.

[Player: Anonymous]

[Money made: $ 100,550]

"Oh hell yeah! I can now buy a vr capsule!" He quickly sprinted to the computer and opened up a website on the WaterFox browser.

He clicked on the search box using the cursor and searched for the Vr Capsule.

"There it is!" He found the capsule and quickly placed an order. It cost him a large sum of money, but he had more than enough to buy it.

"There goes my 50,000 Dollars..." He felt like crying, but then again, it was a small investment for a better future.

"I just have to wait now... I don't have to rent a capsule everytime I wanna play now." He felt excited to try the vr capsule. It is a totally different experience when you own the vr capsule instead of renting it.

"I bought the high-tier capsule, let's see how good it is compared to the low-tier one." He switched the computer off and started reading several posts on the game forum website on his phone.

[Anonymous Player auctions epic rated items!]

[The player has sold the Orc Champion Armor set, the orc mace and many more items.]

[Is he an overpowered hidden ranker?]

Daniel blinked, momentarily taken aback, "What the...?! They are talking about me, right?" He didn't expect that he'd be a hot topic on the forums.

"Ahh, good thing I hid my identity." He sighed in relief and checked the comments.

[Yun: He must be a big shot!]

[Meew: Yeah, must be a heir of a filthy rich person...]

[Noon: Nah, he might be a pro player who grinds a lot.]

[NerdG: Fool! If he was a pro, why would he only auction these items now? Wouldn't he have been a hot topic since the beginning then?]

[HolyCat: what if he was hiding his identity from the beginning, and now decided to go for fame?]

[Mizu: if he wanted fame, why would he keep his identity hidden from the world?]

[Pika: I hate these filthy rich p2w noobs!!]

[BigBruh: bro... You're just jealous...]


Daniel laughed at the comments and the replies, he found it funny that people took him as a filthy rich p2w player.

"Well, I am getting rich now, but I'm not an extreme p2w player lol." He kept laughing for a while before closing the forums.

"It's been 2 hours since I placed an order, the delivery man can ring the bell anytime soon." He went to the living room and sat on the couch comfortably.

After waiting for 30 minutes, someone ringed the doorbell. Daniel rushed towards the door and opened it in a hurry.

A delievery man who was a bit startled by his actions was standing outside the door. Embarassment colored Daniel's cheeks. He scratched the back of his had and smiled weirdly.

"Sorry, I, uh..." he fumbled, the words sticking in his suddenly dry throat.

"May I know the one-time pin, sir?" The delivery man calmly asked him for the one time pin.

Daniel took out his phone from the pocket and unlocked it. He squinted at the bright screen, eyes straining to locate the elusive code amid the flutter of notifications.

"Ah, here it is," he muttered to himself. "It's 1-9-3-4-2." He read out the numbers one by one to make sure everything was correct.

With a quick tap of his scanner, the uniformed man confirmed the authentication. Offering a polite nod, he retrieved the parcel from the truck and extended it towards Daniel.

"Here you go, sir. Have a good one." The delivery man drove his truck away after making the delivery.

"Gosh... Why did I act so childishly?" Daniel muttered after taking the package, his cheeks still burning. Shaking his head, he retreated into the house, the door clicking shut behind him.

He put the parcel down on the floor carefully, making sure not to damage anything. He unpacked the parcel and took the capsule parts out one by one.

"Alright! Time to assemble it." He took out the large manual sheet from the box and read it carefully.

*** (one hour later)

Daniel finally finished assmebling the VR capsule in his bedroom. The capsule was ready to be used at any given time now.

He was super excited to test it out, so he quickly entered the capsule and closed it after lying comfortably inside it. He touched the start button and a familiar voice rang in his head.

[Loading World...]

[Welcome back, Fate!] (Author: In-game name of Daniel)

"Haah..." After being teleported inside the game, Daniel realised that his senses inside the game were now better than ever before.

"This is why the high-grade capsule is so expensive!" He extended his arms wide open and felt the gentle air touching his body.

"This investment was definitely worth it! It might help me during battles as well." Heightened senses means he could perform better during battles. Daniel didn't regret buying the capsule at all.

He then looked at Lumi, who was sitting comfortably on a piece of cloth lying on the floor.

"I'm back, Lumi!" Daniel picked her up from the ground and caressed her fur while putting her on his shoulder.


"It's time, Lumi... I'm gonna speed up our leveling pace, we need to become as string as possible." Daniel said with a determined face. He got the opportunity, now he just had to use it efficiently.

"Let's go?" He looked at Lumi, waiting for an answer like a loyal servant would wait for his queen's order.

"Nyaa!" Lumi extended her arm like the commander of an army, signalling at her comrade to march forward.

"Let's go!"