
Daniel looked up at the massive adventure guild building. It was very large and well built. There were fancy stone carvings on the entrance. He slowly entered the building.

The room had a high ceiling and long counters where quest givers stood. Daniel walked up to the one on his right. "Hello, I want to take on a quest," he waved at the quest giver.

The quest giver nodded. "We need someone brave to hunt the Hobgoblin in the Rock cave Dungeon. He's been causing a lot of trouble recently. Think you can defeat him?"

Daniel took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I'll take that quest!"

The quest giver handed Daniel a map showing where the dungeon was. He briefly explained to him about the dungeon and the monsters.

"Alright, young knight! I hope you finish this job safely. I will reward you handsomely for completing this task." The quest giver patted Daniel's shoulder, before getting back to his paperwork.

Daniel left with a slight nod. He was heading straight to the Rock Cave Dungeon. Wasting any more time wouldn't do him any good.

"Ah, right! I have to buy a teleportation book." He first went to the magical library, and bought a high-grade teleportation book which could store 20 teleportation locations.

"Great! With this, I don't have to worry about travelling back and forth on foot." He quickly registered the city in the book. The book started glowing in blue for a moment, before going back to its original state. Now, a slot in the book was filled. The name of the city was written on the page.

"Aww.. I still have to go to the forest first… only then can I register it in the book and teleport there." He wanted to cry, but instead of wasting any time, he headed to the forest.

There were many players hunting in the outer parts of the forest. Some were hunting the most basic monsters in the area, others were going for the stronger ones.

Some of these people were eagerly waiting to steal other people's kills. There were even people who liked to player-kill. These player killers received an immense amount of money, but they also received a big penalty for doing so.

Some were even banned from the city, while some were put in jail for a certain period of time, depending on their kill count. On top of it, some shop owners in the city would drive these people out of their shops to avoid trouble.

Overall, player killers were like online bullies, who liked to steal, kill, and cause trouble.

Daniel had never met any of these weirdos personally, but he was aware of their existence, and he was always cautious of other players who approached him for no reason.

"Hmm… the dungeon should be somewhere here…" Daniel arrived near the dungeon. He looked at the map and followed the mark. After a minute, he found a strange, dark cave.

He very cautiously stepped inside the cave. It was a little warmer inside the cave than outside. Daniel took out a fire torch, illuminating the surroundings and slowly walked further inside.

Lumi was sitting silently on his shoulder, not making any noise at all.

After walking for a few minutes, Daniel started hearing the growling sounds of monsters.

"I can sneak attack them! Lumi, don't make any sound for a while, okay?" He instructed Lumi.

*Nod* Lumi nodded in response.

"Good." Daniel stealthily walked towards the goblins which were sitting around a bonfire.

"Grahh!" The goblins were eating meat and enjoying their time, dancing and making weird noises.

"Looks like this will be their last party." Daniel chuckled and prepared his heavy long sword.

He tightly clenched the sword handle in his hands, ready to attack at any given moment.

"Alright… here we go!" He rushed at the goblins, taking them by surprise. They couldn't even pick their weapons up because it happened so suddenly.

*Slash* Daniel's sharp sword slashed 5 goblins in one strike. They dropped down on the ground lifelessly.

"Grahh!" The other goblins got enough time to pick their weapons up. They were mad at Daniel for murdering their comrades. All of them charged towards him at once, some holding spears while the others holding swords in their hands.

"Grahhhk-!" Daniel swiftly stabbed the chest of the strongest gobbling among the horde, instilling fear in the other weaker ones.

Blood splattered on the ground, painting it crimson red. Daniel's arms were all dirty because of the goblin blood. There was a foul, unpleasant smell being emanated from the goblin blood.

After a minute, only 4 goblins were left, they didn't even try to struggle to survive. They just patiently waited in a corner for death to come and reap their souls.

"Hahaha, this saves me a lot of trouble." Daniel looked like a blood hungry maniac when fighting monsters. Anyone would be scared after seeing him in this state.

Lumi watched the battle from the sidelines. She didn't even have to interfere, as her servant was more than enough for these puny little insects.

"Nya~" after Daniel finished the remaining goblins off, Lumi went back to sitting on his shoulder.

She looked at him proudly. Her master was as strong as her. As a divine being, she would not even look at normal humans. She only respected the people who were as strong as her.

"Alright, this was just a slight warm-up. The real show begins now!" Daniel slowly walked towards the next area. He could already hear the fierce sound of those crazy goblins.

They were probably not going to be as lazy as these normal goblin guards. They were always on high alert, ready to burn their enemy alive.

"The gains from this dungeon are pretty good… maybe I should grind my levels here?" This was the highest level dungeon in his current area. After level 150, he could leave for the next area, where more challenges and new monsters awaited.

"This place is ideal for grinding till level 150. I will quickly finish the quest, and grind here all day long afterwards." He made up his plans. He was determined to quickly get past level 150.

"Let's go, then…"