2nd Stage

The centipede swayed its tail at Daniel, but Stone lunged at it, taking the attack head-on. The collision reverberated through the cave. Both the beasts took heavy damage from it. Stone successfully shielded Daniel from the centipede's attack, but he lost his right arm during the collision.

On the other hand, the centipede's tail was now a crushed mess. It squirmed in pain, its shadow figure flickering in dim light.

Noticing it struggling to get up from the ground, Daniel knew that this was his chance. "Lumi, use the curse of misfortune on the centipede!" he shouted. Lumi nodded, her eyes glowing with magical energy as she prepared her spell. A bright magic circle formed below the centipede, inflicting the curse of misfortune on it.

The curse took effect immediately after the magic circle vanished. The centipede was about to get up from the ground, however, it suddenly fell onto the ground, generating a powerful shockwave. "Hahaha, who allowed you to get up?" Daniel laughed, preparing his next attack. He didn't want to miss this fine chance.

Raising his greatsword, he lunged at the centipede. "Hyaap!" He swung his greatsword, piercing the thick flesh of the centipede. It was hard to get through its defense but Daniel's sword wasn't ordinary. He swiftly sliced the centipede's flesh, leaving deep gashes on it.

The centipede let out a vicious hiss and a system notification suddenly rang in Daniel's ears.

[Shadow Centipede has entered stage 2! Health fully restored! A new skill set has been unlocked!]

The Centipede covered by its shadow let off the faintest glow of ruby before its exoskeleton exploded and formed new scales of scarlet glowing under what little light was offered to it

Daniel retreated a few steps back, trying to grasp the situation. He had never faced something like this before. "Stone, don't let it come near me!" He shouted, taking cover behind a rock. What he didn't realise was that the centipede's attack pattern and any attack that it made had been changed.

Stone used his remaining arm to hit the centipede's head, but it was not a bit affected by the impact. Daniel's eyes widened in shock, seeing the terrifying results. Nico who was watching from the sidelines had a smirk on his face. He understood the situation very well because he himself had faced the centipede countless times in the past.

"You fool, get away from that rock unless you want your body to melt into a bloody heap on the ground!" Nico shouted. As if on cue the Centipede launched its Acid attack at the rock Daniel was hiding behind and melting it to the ground. Daniel barely dodged its next attack rolling out of the way before it used the pincers on its tail to drill the ground beside him, kicking up dust and blinding the team. The Centipede's blazing ruby eyes pierced through the dust cloud and sent a cold shiver running down Daniel's spine.

A notification sound rang in his ears, diverting his attention from the Centipede.

[Golem 'Stone' is dead! You have to wait for 12 hours before you can summon it again!]

"Damn, such bad timing!" Daniel cursed under his breath. It felt like the system was plotting to kill him. Shaking his head, he turned his gaze to the Centipede. He didn't want to be cooked alive and prepared his greatsword. He didn't need to use any skills from the start, however, it was now time for him to use all of his cards.

He raised his sword and shouted, "Knight's Charge!" A dazzling aura enveloped his entire body and his sword. His speed was increased 2 folds, Faster than lightning Daniel slid under the Centipede and slammed his sword into its hard exoskeleton sending it into the wall, commanding Lumi to assist him. Lumi's eyes glowed and soon, a large fireball materialised over the Centipede's giant body.

"Please work…!" Daniel prayed, hoping for the best. He only wanted the centipede's armour to break. After that, he could easily handle it. As the fireball descended down onto the centipede's massive body, it could not help but wriggle around.

The fireball violently struck the centipede's thick dragon-like scales, causing some of them to break apart. The centipede cried in agony as its massive body fell on the ground.

Daniel found the perfect timing to land a fatal blow. He charged at the centipede, aiming at it's exposed flesh. Slicing downward he hit the weak point that was made for him. The Centipede Hissed and swung backward aiming for Lumi. Suddenly a blue chain made of energy appeared and Nico made his move.

"Now, Now that's not very nice…" Nico berated the giant creature locking it in place. He turned around not even fazed by the danger he was in. The Centipede was about to spit acid when its head fell to the floor with a cold thud. "This is why you cover your bases Daniel."

"You didn't have to kill it!" Dainel yelled at Nico. He sighed and turned to Lumi who seemed to be traumatised. "You okay?" Daniel looked at the supposed divine being.

Lumi's entire body was trembling in fear. Although she was a divine being, she was still a baby, not having enough battle experience. Daniel gently patted her fluffy fur and picked her up from the ground, comfortably putting her on his shoulder.

"Maybe you need some rest. I will give you glowing berries when we get back home." Patting her head one last time, Daniel turned towards the loot drops.

He went closer to the loot and picked it all up, storing it in his inventory.

[You've obtained a Boss Chest!]

[You've obtained the shadow centipede's scale x 2!]

[You've obtained the shadow centipede's leg x 1]

[You've obtained a golden chest!]

"Huh… the rewards don't look really good, but it's fine as long as I get the chests." Daniel sighed, closing the rewards panel.

"You do know I got the Rare drop for killing it right?" Nico looked at Daniel like he should know this. "Just your luck eh?" Nico laughed as he walked away.

"Uhh?" Daniel looked at Lumi and then at the retreating figure of Nico and yelled after him. "Wait up! What is it?! Plus, why do you need that drop??" Daniel chased after him.

(Author: guys, here's today's chap! Hope you enjoy it! Also, the powerstone count is low right now, we need to go up in the rankings. And to do that, you need to support the book by sending power stones! Please send PowerStones and other possible gifts to support and encourage me! Ty!)