
Daniel passed through the elaborately carved archway, entering the tranquil courtyard of the Elven Council building. Standing there was a beautiful elf lady, the sun casting a shine on her dark hair. As if sensing something, she turned around and saw Daniel staring at her.

"Ah? Welcome to the elven council, Fate!" She immediately got up and walked towards him. A bright smile lit up her delicate face as she extended her slender arm to welcome him.

Daniel greeted her with a gentle handshake and a smile.

"Hello, Aralith," he said, admiring her beauty for a moment before realizing he had been staring.

"Oh! I apologize for that," he added with an awkward smile, offering his apology.

"It's alright." Aralith chuckled, seeing the pink hue on Daniel's cheeks. This was not the first time someone had stared at her; she was a supermodel-like figure after all. She could easily charm countless men around the world with her dazzling looks.